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<?php /* +----------------------------------------------------------------+ | | | WordPress 2.8 Plugin: WP-Polls 2.

62 | | Copyright (c) 2009 Lester "GaMerZ" Chan | | | | File Written By: | | - Lester "GaMerZ" Chan | | - | | | | File Information: | | - Uninstall WP-Polls | | - wp-content/plugins/wp-polls/polls-uninstall.php | | | +----------------------------------------------------------------+ */ ### Check Whether User Can Manage Polls if(!current_user_can('manage_polls')) { die('Access Denied'); } ### Variables Variables Variables $base_name = plugin_basename('wp-polls/polls-manager.php'); $base_page = 'admin.php?page='.$base_name; $mode = trim($_GET['mode']); $polls_tables = array($wpdb->pollsq, $wpdb->pollsa, $wpdb->pollsip); $polls_settings = array('poll_template_voteheader', 'poll_template_votebody', 'p oll_template_votefooter', 'poll_template_resultheader', 'poll_template_resultbod y', 'poll_template_resultbody2', 'poll_template_resultfooter', 'poll_template_re sultfooter2', 'poll_template_disable', 'poll_template_error', 'poll_currentpoll ', 'poll_latestpoll', 'poll_archive_perpage', 'poll_ans_sortby', 'poll_ans_sorto rder', 'poll_ans_result_sortby', 'poll_ans_result_sortorder', 'poll_logging_meth od', 'poll_allowtovote', 'poll_archive_show', 'poll_archive_url', 'poll_bar', 'p oll_close', 'poll_ajax_style', 'poll_template_pollarchivelink', 'widget_polls', 'poll_archive_displaypoll', 'poll_template_pollarchiveheader', 'poll_template_po llarchivefooter', 'poll_cookielog_expiry', 'widget_polls-widget'); ### Form Processing if(!empty($_POST['do'])) { // Decide What To Do switch($_POST['do']) { // Uninstall WP-Polls (By: Philippe Corbes) case __('UNINSTALL WP-Polls', 'wp-polls') :

check_admin_referer('wp-polls_uninstall'); if(trim($_POST['uninstall_poll_yes']) == 'yes') { echo '<div id="message" class="updated fade">'; echo '<p>'; foreach($polls_tables as $table) { $wpdb->query("DROP TABLE {$table}"); echo '<font style="color: green;">'; printf(__('Table \'%s\' has been deleted .', 'wp-polls'), "<strong><em>{$table}</em></strong>"); echo '</font><br />'; } echo '</p>'; echo '<p>'; foreach($polls_settings as $setting) { $delete_setting = delete_option($setting ); if($delete_setting) { echo '<font color="green">'; printf(__('Setting Key \'%s\' ha s been deleted.', 'wp-polls'), "<strong><em>{$setting}</em></strong>"); echo '</font><br />'; } } echo '</p>'; echo '</div>'; $mode = 'end-UNINSTALL'; } break; } } ### Determines Which Mode It Is switch($mode) { // Deactivating WP-Polls (By: Philippe Corbes) case 'end-UNINSTALL': $deactivate_url = wp_nonce_url('plugins.php?action=deact ivate&amp;plugin=wp-polls/wp-polls.php', 'deactivate-plugin_wp-polls/ p'); echo '<div class="wrap">'; echo '<div id="icon-wp-polls" class="icon32"><br /></div >'; echo '<h2>'.__('Uninstall WP-Polls', 'wp-polls').'</h2>' ; echo '<p><strong>'.sprintf(__('<a href="%s">Click Here</ a> To Finish The Uninstallation And WP-Polls Will Be Deactivated Automatically.' , 'wp-polls'), $deactivate_url).'</strong></p>'; echo '</div>'; break; // Main Page default: ?> <!-- Uninstall WP-Polls (By: Philippe Corbes) --> <form method="post" action="<?php echo admin_url('admin.php?page='.plugin_basena me(__FILE__)); ?>"> <?php wp_nonce_field('wp-polls_uninstall'); ?> <div class="wrap"> <div id="icon-wp-polls" class="icon32"><br /></div> <h2><?php _e('Uninstall WP-Polls', 'wp-polls'); ?></h2> <p>

<?php _e('Deactivating WP-Polls plugin does not remove any data that may have been created, such as the poll data and the poll\'s voting logs. T o completely remove this plugin, you can uninstall it here.', 'wp-polls'); ?> </p> <p style="color: red"> <strong><?php _e('WARNING:', 'wp-polls'); ?></strong><br /> <?php _e('Once uninstalled, this cannot be undone. You should us e a Database Backup plugin of WordPress to back up all the data first.', 'wp-pol ls'); ?> </p> <p style="color: red"> <strong><?php _e('The following WordPress Options/Tables will be DELETED:', 'wp-polls'); ?></strong><br /> </p> <table class="widefat"> <thead> <tr> <th><?php _e('WordPress Options', 'wp-polls'); ? ></th> <th><?php _e('WordPress Tables', 'wp-polls'); ?> </th> </tr> </thead> <tr> <td valign="top"> <ol> <?php foreach($polls_settings as $settings) { echo '<li>'.$settings.'</li>'."\ n"; } ?> </ol> </td> <td valign="top" class="alternate"> <ol> <?php foreach($polls_tables as $tables) { echo '<li>'.$tables.'</li>'."\n" ; } ?> </ol> </td> </tr> </table> <p style="text-align: center;"> <?php _e('Do you really want to uninstall WP-Polls?', 'wp-polls' ); ?><br /><br /> <input type="checkbox" name="uninstall_poll_yes" value="yes" />& nbsp;<?php _e('Yes', 'wp-polls'); ?><br /><br /> <input type="submit" name="do" value="<?php _e('UNINSTALL WP-Pol ls', 'wp-polls'); ?>" class="button-primary" onclick="return confirm('<?php _e(' You Are About To Uninstall WP-Polls From WordPress.\nThis Action Is Not Reversib le.\n\n Choose [Cancel] To Stop, [OK] To Uninstall.', 'wp-polls'); ?>')" /> </p> </div> </form> <?php } // End switch($mode)


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