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Tom’s S tory

Written and Illustrated by

Anthony Bishop
This is a special book

It is a book about Tom

Tom lives in
a big city

It is aTom’s
about has a red
roof P 2
When Tom was a baby
he was very special

He was adopted
Adoption is when your
parents pick you to be

They chose Tom

especially P4
Tom's natural parents
couldn’t look after him

They gave him to the

hospital to be adopted P5
Tom's parents love him
very much

As Tom gets bigger he
likes to help his D ad

Tom only has a small

mower P7
Tom likes to help his
M other

He sets the table

Jim is Toms best friend

They play in Jim's back

yard P9
Tom has a dog named
R asputin

Tom just calls him S cruffy

P 10
Toms parents tuck him
in each night

Tom loves his parents

P 11
Tom is a very special boy

Tom is just like you

P 12
Tom’s S tory
is dedicated to M um and D ad
© Anthony Bishop
1980, 2004

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