You are on page 1of 125

INDEX 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.


Array Implementation Of Stack Application Of Stack Conversion Of Infix To Postfix Implementation Of Linear Queue Using Arrays Array Implementation Of Circular Queue Linked List Implementation Of Stack Singly linked list Linked list implementation Doubly linked list Linked list implementation Polynomial Manipulation Tree Traversals Expression Tree Priority Queue Using Heap Hashing Technique Dijkstras Algorithm Back tracking algorithm knap sack problem Insertion in AVL trees. Perform topological sort on a directed graph to decide if it is acyclic. Prim's algorithms Branch and bound algorithm for traveling salesperson problem Randomized algorithm.

17. 18. 19.

Ex. no.: 1 Date :


Aim To write a C-program to implement stack using array data structure. And perform the following stack operations 1. 2. 3. POP PUSH PEEP

Algorithm STEP 1:Start STEP 2:Initialize stack, will=1,i, num STEP 3:Add element in stack PUSH(S,TOP,X) 3.a. [Check overflow condition] If(TOP>=N) then Write(Stack is full) 3.b. [Insert element] [Increment TOP] TOP <- TOP+1 S[TOP]<- X 3.c. [Finish the process] STEP 4: Delete element in stack POP(S,TOP) 4.a. [Check for underflow condition] If(TOP <- 0) then Write(Stack is empty)

4.b. [Delete element] [Decrement TOP] TOP<- TOP-1 Delete S[TOP+1] 4.c.[Finish the process] STEP 5:Stop Coding:

#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #define size 10 int stack[size],top=0,b; int res; void push(); void pop(); void display(); void main() { int c; clrscr(); printf("\n1.Push\n2.Pop\n3.Display"); do { printf("\n\nEnter your Choice :: "); scanf("%d",&c); switch(c) { case 1:

push(); break; case 2: pop(); break; case 3: printf("\n\nContents of stack is \t"); display(); break; default: printf("\nInvalid Choice......"); exit(0); } }while(c<4); getch(); } void push() { if(top>=size) { printf("\nStack Overflow"); return; } else { printf("\nEnter the number to be pushed into the stack :: "); scanf("%d",&b); top++;

stack[top]=b; printf("\nNumber pushed is %d",stack[top]); return; } } void pop() { if(top==0) { printf("\nStack Underflow"); return; } else { res=stack[top]; top--; printf("\nDeleted element is %d",res); return; } } void display() { int i; if(top==0) { printf("\nStack Underflow"); return; }

for(i=top;i>0;i--) printf("%d , ",stack[i]); }


1.Push 2.Pop 3.Display

Enter your Choice :: 1

Enter the number to be pushed into the stack :: 3

Number pushed is 3

Enter your Choice :: 1

Enter the number to be pushed into the stack :: 5

Number pushed is 5

Enter your Choice :: 3

Contents of stack is 5 , 3 ,

Enter your Choice :: 2

Deleted element is 5

Enter your Choice :: 3

Contents of stack is 3 ,

Enter your Choice :: 8

Invalid Choice......

Ex. No.:2 Date :


Aim To write a C-program to convert the given infix expression to its postfix format.


STEP 1: Start STEP 2: Initialize the stack. STEP 3: While (INSTR!= NULL) STEP 4: CH= get the character from INSTR. STEP 5: If( CH= = operand) then append CH int POSTSTR else if(CH = = () then push CH into stack else if(CH = =)) then pop the data from the stack and append the data into POSTSTR until we get ( from the stack else while(precedence (TOP) >= precedence (CH)) pop the data from stack and append the data into POSTSTR. [End of while structure] [End of if structure]

STEP 6: Push CH into the stack. STEP 7: [End of second while structure]

STEP 8: pop all the data from stack and append data into POSTSTR. STEP 9: Stop Coding: #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> int stack[20],top=0; char inf[40],post[40]; void push(int); void postfix(); char pop(); void main(void) { clrscr(); printf("\t\t\t****INFIX TO POSTFIX****\n\n"); printf("Enter the infix expression :: "); scanf("%s",inf); postfix(); getch(); } void postfix() { int i,j=0; for(i=0;inf[i]!=NULL;i++) { switch(inf[i]) { case '+': while(stack[top]>=1)

post[j++]=pop(); push(1); break; case '-': while(stack[top]>=1) post[j++]=pop(); push(2); break; case '*': while(stack[top]>=3) post[j++]=pop(); push(3); break; case '/': while(stack[top]>=3) post[j++]=pop(); push(4); break; case '^': while(stack[top]>=4) post[j++]=pop(); push(5); break; case '(': push(0); break; case ')': while(stack[top]!=0)

post[j++]=pop(); top--; break; default: post[j++]=inf[i]; } } while(top>0) post[j++]=pop(); printf("\nPostfix Expression is :: %s",post); } void push(int ele) { top++; stack[top]=ele; } char pop() { char e; e=stack[top]; top--; switch(e) { case 1: e='+'; break; case 2: e='-';

break; case 3: e='*'; break; case 4: e='/'; break; case 5: e='^'; break; } return(e); }


Enter the infix expression :: (a+b)/(c*d)

Postfix Expression is :: ab+cd*/

Manual Calculation

SE EXPRESSION ( A + B ) / ( C D + E ) + F G



+,( +,( ),( / (,/ (,/ -,(,/ -,(,/ +,(,/ +,(,/ ),+,(,/ +,/ + -




Aim To write a C-program to implement linear queue data structure using arrays.

Algorithm STEP 1: Start STEP 2: [Include all header files] STEP 3: [Declare the variables] STEP 4: [If n->1 call the function Enqueue( )] STEP 5: [If n->2 call the function Dequeue( )] STEP 6: [If n->3 call the function Peep( )] STEP 7: [If n->4 call the function Size( )] STEP 8: [If n->5 call the function View( )] STEP 9: [else Exit( )] STEP 10: Stop

Algorithm for Enqueue( ) STEP 1: If[front= =rear] Initialize front=rear=0 STEP 2: else rear=(rear+1)% qsize Set queue[rear] =value [return] Algorithm for Dequeue( ) STEP 1: If[front = =rear] 1.1: temp=queue[front]

1.2: Initialize front=rear=-1 STEP 2:else 2.1: front=(front+1)% qsize [return]

Algorithm for Peep( ) STEP 1:If [front= =rear] STEP 1.1: temp=queue[front] [return]

Algorithm for Size( )

STEP 1:If [front= =rear] 1.1: Set f=front 1.2: Set count=1 STEP 2: If [front!=rear] 2.1: front=(front+1)%qsize 2.2: set count=count+1 [return]

Algorithm for View( )

STEP 1: If [front = =rear] Write (Queue is empty) STEP 2: else [display elements]

Coding: #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #define size 15 int queue[size],front=0,rear=0,b; int res; void enqueue(); void dequeue(); void display(); void main() { int c; clrscr(); printf("\n1.Insertion\n2.Deletion\n3.Display"); do { printf("\n\nEnter your Choice :: "); scanf("%d",&c); switch(c) { case 1: enqueue(); break; case 2: dequeue(); break;

case 3: printf("\n\nContents of queue is \t"); display(); break; default: printf("\nInvalid Choice......"); exit(0); } }while(c<4); getch(); } void enqueue() { if(rear>=size) { printf("\nOverflow"); return; } else { printf("\nEnter the number to be entered :: "); scanf("%d",&b); rear++; queue[rear]=b; printf("\nNumber pushed is %d",queue[rear]); if(front==0) front=1; return;

} } void dequeue() { if(front==0) { printf("\nUnderflow"); return; } else { res=queue[front]; if(front==rear) { front=0; rear=0; } else front++; } printf("\nDeleted element is %d",res); return; } void display() { int i; if(front==0) {

printf("\nUnderflow"); return; } for(i=front;i<=rear;i++) printf("%d , ",queue[i]); }


1.Insertion 2.Deletion 3.Display

Enter your Choice :: 1

Enter the number to be entered :: 12

Number pushed is 12

Enter your Choice :: 1

Enter the number to be entered :: 2

Number pushed is 2

Enter your Choice :: 3

Contents of queue is 12 , 2 ,

Enter your Choice :: 2

Deleted element is 12

Enter your Choice :: 3

Contents of queue is 2,

Ex.No.4 Date:


Aim To write a c program using arrays for implementing circular queue data structure.


Step 1: [Include All Header Files Required] Step 2: [Define the array size as 5 and declare front and rear pointers] Step 3: Declare the functions isEmpty() , isFull(), enqueue(), size(),dequeue(), peek() and view()] Step 4: [Call the functions] Choice :1 CALL enqueue() Choice :2 CALL deenqueue() Choice :3 CALL peek() Choice :4 CALL size() Choice :5 CALL view()

Algorithm for isEmpty( )

Step 1: [Check for underflow] If ( front RETURN -1 Step 2: Else RETURN 0 [Finish the process] -1 and rear -1 )

Algorithm for isFull( )

Step 1: [Check for overflow] If (= (rear+1)% qsize RETURN -1 Step 2: Else RETURN 0 [Finish the process] front )

Algorithm for Enqueue( )

STEP 1: If[front= =rear] Initialize front=rear=0 STEP 2: else rear=(rear+1)% qsize Set queue[rear] =value [return]

Algorithm for Dequeue( )

STEP 1: If[front = =rear] 1.1: temp=queue[front] 1.2: Initialize front=rear=-1 STEP 2:else 2.1: front=(front+1)% qsize [return]

Algorithm for Peek( )

STEP 1:If [front= =rear] STEP 1.1: temp=queue[front] [return] Algorithm for Size( )

STEP 1:If [front= =rear] 1.1: Set f=front 1.2: Set count=1 STEP 2: If [front!=rear] 2.1: front=(front+1)%qsize 2.2: set count=count+1 [return]

Algorithm for View( )

STEP 1: If [front = =rear] Write (Queue is empty) STEP 2: else [display elements]

Coding: #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #define qsize 5

int queue[qsize],front=-1,rear=-1; void enqueue(int value); void dequeue(); void view(); void main() { int c,data,item; clrscr(); printf("\n1.ENQUEUE\n2.DEQUEUE\n3.VIEW"); while(1) { printf("\n\nEnter your Choice :: "); scanf("%d",&c); switch(c) { case 1: printf("\nEnter the element::"); scanf("%d",&data); enqueue(data); break; case 2: dequeue(); break; case 3: printf("\n\nContents of circular queue is \t"); view(); break; default:

printf("\nInvalid Choice......"); exit(0); } } } int isfull() { extern int queue[],front,rear; if(front==(rear+1)%qsize) return(1); else return(0); } int isempty() { extern int queue[],front,rear; if((front==-1)&&(rear==-1)) return(1); else return(0); } void enqueue(int value) { extern int queue[],front,rear; if(isfull()) { printf("\nOverflow"); return;

} else { if(isempty()) front=rear=0; else rear=(rear+1)%qsize; queue[rear]=value; } } void dequeue() { int value; extern int queue[],front,rear; if(isempty()) printf("\n\nQueue is Empty"); else { value=queue[front]; printf("\nDequeue value is %d",value); } if(front==rear) { front=-1; rear=-1; } else front=(front+1)%qsize;

} void view() { extern int queue[],front,rear; int f; if(isempty()) printf("\nUnderflow"); else { printf("\nFront-->"); for(f=front;f!=rear;f=(f+1)%qsize) printf("%d ---> ",queue[f]); printf("%d <--Rear",queue[f]); } if(isfull()) printf("\nQueue is full"); }



Enter your Choice :: 1

Enter the element::2

Enter your Choice :: 3

Contents of circular queue is Front-->2 <--Rear

Enter your Choice :: 1

Enter the element::3

Enter your Choice :: 1

Enter the element::5

Enter your Choice :: 3

Contents of circular queue is Front-->2 ---> 3 ---> 5 <--Rear

Enter your Choice :: 2

Dequeue value is 2

Enter your Choice :: 3

Contents of circular queue is Front-->3 ---> 5 <--Rear

Enter your Choice :: 4

Invalid Choice...... Date :


Aim To demonstrate linked list implementation of stack using a C program.


Step 1: [Include all the necessary header files] Step 2: [Declare the Variables] Step 3: Read operator Step 4: IF opt 1 THEN

Step 4.1: READ n Step 4.2: WHILE (n n-1)

Step 4.2.1: READ d Step 4.2.2: CALL INSERT( start , d) Step 4.3: [End of while Structure] Step 5: IF opt 2 THEN

Step 5.1: READ x Step 5.2: CALL del(start,x) Step 6: IF opt 3 THEN

Step 6.1: READ x Step 6.2: CALL FIND Step 7: IF opt 4 THEN

Step 7.1: READ x Step 7.2: CALL FINDPREVIOUS

Step 8: IF opt


Step 8.1: READ x Step 8.2: CALL FINDNEXT(start, x) Step 9: IF opt CALL len(Start) Step 10: IF opt 7 THEN 6 THEN

CALL printlist(Start) Step 10: IF opt CALL erase (Start) Step 12: [End of Main] 8 THEN

Algorithm For Find(struct node*p, int x, int *pos) Step 1: temp Step 2 :*pos p 1 NULL) THEN

Step 3: IF ( TEMP



Algorithm for Previous (struct node*p, int x) Step 1: temp Step2: IF ( TEMP p NULL) THEN



Algorithm For Find next(struct node*p, int x)

Step 1: temp Step2: IF ( TEMP




Coding: #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdlib.h> push(); void pop(); void display(); struct node { int data; struct node *next; }*top=NULL; void main()

{ int ch; clrscr(); printf("\n\n1.Push\n\n2.Pop\n\n3.Display"); do { printf("\n\nEnter your Choice :: "); scanf("%d",&ch); switch(ch) { case 1: push(); break; case 2: pop(); break; case 3: printf("\n\nContents of stack :: \t"); display(); break; default: printf("\n\nInvalid Choice......"); getch(); exit(0); } }while(ch<4); getch(); }

push() { int x; struct node *newnode; newnode=malloc(sizeof(struct node)); printf("\n\nEnter the number to be pushed into the stack :: "); scanf("%d",&x); newnode->data=x; if(top==NULL) { newnode->next=top; top=newnode; } else { newnode->next=top; top=newnode; } printf("\n\nNumber pushed is %d",x); return(x); } void pop() { struct node *t; if(top==NULL) printf("\n\nStack Underflow"); else {

t=top; top=top->next; printf("\nDeleted element is %d",t->data); free(t); } getch(); } void display() { struct node*i; for(i=top;i!=NULL;i=i->next) printf("%d , ",i->data); if(top==NULL) printf("Stack is empty"); getch(); }


1.Push 2.Pop 3.Display

Enter your Choice :: 1

Enter the number to be pushed into the stack :: 5

Number pushed is 5

Enter your Choice :: 1

Enter the number to be pushed into the stack :: 10

Number pushed is 10

Enter your Choice :: 3

Contents of stack :: 10 , 5 ,

Enter your Choice :: 2

Deleted element is 10

Enter your Choice :: 3

Contents of stack :: 5 ,

Enter your Choice :: 5

Invalid Choice...... Date :


Aim: To write a program to implement singly linked list using linked list. Algorithm: Step 1: initialize the list as null Step 2: Display linked list operations insert, delete and display the result. Step 3: If choice is 1 the read element to be inserted and call the insert function Step 4: If choice is 2 then read element to be deleted and call the delete function Step 5: If choice is 3 then call display function Step 6: If choice is default the exit the program. Program: #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdlib.h> void insert(int x); void deletion(int x); void display(); struct node { int element; struct node *next; }*list=NULL,*p; struct node *find(int s) { p=list->next;

while(p!=NULL && p->element!=s) p=p->next; return p; } struct node *findprevious(int s) { p=list; while(p->next!=NULL && p->next->element!=s) p=p->next; return p; } void main() { int data,ch; clrscr(); printf("\n\n1.INSERT\n\n2.DELETE\n\n3.DISPLAY"); do { printf("\n\nEnter your Choice :: "); scanf("%d",&ch); switch(ch) { case 1: printf("\n\nEnter the element to be inserted::"); scanf("%d",&data); insert(data); break; case 2:

printf("\n\nEnter the element to be deleted::"); scanf("%d",&data); deletion(data); break; case 3: display(); break; default: printf("\n\nInvalid Choice......"); getch(); exit(0); } }while(ch<4); } void insert(int x) { struct node *newnode; int pos; newnode=malloc(sizeof(struct node)); newnode->element=x; if(list->next==NULL) { list->next=newnode; newnode->next=NULL; } else { printf("\n\nEnter the value of the element to be inserted ::");

scanf("%d",&pos); p=find(pos); newnode->next=p->next; p->next=newnode; } } void deletion(int x) { struct node *temp; temp=malloc(sizeof(struct node)); p=findprevious(x); if(p->next!=NULL) { temp=p->next; p->next=temp->next; printf("\n\nThe deleted element is %d",temp->element); free(temp); } else printf("\n\nElement is not found in the list!!!"); } void display() { if(list->next==NULL) printf("\n\nList is empty!!!"); else { p=list->next;

printf("\n\nThe contents of the list are\n::"); while(p!=NULL) { printf("%d ->",p->element); p=p->next; } } }



Enter your Choice ::1

Enter the element to be inserted::2

Enter your Choice ::1

Enter the element to be inserted::5

Enter the value of the element to be inserted ::2

Enter your Choice :: 3

The contents of the list are::2 ->5 ->NULL

Enter your Choice :: 1

Enter the element to be inserted::7

Enter the value of the element to be inserted ::2

Enter your Choice :: 3

The contents of the list are ::2 ->7 ->5 ->NULL

Enter your Choice :: 2

Enter the element to be deleted::5

The deleted element is 5

Enter your Choice :: 3

The contents of the list are ::2 ->7 ->NULL Date:


Aim: To write a program to implement doubly linked list using linked list. Algorithm: Step 1: Declare header and pointer variables Step 2: Display the choices Step 3: If choice is 1 the get the element to be inserted in beginning and call ins_beg function. Step 4: If choice is 2 the get the element to be inserted in the end and call the ins_end function Step 5: If choice is 3 then get the element to be deleted and call deletion function. Step 6: If choice is 4 then call display duncation Step 7: If choice is default the exit the program Step 8: Terminate the program execution. Program: #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdlib.h> void display(struct node *first); struct node { int data; struct node *lptr,*rptr; }*head; struct node *ins_beg(int x,struct node *first) { struct node *new1,*cur,*prev;

new1=malloc(sizeof(struct node)); if(first==NULL) { new1->data=x; new1->lptr=NULL; new1->rptr=NULL; return new1; } else { new1->data=x; new1->lptr=NULL; new1->rptr=first; return new1; } } struct node *ins_end(int x,struct node *first) { struct node *new1,*cur,*prev; new1=malloc(sizeof(struct node)); if(first==NULL) { new1->data=x; new1->lptr=NULL; new1->rptr=NULL; return new1; } else

{ cur=first; while(cur->rptr!=NULL) { prev=cur; cur=cur->rptr; } cur->rptr=new1; new1->data=x; new1->lptr=cur; new1->rptr=NULL; return first; } } struct node *deletion(struct node *first,int del) { struct node *prev,*cur; cur=first; if(first==NULL) { printf("\n\nNo data present!!!"); getch(); } else if(first->data==del) { printf("\n\nData %d is deleted",first->data); first=first->rptr; getch();

return first; } else { while(cur->rptr!=NULL && cur->data!=del) { prev=cur; cur=cur->rptr; } if(cur->rptr==NULL && cur->data!=del) printf("\n\nData is not present!!!"); else if(cur->rptr!=NULL && cur->data==del) { prev->rptr=cur->rptr; (cur->rptr)->lptr=prev; printf("\n\nData % d is deleted",cur->data); } else if(cur->rptr==NULL && cur->data==del) { prev->rptr=NULL; printf("\n\nData %d is deleted:",cur->data); } getch(); return first; } } void main() {

int x,ch,del; head=NULL; clrscr(); printf("\n1.Insert in Begining\n2.Insert in the End\n3.Delete\n4.Display"); while(1) { printf("\n\nEnter your Choice :: "); scanf("%d",&ch); switch(ch) { case 1: printf("\n\nEnter the element to be inserted::"); scanf("%d",&x); head=ins_beg(x,head); break; case 2: printf("\n\nEnter the element to be inserted::"); scanf("%d",&x); head=ins_end(x,head); break; case 3: printf("\n\nEnter the element to be deleted::"); scanf("%d",&del); head=deletion(head,del); break; case 4: display(head); break;

default: printf("\n\nInvalid Choice......"); getch(); exit(0); } } } void display(struct node *first) { struct node *temp; temp=first; if(temp==NULL) printf("\n\nList is empty!!!"); while(temp!=NULL) { printf("%d ->",temp->data); temp=temp->rptr; } getch(); }

Output: 1.Insert in Begining 2.Insert in the End 3.Delete 4.Display

Enter your Choice :: 1

Enter the element to be inserted::2

Enter your Choice :: 1

Enter the element to be inserted::3

Enter your Choice :: 4 3 ->2 ->

Enter your Choice :: 2

Enter the element to be inserted::1

Enter your Choice :: 2

Enter the element to be inserted::5

Enter your Choice :: 4 3 ->2 ->1 ->5 ->

Enter your Choice :: 3 Enter the element to be deleted::1 Data 1 is deleted Enter your Choice :: 4 3 ->2 ->5 ->

Date : POLYNOMIAL MANUPULATION Aim To implement polynomial manipulation using doubly linked lists. Algorithm POLYADD(POLY1: POLY2:POLY) HEAD:POLY Step 1: Assign HEAD+=NULL Step2: While (POLY !=null) Step3: HEAD=INSERTNODE(HEAD,COPYNODE,(POLY1,1)) Step4: POLY1=POLY1NEXT Step5: [End of Step2 while structure] Step6: While(POLY2 1=NULL) Step7: HEAD =INSERTNODE(HEAD,COPYNODE(POLY2,1)) Step8: POLY2=POLY2NEXT Step9: [End of Step 6 while Structure] Step10: Return HEAD END POLYADD()

Algorithm for polynomial subtraction

POLYSUB(POLY1:POLY, POLY2:POLY) HEAD:POLY Step1: Assign HEAD=NULL Step2: While(POLY1!=NULL) Step3: HEAD=INSERTNODE(HEAD,COPYNODE(POLY1,1)) Step4: POLY1=POLY1 NEXT Step5: [End of Step2 while Structure]

Step6:While(POLY2!=NULL) Step7: HEAD=INSERTNODE(HEAD,COPYNODE(POLY2,-1)) Step8: POLY2=POLY2NEXT Step9: [End of Step 6 While Structure] Step10: Return HEAD END POLYSUB()

Coding: #include<malloc.h> #include<conio.h> struct link { int coeff; int pow; struct link *next; }; struct link *poly1=NULL,*poly2=NULL,*poly=NULL; void create(struct link *node) { char ch; do { printf("\nEnter the coefficient :"); scanf("%d",&node->coeff); printf("\nEnter the power :"); scanf("%d",&node->pow); node->next=(struct link *)malloc(sizeof(struct link)); node=node->next;

node->next=NULL; printf("\nContinue??? (Y/N) :"); ch=getch(); }while(ch=='y' || ch=='Y'); } void display(struct link *node) { while(node->next!=NULL) { printf("%dx^%d",node->coeff,node->pow); node=node->next; if(node->next!=NULL) printf(" + "); } } void polyadd(struct link *poly1,struct link *poly2,struct link *poly) { while(poly1->next && poly2->next) { if(poly->pow > poly2->pow) { poly->pow=poly1->pow; poly->coeff=poly1->coeff; poly1=poly1->next; } else if(poly1->pow < poly2->pow) { poly->pow=poly2->pow;

poly->coeff=poly2->coeff; poly2=poly2->next; } else { poly->pow=poly1->pow; poly->coeff=poly1->coeff+poly2->coeff; poly1=poly1->next; poly2=poly2->next; } poly->next=(struct link *)malloc(sizeof(struct link)); poly=poly->next; poly->next=NULL; } while(poly1->next||poly2->next) { if(poly1->next) { poly->pow=poly1->pow; poly->coeff=poly1->coeff; poly1=poly1->next; } if(poly2->next) { poly->pow=poly2->pow; poly->coeff=poly2->coeff; poly2=poly2->next; }

poly->next=(struct link *)malloc(sizeof(struct link)); poly=poly->next; poly->next=NULL; } } void main() { poly1=(struct link *)malloc(sizeof(struct link)); poly2=(struct link *)malloc(sizeof(struct link)); poly=(struct link *)malloc(sizeof(struct link)); clrscr(); printf("\nEnter the first polynomial::"); create(poly1); printf("\nFirst polynomial is :: \n"); display(poly1); printf("\nEnter the second polynomial::"); create(poly2); printf("\nSecond polynomial is :: \n"); display(poly2); polyadd(poly1,poly2,poly); printf("\nAddition of the two polynomials::"); display(poly); getch(); }


Enter the first polynomial::

Enter the coefficient :5

Enter the power :3

Continue??? (Y/N) :Y Enter the coefficient :3

Enter the power :2

Continue??? (Y/N) : First polynomial is :: 5x^3 + 3x^2 Enter the second polynomial:: Enter the coefficient :7

Enter the power :3

Continue??? (Y/N) : Second polynomial is :: 7x^3 Addition of the two polynomials::12x^3 + 3x^2 Date :


Aim To write a C program to implement a stack using binary search tree. Algorithm 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Algorithm For INSERT(P,X) [Include all the necessary header files.] [Declare the structure with all necessary variables.] Read x; Call INORDER(). Call PREORDER(). Call POSTORDER(). Call display().


If (pNULL) Create P P<-datax. P->lchild PrchildNULL Else

2.2 2.3

while(TEMP!=NULL) Temp2Temp1 If(temp1datax)

2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9

Else Temp1Temp1rchild [End of while structure] If(temp2datax) Temp 2Temp2lchild Temp 2datax Temp2dataslchildtemp2rchild Null Else Temp 2Temp2Temp2rchildnull Temp2datax Temp 2lchildTemp 2rchildnull [Return P]

2.11 2.12 2.13


Algorithm For INORDER(p)

1.If(p!=Null) 2. CALL INORDER (pxdhild) 3. WRITE(Ddata) 4.CALL INORDER (prchild) 5. [End the function]

Algorithm for PREORDER


If (pl=NULL) WRITE (PData)

3. 4.



Algorithm for POSTORDER 1.

2. 3. 4.

If (P!=NULL) Call POSTORDER (Plchild) Call POSTORDER (Prchild) Write (Pdata) [End of function]


Algorithm for COUNT If (P==NULL) 1. 2.


Return 0 Else [Return (1+count(Plchild)+call count(Prchild)) ] Algorithm for postorder


Algorithm for DISPLAY If (T!=NULL)


X(lm+rm)/2 Call goto xy (x,4*y) Write ( Call display (tlchild, lm,x, l+1) Call display (trchild, x, rm,l+1) [END THE FUNCTION}

2. 3.
4. 5.


Algorithm for SEARCH 1. while(temp!=NULL) 2. If (tempdatat) [Return temp] 3.If (Tempdata>x) Temptemplchild 4. ELSE Temptemprchild 5. [RETURN NULL] CODING #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #define NULL 0 struct treenode { int element; struct treenode *left; struct treenode *right; }; typedef struct treenode *position,*searchtree; searchtree insert(int x,searchtree t) { if(t==NULL) { t=(struct treenode*)malloc(sizeof(struct treenode)); if(t==NULL) exit(0); else

{ t->element=x; t->left=t->right=NULL; } } else if(x<t->element) t->left=insert(x,t->left); else if(x>t->element) t->right=insert(x,t->right); return t; } position findmin(searchtree t) { if(t==NULL) return NULL; else if(t->left==NULL) return t; else return findmin(t->left); } position findmax(searchtree t) { if(t==NULL) return NULL; else

if(t->right==NULL) return t; else return findmax(t->right); }

searchtree rem(int x,searchtree t) { position temp; if(t==NULL) printf("\nElement not found"); else if(x<t->element) t->left=rem(x,t->left); else if(x>t->element) t->right=rem(x,t->right); else if(t->left&&t->right) { temp=findmin(t->right); t->element=temp->element; t->right=rem(t->element,t->right); } else {

temp=t; if(t->left==NULL) t=t->right; else if(t->right==NULL) t=t->left; free(temp); } return t; }

void intrav(searchtree head) { if(head==NULL) return; if(head->left!=NULL) intrav(head->left); printf("%d\t",head->element); if(head->right!=NULL) intrav(head->right); }

void main() { int n,i,dat,ch; searchtree t=NULL; position node; clrscr();

printf("Enter no of elements:\n"); scanf("%d",&n); printf("Enter the elements:\n"); for(i=1;i<=n;i++) { scanf("%d",&dat); t=insert(dat,t); } intrav(t); do { printf("\n\n"); printf("\n ****MENU****\n"); printf("\nEnter 1 -> Insert a node\n"); printf("\n printf("\n printf("\n printf("\n printf("\n 2 -> Delete a node\n"); 3 -> Find Minimum\n"); 4 -> Find Maximum\n"); 5 -> Display(Inorder Traversal\n"); 6 -> Exit\n");

printf("\nEnter your choice:"); scanf("%d",&ch); switch(ch) { case 1:printf("\nEnter the element to be inserted:"); scanf("%d",&dat); t=insert(dat,t); break; case 2:printf("\n Enter the node to be deleted:");

scanf("%d",&dat); t=rem(dat,t); break; case 3:node=findmin(t); printf("\nThe minimum element is %d",node->element); break; case 4:node=findmax(t); printf("\nThe maximum element is %d",node->element); break; case 5:intrav(t); break; case 6:exit(0); } }while(ch!=6); getch(); } Enter no of elements:3 Enter the elements: 5 2 9 2 5 9

****MENU**** 1 -> Insert a node 2 -> Delete a node 3 -> Find Minimum 4 -> Find Maximum 5 -> Display(Inorder Traversal

6 -> Exit Enter your choice:1 Enter the element to be inserted:4 ****MENU**** 1 -> Insert a node 2 -> Delete a node 3 -> Find Minimum 4 -> Find Maximum 5 -> Display(Inorder Traversal 6 -> Exit

Enter your choice:1 Enter the element to be inserted:6 ****MENU**** 1 -> Insert a node 2 -> Delete a node 3 -> Find Minimum 4 -> Find Maximum 5 -> Display(Inorder Traversal 6 -> Exit

Enter your choice:5 2 4 5 6 9

****MENU**** 1 -> Insert a node 2 -> Delete a node 3 -> Find Minimum 4 -> Find Maximum

5 -> Display(Inorder Traversal 6 -> Exit

Enter your choice:2 Enter the element to be deleted:5 ****MENU**** 1 -> Insert a node 2 -> Delete a node 3 -> Find Minimum 4 -> Find Maximum 5 -> Display(Inorder Traversal 6 -> Exit

Enter your choice:5 2 4 6 9

****MENU**** 1 -> Insert a node 2 -> Delete a node 3 -> Find Minimum 4 -> Find Maximum 5 -> Display(Inorder Traversal 6 -> Exit

Enter your choice:3 The minimum element is:2 ****MENU**** 1 -> Insert a node 2 -> Delete a node

3 -> Find Minimum 4 -> Find Maximum 5 -> Display(Inorder Traversal 6 -> Exit

Enter your choice:4 The maximum element is:9 ****MENU**** 1 -> Insert a node 2 -> Delete a node 3 -> Find Minimum 4 -> Find Maximum 5 -> Display(Inorder Traversal 6 -> Exit

Enter your choice:6 :10 Date :

Aim: To write a C program to demonstrate an expression tree. Algorithm for Main () Step 1: [ INCLUDE NECESSARY HEADER FILES] Step 2: [READ X] Step 3:[ CALL EXPTREE(),CALL DISPLAY(), CALL INORDER(),CALL PREORDER(),CALL EVALUATE ()] Algorithm for EXPTREE()

Step 1: Read Character Step 2: IF Character operator then

CALL PUSH_OP() Step 3: [IF Character has only numbers]

IF [ is ALnum( str[i] CREATE Newnode

1 )] THEN

Step 4: Check for NULL condition Step 5: ASSIGN priority Step 6: IF ( Priority !=0) THEN CALL POP_OP() Step 7: IF Character = ) THEN CALL PUSH_OP()

Algorithm for INORDER (tree t)

Step 1: IF (t!=NULL) THEN CALL INORDER(t Step 2: PRINT t element right) left)


Algorithm for PREORDER (tree t) Step 1: IF (t!=NULL) THEN PRINT t element left) right)


Algorithm for POSTORDER(tree t) Step 1: IF (t!=NULL) THEN CALL POSTORDER(t CALL POSTORDER(t Step 2: PRINT t element left) right)

Coding: #include<stdio.h>

#include<conio.h> #include<alloc.h> #include<ctype.h> #define size 20 typedef struct node { char data; struct node *left; struct node *right; }btree; btree *stack[size]; int top; void main() { btree *root; char exp[80]; btree *create(char exp[80]); void inorder(btree *root); void preorder(btree *root); void postorder(btree *root); clrscr(); printf("\nEnter the postfix expression:"); scanf("%s",exp); top=-1; root=create(exp); printf("\nThe tree is created"); printf("\nThe inorder traversal is :\n"); inorder(root); printf("\nThe preorder traversal is :\n");

preorder(root); printf("\nThe postorder traversal is :\n"); postorder(root); getch(); } btree *create(char exp[]) { btree *temp; int pos; char ch; void push(btree *); btree *pop(); pos=0; ch=exp[pos]; while(ch!='\0') { temp=(btree*)malloc(sizeof(btree)); temp->left=temp->right=NULL; temp->data=ch; if(isalpha(ch)) push(temp); else if(ch=='+'||ch=='-'||ch=='*'||ch=='/') { temp->right=pop(); temp->left=pop(); push(temp); } else printf("Invalid character\n");

pos++; ch=exp[pos]; } temp=pop(); return(temp); } void push(btree *node) { if(top+1>=size) printf("\nstack is Full"); top++; stack[top]=node; } btree *pop() { btree *node; if(top==-1) printf("\nStack is empty"); node=stack[top]; top--; return(node); } void inorder(btree *root) { btree *temp; temp=root; if(temp!=NULL) { inorder(temp->left);

printf("%c",temp->data); inorder(temp->right); } } void preorder(btree *root) { btree *temp; temp=root; if(temp!=NULL) { printf("%c",temp->data); preorder(temp->left); preorder(temp->right); } } void postorder(btree *root) { btree *temp; temp=root; if(temp!=NULL) { postorder(temp->left); postorder(temp->right); printf("%c",temp->data); }

Enter the postfix expression:ab*c+

The tree is created The inorder traversal is : a*b+c The preorder traversal is : +*abc The postorder traversal is : ab*c+ Date :


Aim: To implement priority queue using Heap in C program. Algorithm: Step 1: [Include necessary header files] Step 2: [Define maxsize as 15]

Step 3: [Declare necessary variables] Step 4: READ option, opt IF opt is 1 THEN CALL INSERT() IF opt is 2 THEN CALL DELMAX() IF opt is 3 THEN CALL DIS() Step 5: [END OF MAIN FUNCTION]

Algorithm For INSERT() Step 1: I Step 2: IF (I ne1+1 MAXSIZE)

WRITE ( Heap size exceeded) RETURN FALSE IF ( (I> 1) && (arraysize [i/2]< item) ) array[I] I I/2 item array[i/2]

Array[I ]


Algorithm For DELMAX() Step 1: IF (!nel) WRITE (HEAP IS EMPTY) ELSE *item Array[i] array [I] array [nel--]

CALL adjust (array,I,nel)


#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> #include<conio.h> #include<malloc.h> typedef struct heapstruct *pqueue; struct heapstruct { int capacity; int size; int *elements; }; void insert(int,pqueue); pqueue initialize(int); int deletemin(pqueue); int isfull(pqueue); int isempty(pqueue); void display(pqueue); void main() { pqueue heap; int i,max,ele,ch,t; clrscr(); printf("\nEnter the maximum no.of elements in the priority queue:"); scanf("%d",&max); heap=initialize(max); do {

printf("\nMENU\n"); printf("\n1. Insertion\n"); printf("\n2.DeleteMin\n"); printf("\n3. Display\n"); printf("\n4. Exit\n"); printf("\nEnter your choice:"); scanf("%d",&ch); switch(ch) { case 1: printf("\nEnter the element to be inserted:"); scanf("%d",&ele); insert(ele,heap); printf("\nThe element is inserted"); break; case 2: t=deletemin(heap); printf("\nThe minimum element %d is deleted\n",t); break; case 3: printf("\nThe elements in the HEAP are:"); display(heap); break; case 4: exit(0); break; } }while(ch<4); getch(); } pqueue initialize(int max) {

pqueue h; if(max<3) { printf("\nPriority queue size is too small\n"); exit(0); } h=(heapstruct*)malloc(sizeof(struct heapstruct)); if(h==NULL) exit(0);

h->capacity=max; h->size=0; return h; }

void insert(int x,pqueue h) { int i; if(isfull(h)) { printf("\nPriority queue is full"); return; } if(h->size==0) { h->elements[1]=x; h->size++; }

else { for(i=++h->size;h->elements[i/2]>x;i/=2) h->elements[i]=h->elements[i/2]; h->elements[i]=x; } } int deletemin(pqueue h) { int i,child,minelement,lastelement; if(isempty(h)) { printf("\nPriority queue is empty"); exit(0); } minelement=h->elements[1]; lastelement=h->elements[h->size--]; for(i=1;i*2<=h->size;i=child) { child=i*2; if(child!=h->size&&h->elements[child+1]<h->elements[child]) child++; if(lastelement>h->elements[child]) h->elements[i]=h->elements[child]; else break; } h->elements[i]=lastelement;

return minelement; } void display(pqueue h) { int i; for(i=1;i<=h->size;i++) printf("\n%d",h->elements[i]); } int isfull(pqueue h) { if(h->size==h->capacity) return 1; else return 0; } int isempty(pqueue h) { if(h->size==0) return 1; else return 0; } OUTPUT:

Enter the maximum no.of elements in the priority queue:5

MENU 1. Insertion

2.DeleteMin 3. Display 4. Exit Enter your choice:1 Enter the element to be inserted:67 The element is inserted MENU 1. Insertion 2.DeleteMin 3. Display 4. Exit Enter your choice:1 Enter the element to be inserted:24 The element is inserted MENU 1. Insertion 2.DeleteMin 3. Display 4. Exit Enter your choice:1 Enter the element to be inserted:35 The element is inserted MENU 1. Insertion 2.DeleteMin 3. Display 4. Exit Enter your choice:3

The elements in the HEAP are: 24 67 35 MENU 1. Insertion 2.DeleteMin 3. Display 4. Exit

Enter your choice:2 The minimum element 24 is deleted MENU 1. Insertion 2.DeleteMin 3. Display 4. Exit Enter your choice:3 The elements in the HEAP are: 35 67 Enter your choice:4 Date :

Aim: To implement a program using Hashing technique.


Step1: Include necessary header files Step2: Declare necessary variables Step3: Check the value of *S Then call Insert( ) Print Enter the string Read S Step4: Check the value of *S Step5: Then print S by calling hGetVal( ) Step6: Call PrintHash( ) Step7: End

Algorithm For hINSERT( ):

Step1: Allocate memory to pointer Step2: Assign index Step3: Assign Ptr Ptr Ptr h[index] Step4: Print h[index]=key Step5: Return hGetIndex ( ) Key Val next Ptr Strdup(key) Val h[index]

Algorithm For hGETVALUE( ):

Step1: [Ptr=h[hGetIndex(key)]] Step2: If[Ptr && strcmp(Ptr Then Ptr key)] Ptr next

Step3: If[Ptr],Check the value of Ptr [Return Ptr Step4: [Return -1] Val]

Algorithm For PRINTHASH( ):

Step1: Initialise i=0 Step2: If [i < Hash size] Then Print i Assign Ptr Check the value of Ptr If[Ptr!=0] Then Ptr Ptr next h[i]

Print Ptr Step3: [Return]




#include<conio.h> #include<stdio.h> void main() { int a[10]={0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; int n,value,temp,hashvalue; clrscr(); printf("Enter the value of n (table size) ::"); scanf("%d",&n); do { printf("\nEnter the hash value ::"); scanf("%d",&value); hashvalue=value%n; if(a[hashvalue]==0) { a[hashvalue]=value; printf("\na[%d] The value %d is stored",hashvalue,value); } else { for(hashvalue++;hashvalue<n;hashvalue++) { if(a[hashvalue]==0)

{ printf("Space is allocated!!!Give another value!!!"); a[hashvalue]=value; printf("\na[%d] The value %d is stored",hashvalue,value); goto a; } } hashvalue=0; for(hashvalue;hashvalue<n;hashvalue++) { if(a[hashvalue]==0) { printf("Space is allocated!!!Give another value!!!"); a[hashvalue]=value; printf("\na[%d] The value %d is stored",hashvalue,value); goto a; } } } a:printf("\nDo you want to enter more? :: "); scanf("%d",&temp); }while(temp==1); getch(); }


Enter the value of n (table size) ::10 Enter the hash value ::10

a[0] The value 10 is stored Do you want to enter more? :: 1

Enter the hash value ::11 a[1] The value 11 is stored Do you want to enter more? :: 1

Enter the hash value ::21 Space is allocated!!!Give another value!!! a[2] The value 21 is stored Do you want to enter more? :: 1

Enter the hash value ::4 a[4] The value 4 is stored Do you want to enter more? :: 1

Enter the hash value ::24 Space is allocated!!!Give another value!!! a[5] The value 24 is stored Do you want to enter more? :: 1

Enter the hash value ::19 a[9] The value 19 is stored

Do you want to enter more? :: 1

Enter the hash value ::29 Space is allocated!!!Give another value!!! a[3] The value 29 is stored Do you want to enter more? :: 1

Enter the hash value ::13 Space is allocated!!!Give another value!!! a[6] The value 13 is stored Do you want to enter more? :: 0 Date :

Aim To implement Dijkstras algorithm to find the shortest path.


Step1: [Include all the header files] Step2: Call allSelected( ) Step3: Call Shortpath( ) Step4: Access the functions from main Step5: End

Algorithm For ALLSELECTED( )

Step1: Initialise i=0 Step2: Check whether i<max Step3: Check whether Selected[i]=0

Return 0 Step4: Else Return 1 Step5: Return

Algorithm For SHORTPATH( )

Step1: Initialise i=0 , Check i<max Distance[i]=INFINITE Step2: Assign selected[current].distance[0]=0, Current=0 Step3: While(!allSelected(Selected)) Perform(Selected[i]= =0) Current=k Selected[current]=1 Print k Coding:

#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #define max 4 #define INFINITE 998 int allselected( int *selected) { int i; for(i=0;i<max;i++) if(selected[i]==0) return 0; return 1; } void shortpath(int cost[][max],int *preceed,int *distance)

{ int selected[max]={0}; int current=0,i,k,dc,smalldist,newdist; for(i=0;i<max;i++) distance[i]=INFINITE; selected[current]=1; distance[0]=0; current=0; while(!allselected(selected)) { smalldist=INFINITE; dc=distance[current]; for(i=0;i<max;i++) { if(selected[i]==0) { newdist=dc+cost[current][i]; if(newdist<distance[i]) { distance[i]=newdist; preceed[i]=current; } if(distance[i]<smalldist) { smalldist=distance[i]; k=i; } }

} current=k; selected[current]=1; } } int main() { int cost[max][max]={{INFINITE,2,4,INFINITE},{2,INFINITE,1,5},{4,1,INFINITE,2}, {INFINITE,5,2,INFINITE}}; int preceed[max]={0},i,distance[max]; clrscr(); shortpath(cost,preceed,distance); for(i=0;i<max;i++) { printf("The shortest path from 0 to %d is ",i); printf("%d\n",distance[i]); } return 0; getch(); }


The shortest path from 0 to 0 is 0 The shortest path from 0 to 1 is 2 The shortest path from 0 to 2 is 3 The shortest path from 0 to 3 is 5 Date:



To write a C program to solve the knapsack problem using backtracking algorithm


Step 1: Declare the variables, array size and functions Step 2: Get the value of number of objects and size of knapsack Step 3: Enter weight and profit of objects Step 4: Assign the initial values Step 5: Call the necessary function and display the profit Step 6: End of program

Coding: #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> int c,cl,n,i,j,k; int q[10],x[10][10],w[10],p[10],max; void get();

void knapsack(); void display(); void get() { printf("Enter the number of objects ::"); scanf("%d",&n); printf("Enter the size of knapsack :: "); scanf("%d",&c); printf("\nEnter the weight & profit of the objects\n"); for(i=1;i<=n;i++) { printf("Enter the weight %d ::",i); scanf("%d",&w[i]); printf("\nEnter the profit of weight %d ::",i); scanf("%d",&p[i]); } } void knapsack() { for(j=1;j<=n;j++) { for(i=1;i<=n;i++) { x[j][i]=0; q[j]=0; } cl=c; for(i=j;i<=n&&w[i]<=cl;i++)

{ x[j][i]=1; cl=cl-w[i]; q[j]=q[j]+x[j][i]*p[i]; } } max=q[1]; for(i=1;i<=n;i++) { if(q[i]>max) { max=q[i]; k=i; } }} void display() { printf("the optimal solution \t Profit \n"); for(i=1;i<=n;i++) { printf("\n"); for(j=1;j<=n;j++) { printf("%d\t",x[i][j]); } printf("%d\t",q[i]); } printf("\nThe maximum Profit is %d",max);

} void main() { clrscr(); get(); knapsack(); display(); getch(); }

OUTPUT Enter the number of objects ::3 Enter the size of knapsack :: 100

Enter the weight & profit of the objects Enter the weight 1 ::60

Enter the profit of weight 1 ::30 Enter the weight 2 ::30

Enter the profit of weight 2 ::20 Enter the weight 3 ::10 Enter the profit of weight 3 ::10 the optimal solution Profit

1 0 0

1 1 0

1 1 1

60 30 10

The maximum Profit is 60 Date:



To write a C program to perform insertion I n AVL tree.


#include<conio.h> #include<stdio.h> typedef enum {FALSE,TRUE}bool; struct node { int info; int balance; struct node *lchild; struct node *rchild; }*root; struct node *search(struct node *ptr,int info) { if(ptr!=NULL) if(info<ptr->info) ptr=search(ptr->lchild,info);

else if(info>ptr->info) ptr=search(ptr->rchild,info); return (ptr); } struct node *insert(int info,struct node *pptr,int *ht_inc) { struct node *aptr; struct node *bptr; if(pptr==NULL) { pptr=(struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); pptr->info=info; pptr->lchild=NULL; pptr->rchild=NULL; pptr->balance=0; *ht_inc=TRUE; return(pptr); } if(info<pptr->info) { pptr->lchild=insert(info,pptr->lchild,ht_inc); if(*ht_inc==TRUE) { switch(pptr->balance) { case -1: pptr->balance=0; *ht_inc=FALSE;

break; case 0: pptr->balance=1; break; case 1: aptr=pptr->lchild; if(aptr->balance==1) { printf("Left to Left Rotation\n"); pptr->lchild=aptr->rchild; aptr->rchild=pptr; pptr->balance=0; aptr->balance=0; pptr=aptr; } else { printf("Left to Right Rotation\n"); bptr=aptr->rchild; aptr->rchild=bptr->lchild; bptr->lchild=aptr; pptr->lchild=bptr->rchild; bptr->rchild=pptr; if(bptr->balance==1) pptr->balance=-1; else pptr->balance=0; if(bptr->balance==-1)

aptr->balance=1; else aptr->balance=0; bptr->balance=0; pptr=bptr; } *ht_inc=FALSE; } } } if(info>pptr->info) { pptr->rchild=insert(info,pptr->rchild,ht_inc); if(*ht_inc==TRUE) { switch(pptr->balance) { case 1: pptr->balance=0; *ht_inc=FALSE; break; case 0: pptr->balance=-1; break; case -1: aptr=pptr->rchild; if(aptr->balance==-1) {

printf("Right to Right Rotation\n"); pptr->rchild=aptr->lchild; aptr->lchild=pptr; pptr->balance=0; aptr->balance=0; pptr=aptr; } else { printf("Right to Left Rotation\n"); bptr=aptr->lchild; aptr->lchild=bptr->rchild; bptr->rchild=aptr; pptr->rchild=bptr->lchild; bptr->lchild=pptr; if(bptr->balance==-1) pptr->balance=1; else pptr->balance=0; if(bptr->balance==1) aptr->balance=-1; else aptr->balance=0; bptr->balance=0; pptr=bptr; } *ht_inc=FALSE; }

} } return (pptr); } main() { bool ht_inc; int info; int choice; clrscr(); root=(struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node)); root=NULL; printf("1.Insert\n2.Display\n3.Exit\n"); while(1) { printf("Enter your choice :"); scanf("%d",&choice); switch(choice) { case 1: printf("Enter the value to be inserted ::"); scanf("%d",&info); if(search(root,info)==NULL) root=insert(info,root,&ht_inc); else printf("Duplicate value ignored\n"); break; case 2:

if(root==NULL) { printf("Tree is empty"); continue; } printf("Tree is \n"); display(root,1); printf("\n\n"); printf("Inorder Traversal :: "); inorder(root); printf("\n"); break; default: printf("Invalid Choice !!!"); exit(0); } } } display(struct node *ptr,int level) { int i; if(ptr!=NULL) { display(ptr->rchild,level+1); printf("\n"); for(i=0;i<level;i++) printf(""); printf("%d",ptr->info);

display(ptr->lchild,level+1); } } inorder(struct node *ptr) { if(ptr!=NULL) { inorder(ptr->lchild); printf("%d ",ptr->info); inorder(ptr->rchild); } }


1.Insert 2.Display 3.Exit Enter your choice :1 Enter the value to be inserted ::15 Enter your choice :1 Enter the value to be inserted ::12 Enter your choice :1 Enter the value to be inserted ::24 Enter your choice :1 Enter the value to be inserted ::6 Enter your choice :2 Tree is 24 15

12 6 Inorder Traversal :: 6 12 15 24

Enter your choice :3 Date:



To write a C program to implement topological sort


#include<stdio.h> #define max 20 int n,adj[max][max]; int front=-1,rear=-1,queue[max]; void main() { int i,j=0,k; int topsort[max],indeg[max]; clrscr(); create_graph(); printf("\nThe Adjacency Matrix is ::\n"); display(); for(i=1;i<=n;i++) { indeg[i]=indegree(i);

if(indeg[i]==0) insert_queue(i); } while(front<=rear) { k=delete_queue(); topsort[j++]=k; for(i=1;i<=n;i++) { if(adj[k][i]==1) { adj[k][i]=0; indeg[i]=indeg[i]-1; if(indeg[i]==0); insert_queue(i); } } } printf("Nodes after topological sorting are ::\n"); for(i=0;i<=n;i++) { printf("%d",topsort[i]); printf("\n"); } } create_graph() { int i,max_edges,origin,destin;

printf("Enter the number of Vertices::"); scanf("%d",&n); max_edges=n*(n-1); for(i=1;i<=max_edges;i++) { printf("Enter edge %d(0,0 to quit): ",i); scanf("%d%d",&origin,&destin); if((origin==0)&&(destin==0)) break; if(origin>n || destin>n || origin<=0 || destin<=0) { printf("Invalid Edge!!!\n"); i--; } else adj[origin][destin]=1; } } display() { int i,j; for(i=1;i<=n;i++) { for(j=1;j<=n;j++) printf("%d",adj[i][j]); printf("\n"); } }

insert_queue(int node) { if(rear==max-1) printf("Queue Overflow!!!\n"); else { if(front==-1) front=0; rear=rear+1; queue[rear]=node; } } delete_queue() { int del_item; if(front==-1 || front>rear) { printf("Queue Overflow!!!\n"); return; } else { del_item=queue[front]; front=front+1; return del_item; } } int indegree(int node)

{ int i,in_deg=0; for(i=1;i<=n;i++) if(adj[i][node]==1) in_deg++; return in_deg; } OUTPUT: Enter the number of Vertices::7 Enter edge 1(0,0 to quit): 1 2 Enter edge 2(0,0 to quit): 1 3 Enter edge 3(0,0 to quit): 1 4 Enter edge 4(0,0 to quit): 4 3 Enter edge 5(0,0 to quit): 2 4 Enter edge 6(0,0 to quit): 2 5 Enter edge 7(0,0 to quit): 3 6 Enter edge 8(0,0 to quit): 4 6 Enter edge 9(0,0 to quit): 4 7 Enter edge 10(0,0 to quit): 5 4 Enter edge 11(0,0 to quit): 5 7 Enter edge 12(0,0 to quit): 7 6 Enter edge 13(0,0 to quit): 0 0 The Adjacency Matrix is :: 0111000 0001100 0000010 0010011 0001001

0000000 0000010 Nodes after topological sorting are :: 1 2 5 4 3 7 6 Date:

Prim's algorithms


To write a C program to implement prims algorithms


#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #define max 10 #define infinity 9999 struct node { int predecessor; int dist,status; }; struct edge { int u;int v; }; int adj[max][max];

int n; void main() { int i,j; int path[max]; int mincost,count; struct edge tree[max]; clrscr(); create_graph(); count=maketree(tree,&mincost); printf("\nEdges to be included in spanning tree are:\n"); for(i=1;i<=count;i++) { printf("%d->",tree[i].u); printf("%d\n",tree[i].v); } printf("\nweight of spanning tree is:%d\n",mincost); } create_graph() { int i,max_edges,source,destin,wt; printf("Enter no. of vertices:"); scanf("%d",&n); max_edges=n*(n-1)/2; for(i=1;i<max_edges;i++) { printf("Enter edge %d(00 to quit):",i); scanf("%d%d",&source,&destin);

if((source==0)&&(destin==0)) break; printf("Enter wt for this edge:"); scanf("%d",&wt); if(source>n||destin>n||source<=0||destin<=0) { printf("Invalid edge!\n"); i--; } else { adj[source][destin]=wt; adj[destin][source]=wt; } } if(i<n-1) { printf("spanning tree is not possible\n"); exit(1); } return; } int maketree(struct edge tree[max],int *weight) { struct node state[max]; int i,k,min,count,current,newdist;int m; int u1,v1; *weight=0;

for(i=1;i<=n;i++) { state[i].predecessor=0; state[i].dist=infinity; state[i].status=0; } state[1].predecessor=0; state[1].dist=0; state[1].status=1; current=1; count=0; while(all_perm(state)!=1) { for(i=1;i<=n;i++) { if(adj[current][i]>0&&state[i].status==0) { if(adj[current][i]<state[i].dist) { state[i].predecessor=current; state[i].dist=adj[current][i]; } } } min=infinity; for(i=1;i<=n;i++) { if(state[i].status==0&&state[i].dist<min)

{ min=state[i].dist; current=i; } } state[current].status=1; u1=state[current].predecessor; v1=current; count++; tree[count].u=u1; tree[count].v=v1; *weight=*weight+adj[u1][v1]; } return(count); } int all_perm(struct node state[max]) { int i; for(i=1;i<=n;i++) if(state[i].status==0) return 0; return 1; } OUTPUT Enter no. of vertices:4 Enter edge 1(00 to quit):1 2 Enter wt for this edge:1 Enter edge 2(00 to quit):1 3

Enter wt for this edge:3 Enter edge 3(00 to quit):1 4 Enter wt for this edge:2 Enter edge 4(00 to quit):2 4 Enter wt for this edge:4 Enter edge 5(00 to quit):3 4 Enter wt for this edge:2

Edges to be included in spanning tree are: 1->2 1->4 4->3

weight of spanning tree is:5 Date:

Branch and bound algorithm for traveling salesperson problem


To write a C program to implement traveling sales man problem


#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<alloc.h> int n; int a[10][10],list[20],bpath[20]; int i,j,bcost,tbcost; void get(); void initialize(); void calc(int list[]); void swap(int x,int y); void perm(int,int); void display(); void get() {

printf("Enter the number of cities ::"); scanf("%d",&n); for(i=0;i<n;i++) for(j=0;j<n;j++) { if(i!=j) { if(a[i][j]==-1) { printf("Enter the cost travelling from %d to %d is",i+1,j+1); scanf("%d",&a[i][j]); a[j][i]=a[i][j]; }

} else a[i][j]=0; } for(i=0;i<n;i++) list[i]=i; } void initialize() { for(i=0;i<10;i++) for(j=0;j<10;j++) a[i][j]=-1; bcost=0; } void calc(int list[])

{ int t; tbcost=0; for(j=1;j<n;j++) { t=a[list[j-1]][list[j]]; if(t!=0) tbcost=tbcost+a[list[j-1]][list[j]]; else tbcost=bcost+1; } } void swap(int x, int y) { int temp; temp=x; x=y; y=temp; } void perm(int k,int m) { int temp,i,j; if(k==m) { calc(list); if(bcost==0) bcost=tbcost+1; if((tbcost<bcost)&&(a[0][list[n-1]])!=0)

{ bcost=tbcost; for(j=0;j<n;j++) bpath[j]=list[j]; } } else { for(i=k;i<=m;i++) { swap(list[k],list[i]); perm(k+1,m); swap(list[k],list[i]); } } } void display() { printf("The best path is :: \n"); for(i=0;i<n;i++) printf("%d --> ",bpath[i]+1); printf("\nThe cost is %d ",bcost+a[0][bpath[n-1]]); } void main() { clrscr(); initialize(); get();

perm(1,n-1); display(); getch(); } OUTPUT Enter the number of cities ::3 Enter the cost travelling from 1 to 2 is10 Enter the cost travelling from 1 to 3 is15 Enter the cost travelling from 2 to 3 is20 The best path is :: 1 --> 2 --> 3 --> The cost is 45 Date:

Randomized Algorithm.


To write a C program to implement randomized algorithm


#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> /* required for randomize() and random() */ #include <conio.h> /* required for clrscr() */ int gen_rand(void); /* note these are declarations of functions */ int find_max(int x, int y, int z); int find_min(int x, int y, int z); void main(void) { int num1, num2, num3, max, min; clrscr(); /* clear the screen */ num1=gen_rand(); num2=gen_rand(); num3=gen_rand(); max=find_max(num1, num2, num3);

min=find_min(num1, num2, num3); printf("Random numbers are %d, %d, and %d\n", num1, num2, num3); printf("Largest is %d. Smallest is %d.\n", max, min); } int gen_rand(void) /* returns random number in range of 0 to 99 */ { int n; n=random(100); /* n is random number in range of 0 - 99 */ return(n); } int find_max( int x, int y, int z) /* returns largest number */ { int max; if ((x>=y) && (x>=z)) { max = x; } else if ((y>=x) && (y>=z)) { max = y; } else { max = z; } return(max);

} int find_min( int x, int y, int z) /* returns smallest number */ { int min; if ((x<=y) && (x<=z)) { min = x; } else if ((y<=x) && (y<=z)) { min = y; } else { min = y; } return(min); } OUTPUT Random numbers are 1, 0, and 33 Largest is 33. Smallest is 0.

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