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Rain, Manilac Melissa S.


Ms. Norieza Quindoza-Marte

December 6, 2011


What are the three values that guide your life?


This is one of the values I chose to live by. Sometimes, it is appropriate for us to put someone elses needs first before our own, because it is not proper to be just always self centered and righteous. Along with the sacrifice comes discomfort, perhaps, even some pain. But later on, we will soon realize how this value will give a big impact in our lives. Indeed, this is the epitome of virtue wherein we can feel the true success by having someont to share with it. (No Pain. No Gain) Love & Patience

This value is the reason of my existence. It is the single most importance source of my light and energy, where I can tap into when I need to be filled-up or when I see the need to fill someone else up with grace, hope and our love. Authenticity and Dependability

The most cherished value I have is being always dependable to God. Whatever I do, I let God decide whats best for me, even though I dont agree with it. Authenticity is about being honest, genuine and real. Showing our true selves by not compromising our values to be accepted by others are the desirable qualities for being a true friend to others.

2. Who taught you these values?

As they say, it is your parents who mold the values you have in your life. Ergo to say, it is my parents who have been the foundation of these values. However, friends and relatives are one of those who enhance and influence what values I nurtured right at this moment.

3. Give an instance in your life where you take the course of action.
During the darkest moments in my life, like embracing consequences in school ALONE, and the feeling of being unloved. These values are the reason that keeps me going and not giving up in my life. These are the values that serves as a road map that guides my life with more purposefil direction and decision. This makes me strong that will help me realize my collective dreams. (When God will hand me lemons, then Ill better make a lemonade. In short, it is taking what we have been given and making the best out of it.)

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