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Mtodo NUT

El Mtodo del Nmero de Unidades de Transferencia (NUT) se usa para calcular la velocidad de transmisin de calor en Intercambiadores de calor (especialmente en contracorriente) cuando no hay informacin suficiente para calcular la Diferencia de Temperaturas Media Logartmica (DTML). The method proceeds by calculating the heat capacity rates (i.e. flow rate multiplied by specific heat) Ch and Cc for the hot and cold fluids respectively, and denoting the smaller one asCmin. A quantity

is then found. This value of qmax is the maximum heat which could be transferred between the fluids. The effectiveness, E is then defined in terms of that maximum:

where q = Ch(Th,i Th,o) = Cc(Tc,o Tc,i) is the actual heat transferred between the fluids.. For given geometries, E can be calculated using correlations in terms of the 'heat capacity ratio'

and the number of transfer units, NTU

where U is the overall heat transfer coefficient and A is the heat transfer area.

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