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DAY 01 - Sunday

Upper body and lower body. HIIT style of training for fat burn and keep out heart rate level in fat burn zone.
Cardio warm-up
Elliptical ,treadmill - 5 min.
Push ups 3sets 15 reps(30sec rest between set)
Squats 3 sets 15 reps(30sec rest between set)
Dumbbell rear lung 3 sets 20reps(45sec rest)
Lays down and stand ups 3sets 30seconds(30 sec rest)
Bridges 3 sets 15reps(30sec rest)
Plank 3 sets 30second(30sec rest)

Lower back stretching 10sec
Calves stretching 10sec
Legs stretching 10sec

Incline walking 8%-15% with 3,5 4,6km/h to keep heart rate in level of fat burn.
FDAY 02 - Tuesday

Upper body. HIIT style of training for fat burn and increasing power of arms and shoulders.
Cardio warm-up
Elliptical ,treadmill 5min
Shoulder press with bars ,plates ,dumbbell 3 sets 15reps(30sec rest)
Shadow fight 3 sets 30sec(30sec rest)
Front dumbbell raise 3 sets 15 reps(30 sec rest)
Side dumbbell lateral raise 3sets 15reps(30 sec rest)
Rare dumbbell lateral raise 3sets 15reps(30 sec rest)
Biceps curls 3sets 15reps(30sec rest)
Triceps overhead press 3sets 15reps(30sec rest)
Diamond push-ups 3sets 15reps(30 sec rest)
Crunches - 4sets 12 reps(15sec rest)
Air bike 4 sets 20seconds(15 sec rest)

Arm stretching 3x10sec
Shoulder stretching 3x10sec
Chest stretching 3x10sec

Incline walking 8%-15% with 3,5 4,6km/h to keep heart rate in level of fat burn.
FDAY 03 - Thursday
Lower body. HIIT style of training for fat burn and increasing strength lower parts of body and core.
Cardio warm-up
Elliptical ,treadmill -5 min
Dumbbell deadlift 3 sets 15 reps(30sec rest)
Romanian deadlift 3sets 15 reps(30sec rest)
Reverse grip bent-over rows 3sets 15 reps(30sec rest)
Lay down and stand ups 3 sets 30 sec(30sec rest)
Bridges 3sets 20reps(30sec rest)
Plank 3sets 20sec(30 sec rest)
Back extensions 3sets 15reps(30sec rest)
Russian twist 3sets 20reps(30sec rest)

Back stretching 10sec
Hamstrings stretching 10sec
Calves stretching 10sec
Quads stretching 10sec

Incline walking 8%-15% with 3,5 4,6km /h to keep heart rate in level of fat burn.
*** Training for gain/lost weight. Depends on customers goals ***
FDAY 01 - Sunday
Hammer chest press 4sets 12,10,10,8reps(1min rest)
Bench press 4sets 12,10,8,6reps(1min rest)
Dumbbell flyes 4 sets 10reps(1 min rest)
Push ups 4 sets 10reps(1 min rest)
Pullover- 5 sets 12 reps(1 min rest)

Chest stretching 10sec 3 sets

Crunches 4 sets 15 reps(30sec rest)
Russian twist 4sets 10 reps(30sec rest)

Incline walking 8%-15% with 3,5 4,6km/h to keep heart rate in level of fat burn.
FDAY 02 - Tuesday

Pull ups 4 sets 10reps(1,30 sec rest)
Wide grip pull down 4 sets 12,10,8,6reps(1,30sec rest)
T-bar row 4 sets 12,10,10,8reps(1,30sec rest)
Bent Over Two-dumbbell row 3sets 10 reps(1,30sec rest)
Bridges 4sets 15reps(1,30sec)

Back stretching -10 sec 3 sets

Incline walking 8%-15% with 3,5 4,6km/h to
keep heart rate in level of fat burn.
FDAY 03 - Thursday

Row triceps push down 4 sets 12reps(1min rest)
Close grip barbell bench press 4 sets 12,10,10,8(1min rest)
Dumbbell triceps extensions 4 sets 15 reps(1min rest)
Overhead triceps press 4 sets 12,10,10,8 reps(1min rest)
21 rep biceps curl 3 sets 7,7,7(1min rest)
Concentration biceps curl 4sets 10 reps(1min reps)
Hammer curls 4 sets 15reps(1min rest)
Arms stretching 10 sec 3 sets

Bent-Knee hip rise 4sets 15reps
Oblique crunches 4sets 15reps
Plank 3sets 30sec

Incline walking 8%-15% with 3,5 4,6km/h to keep heart rate in level of fat burn.
FDAY 04 - Friday

Military press 4sets 12reps(1min rest)
Side dumbbell lateral raise 3sets 15reps(1min rest)
Rare dumbbell lateral raise 3sets 15reps(1min rest)
Front dumbbell raise 3 sets 15 reps(30 sec rest)
Upright barbell row 4sets 12,10,10,8reps(1,30sec rest)
Shrugs 4 sets 15reps(1min rest)

Incline walking 8%-15% with 3,5 4,6km/h to
keep heart rate in level of fat burn.
FDAY 05 - Saturday

Squats 4 sets 12,10,10,8(1,30 min rest)
Leg press 4 sets 10reps(1,30min rest)
Dumbbell lunges 4 sets 10 reps(each leg 10reps)(1,30sec rest)
Romanian deadlifts 4 sets 15 reps(1,30sec rest)
Standing calves raising 4 sets 15reps(1,30sec rest)

Jackknifes 4sets 20reps(30sec rest)
Bench legs raises 4 sets 15reps(30 sec rest)
Side plank 4 sets 30sec each side(30 sec rest)

Incline walking 8%-15% with 3,5 4,6km/h to keep heart
rate in level of fat burn.

Zumba Circuit Training

16:30 17:30

Cardio Mix Zumba

Low Impact Aero Ask the instructor

18:00 19:00

Step Zumba

** Personal training will be done after the classes timing **

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