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The Story Once upon a time there was a vast kingdom that was made out of many universes,

subuniverses, countless stars and star clusters, galaxies, black holes, nebulas and planets and many many other forms of matter, energy and information. This kingdom was ruled by a powerful, wise and righteous ruler, that has enforced in the Beginning a set of Laws for all the forms of energy, information and matter to obey. After doing this, he stepped aside and watched the evolution of his kingdom and his inhabitants, giving them the freedom to choose their own path of evolution, within the natural boundaries set by the Laws. One day, one of the kings sons decided to start his apprenticeship with one of the highest Elders of the kingdom and learn how to become as wise and righteous as his father and thus bringing his contribution to the growth of the kingdom. After asking for the kings permission, the Elder then took him to the Halls of Departure and initiated him in the ways of evolution. - Young one, said the Elder, each and every being of this kingdom starts his individual journey through the vast kingdom in a hall like this one right here. He chooses a set of experiences he wants to go through and a form of matter in which to live these experiences, with the guidance of the High Council of Elders, of course, and then proceeds on his chosen path. - How is it done, Elder? - The beings consciousness is transferred in the non-biological or biological construct he chose to start with. - This is amazing, how is it possible? Isnt the high level of consciousness vibration too much to bear for the low vibration of the construct? The construct should get destroyed in the process. - Young one, that is precisely why it is done gradually and at different points of the constructs life span, also depending on the personal evolution, the Elder smiled. Even more, you always start with the lowest forms of matter, the non-biological, as they are more resilient to the high pressure. This allows you to safely learn how to wield this delicate process of embedding the informational algorithms and the energy patterns of your consciousness into the constructs matrix. - But will not my consciousness suffer then if it gets divided in this gradual embedding process, said the apprentice with a slight shudder? - Do not worry young one, you will be assisted by Three Watchers at all time, said the Elder. They will not leave your side and will take care of you and guide you throughout the entire experience, until it is time for you to exit the construct and become whole again. We will meet after each journey you take and we will discuss these matters further if you have any questions. Keep in mind that once you start, your actions within the matter and in thought will decide your future steps, so take care young one, pay attention to everything and stay alert so that you undertake the right actions at the right time. With these final words, they parted. The young apprentice embarked on his first journey and then went through countless experiences and grew with each and every one of them. He learned how to dive in nebulas, how to explore star clusters, how to ignite suns and how to collapse matter and create black holes; how to grow crystals and accumulate energy, how to collide planets and how to ride comets. He learned all there was to learn as a non-biological construct, gaining thus a greater understanding of them. - Well done young one, said the Elder. Now you will start to experience the biological part of your journey. This is the most intense, long and tiresome of them all, as it involves emotions. Mastering the emotional realm is critical for a growing consciousness, as you will

have to go through all of them. You will have to experience the entire range, from Fear up to Love. The trickiest part is that you do not handle them one at a time like you did with the first part of your path. You will have to face them in different combinations that will grow in complexity once you move forward on your path. - It does sound complicated, said the apprentice. Why do I have to do this? I know what emotions are.. - You now them in concept, smiled the Elder, but not in experience. They exist within you in potential, not as expression and the only way to bring them out is by taking the biological form and live them in their rawest forms. Careful now, as they are elusive and you might get lost in their entanglement. Many beings are still stuck on some levels in this realm and struggle very hard to surpass the obstacles. At some point, they just lost their focus and forgot what they were supposed to achieve in the first place. Thus they just sink deeper and deeper in the Mirage. - I heard of such places..planets that are on the farthest border of the kingdom and know not one of the most important Laws of all, the Law of Love and Forgiveness. I never understood why the king allows such places to exist. - They exist precisely because the king follows his own Laws, said the Elder - The Law of Love and Forgiveness and also the Law of Free Will. No matter how despicable is their existence in matter, energy and information on those types of planets, he still allows them to exist because he loves the beings that are stuck there, he forgives them for getting lost and he also respects their free will and allows them to find their own way back. Moreover, do not despise this class of planets as the beings that manage to pass this trial are the most experienced ones in the kingdom. Once they graduate that school they are entrusted with matters of high importance. - Like taking care of apprentices and guiding them on the Path, said the apprentice with a smile, looking deep into the Elders being, just as discovering him for the first time. - Yes, young one, indeed. You are most receptive indeed the king was surprise there though said the Elder laughing. He is always right. I am a graduate of one of those schools, and mark my words it is not an easy task to go through it. Anyway, after you will have done it we will meet again as there is one last step for you to take. - There is more than this? - Of course there is young one; The High Council of Elders is not the highest form of consciousness. Do not bother for now we will discuss this upon your return. And thus he departed once again and went through many journeys on different planets and learned how to master the range of emotions skillfully, presenting himself to the Elder afterwards. - Well done, said the Elder. You managed to master them gracefully. I have followed your evolution closely as at this point there are not many that can assist on these stages of your journey. - I felt as if there was a change at some point in the team of the Three Watchers. - Are you ready for the last step, you are supposed to take? - I am ready, Elder. - Then choose one of those planets that have lost their way and bestow on them the Law of Love and Forgiveness. You will go alone, and you will have only the king watching over you. So guidance on what to do you will receive from him alone. Fare well! The kings son stood alone for a while and then chose one of the planets as the Elder instructed him too, and started the process of embedding by himself as he has done countless times before. He then was born onto that planet as he has been born before and lived his life in a most complete form of consciousness merger with the biological structure.

He also received from his father the knowledge on how to reveal to the beings of that planet the Law he was supposed too, thus planting the seed of Light onto that Planet so that the Lost Ones can find their way back. He did it with Love and Grace and sacrificing his biological structure in an act of total commitment to the beings of that Planet, starting thus the process of Enlightenment and opening a path for those that were Lost that longed for too much time now for their Lost Home.

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