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Read the following letter from an advise column of a magazine and then answer the questions

Why shouldnt he help with the housework so I can

relax as well?
Weve been married nearly two years, both have full-time jobs
and lots of outside interests and are very happy. But the one thing we
cant agree on is housework. I hate it and do the least I can to keep
the house bearable to live in. But this still means rushing round most
evenings when were not out. My husband washes up three times a
week and sometimes loads the washing- machine and thats all.
Ive tried asking him to help with the vacuuming and cleaning but he
doesnt want to know its really not that important to him. But he
makes as much mess as I do, so why should I have to do everything?
And I cant I ever sit down and watch TV all evening without
thinking I should be doing some cleaning?

a) What are this womans complaints?

b) Do you think they are justified? Why/Why not?
c) If you were the one she was writing to, what advice would you give her?
2. Rephrase the following sentences/expressions:
a. outside interests
b. keep the house bearable to live in
c. rushing round
d. washes up three times a week
e. loads the washing machine
f. he makes as much mess as I do

3. Now read the answer to the previous letter, and say whether you agree with the ideas contained
in it and why.
There are several reasons for your frustration all of them
alterable. First, you have to recognise that his priorities are
different from yours. A dust-free, shining house is not all that
important to him, but other things are like, perhaps, relaxing in
the evenings. You cant alter his priorities, only your own. So its
up to you to decide if a spick and a span home rather than an
occasional evenings relaxation. Second, you need to get rid of the
element of competition on the subject of housework. The
importance of proving youre always on the go and he just doesnt
care has overridden the real point, which is that youre on the same
side in making your home a haven comfort and peace of mind for
both of you. You both obviously work hard and play hard. It would
be madness to make your house an area of all-out effort and
pressure as well. Third, no-one likes acting as second mate. Instead
of delegating jobs to him, see if hed be more willing to take
complete charge of some particular area.

4. Rephrase the following sentences/expressions:

a. a dust-free shining house
b. has overridden the real point
c. acting as second mate
5. Translate the first letter.

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