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Maria da Conceio Tavares is a portuguese with brazilian citizenship economist that has born in april 24 of 1930.

Daughter of a catholic mother and anarquist father, she had arrived in Brazil at feburary 1954. She became famous for being an important influence in the economic thought of Brazilian left parties. Addict to cigarette and with strong behavior, she use her husky voice to emphasize her opinions about the correct way for Brazilian economic development taking account the improvement of the economic-social situation of Brazilian people. I first became aware of her when I was begun my first steps at the economic college of UFRJ. She was my teacher in the discipline Latin American Economic History and I was amazed about her life experience. During the Brazilian dictatorship she had exiled herself at Santiago and, with others famous economist work at CEPAL (Economic Commission for Latin American), she made the cornerstone of Latin American development theory. Despite some divergence opinion that I have about her economic thought, I respect her a lot because she really try to do her best for Brazilian development.

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