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Waking Up Stretching Cardio and Stamina 15 mins 15 min 20-30 min -

[]laps Yoga, Top to toes warm up - 3 2 TOP Speed - CHEST AND BACK - , Super man, Triceps ledge exercise Wheel barrow and Crab crawl

6:30 6:45 6:45 7:00 7:00 7:30

First Mandatory Core Building Drill

30 mins

7:30 8:00

Muscle Developing 20 min

Second muscle group

15 mins

Abs Building and Lower back Cool down

15 min 10 mins

Push ups (Crawling Spider, 10 seconds) - , shoulders, - Hand stands ( even if the person cannot push him or herself up, still hand stands seems to make the shoulders strong and force the body to be straight which helps), - Human Clock 1,2 x 50 times - Brooming The Floor - Crunch - Dead Fish - Swiss Army - Stretching

8:00 8:20

8:20 8:35

8:35 8:50 8:50 9:00

2012 DB Training Routine

Notes Increasing Resistance from Monday to Thursday, Focus on Stretching on Friday. Every Week, we should plan a Building Team Spirit Activity. (Blinding Guidance, Rope War)

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