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14-b AUTHORIZING AN AGREEMENT WITH COLUMBIA DEVELOPMENT GROUP, LLC REGARDING A SITE FOR THE NEW FAMILY COURT FACILITY Introduced: 4/14/03 By Court Facilities Committee: WHEREAS, By Resolution No. 174 for 2002, this Honorable Body authorized the County Executive to seek proposals regarding a site for the new Family Court Facility, and WHEREAS, The Department of General Services through the County Purchasing Agent issued a request for proposals and on November 8, 2002 four proposals were received pertaining to a site for the new Family Court Facility, and WHEREAS, An evaluation committee comprised of the Court Facilities Project Manager, representatives from the County Executives Office and the Department of General Services reviewed and scored said proposals, and WHEREAS, The Court Facilities Committee conducted interviews for the two proposals that received the highest scores by the evaluation committee and recommended the proposal submitted by Columbia Development Group, LLC located at 26, 28.5-28, 30, 32, and 34 Clinton Avenue and 61 and 65-63 Orange Street in the City of Albany, now, therefore be it RESOLVED, By the Albany County Legislature that the County Executive is authorized to enter into an agreement with Columbia Development Group, LLC regarding a site for the new Family Court Facility to be located at 26, 28.528, 30, 32 and 34 Clinton Avenue and 61 and 65-63 Orange Street in the City of Albany for a twenty year lease with an option to purchase during the lease years negotiated by the County Attorney at an annual rent of $1,855,200 plus utilities, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the County Attorney is authorized to approve said agreement as to form and content, and, be it further RESOLVED, That the Clerk of the County Legislature is directed to forward certified copies of this resolution to the appropriate County Officials. Adopted by voice vote. 4/14/03

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