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Flow Chart For Bezier Curve Programming


Input Value for X vector and Y vector

Define variables a , b and initialize their value a=b=0

a= (number of columns of vector X -1) b=(number of columns of vector Y -1)

If a==b


Dimensions of X- vector and Y-vector are different

True Define and Initialize e vector such that it is a Symbolic Null Matrix STOP

For r=1:1:a

If ra

Define p as a symbolic character,

Define variable q, A q=(combination(a,r)*(p^r)*(1-p)^(a-r)); (r=a)

Define variable r, r=transpose of e

Define and initialize f , g, f=x*r; g=y*r;

Create an array p; p=0:0.05:1

Substitute the symbolic p with array p in f and g; k=subs(f,p); i=subs(g,p);

Plot the graph k against i

For j=1:1: (a+1)

( j( a+1 ) )

Define variables l and m, such that l=x(1:j); m=y(1:j); STOP ( j=(a+1) )

Plot points l against m

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