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Name: Sin May Yee Matrix: 212535 Group: C2 Topic: Portfolio Final Draft

Detrimental Effects of Sedentary Lifestyle

Sedentary lifestyle is a medical term used to denote a type of lifestyle with no or irregular physical activities. Nowadays, people are involved in sedentary activities such as social networking through internet. This causes people less involved in physical exercises. Sedentary lifestyle will leads to chronic diseases, mental depression and intestinal effect. One of the effects of sedentary lifestyle is the increasing of the risk of chronic diseases such as obesity, diabetes, and heart problems. Lack of physical activities will causes excess fats accumulated in our body and lastly leads to obesity. When excess fats and cholesterol accumulated in our body, it will obstruct the blood flow in our body and this will causes heart problems. Besides, it will also increase the insulin sensitivity in our body which will increase the risk of diabetes. Second, sedentary lifestyle will cause mental depression. This is because the breakdown of muscle tension through exercise can improve sleep and decrease physical pain and discomfort associated with depression. Besides, we can enhance our mood through exercise too because exercise may causes endorphins which are a type of chemical in the brain associated with positive mood to release in our body. Without exercise, we may suffer from depression and anxiety. Lastly, sedentary lifestyle will also cause intestinal effect. Lack of exercise will slows down the digestion process which helps our body to excrete waste. This will leads to constipation. It weakens our bodys immune system and reduces the ability to fight illnesses. This results in excessive strain on other vital excretory organs such as liver, kidneys and lungs and hampered their ability to eliminate wastes from body. This causes slower cellular metabolism and lower energy levels in our body. In conclude, sedentary lifestyle is hazardous to our health. We should exercise regularly to maintain a healthy lifestyle. (301 words)

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