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Just to remember: NT likes string of the following form:

typedef struct _UNICODE_STRING { USHORT Length; USHORT MaximumLength; PWSTR Buffer; } UNICODE_STRING; typedef UNICODE_STRING *PUNICODE_STRING; typedef struct _STRING { USHORT Length; USHORT MaximumLength; PCHAR Buffer; } STRING; typedef STRING *PSTRING; typedef STRING ANSI_STRING; typedef PSTRING PANSI_STRING;

To make life easier MS have extended kernel CRTL output() function with Z format specifier. This works for all kernel functions those understand formatted strings (e.g. sprintf, _vsnprintf, KdPrint/DbgPrint). For example:
PUNICODE_STRING pUStr; PANSI_STRING pAStr; ... KdPrint(("Unicode string: %wZ\n", pUStr)); KdPrint(("ANSI string: %Z\n", pAStr));

Though, you can use a little more complicated documented way. Btw, this form is suitable for printing byte array of strictly defined length.
KdPrint(("Unicode string: %*.*ws\n",pUStr->Length/sizeof(WCHAR), pUStr->Length/sizeof(WCHAR), pUStr)); KdPrint(("Unicode string: %*.*S\n",pUStr->Length/sizeof(WCHAR), pUStr->Length/sizeof(WCHAR), pUStr)); KdPrint(("ANSI string: %*.*s\n", pAStr->Length/sizeof(CHAR), pAStr->Length/sizeof(CHAR), pAStr));

Or, if you want to take into account NULL-terminator, but limit output length to specified number of characters:
KdPrint(("Unicode string: %.*ws\n", pUStr->Length/sizeof(WCHAR), pUStr)); KdPrint(("Unicode string: %.*S\n", pUStr->Length/sizeof(WCHAR), pUStr)); KdPrint(("ANSI string: %.*s\n", pAStr->Length/sizeof(CHAR), pAStr));

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