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----Original Message----From: Holly Rimathe <> To: **** Cc: birds <birds@wdmcs.

org> Sent: Fri, Apr 27, 2012 10:19 am Subject: Introduction to Business Class Mr. and Mrs. ****, I am writing to you about a situation that has occurred with ****. I talked with **** on Wednesday about an assessment I gave last Wednesday, April 18th. It was an open book, essay assessment. I found that Liz cheated on the assessment so I had to give her a grade of zero. Mrs. Bird and I discussed this situation before deciding to do this. I am committed to helping **** and I feel she is above doing something like this and hope that she has learned it does not benefit her to cheat on an assessment. She is getting a B in the class and she is a good student in my classroom. There were only 15 points at stake on this but I hope she thinks about this for any future assignments. Please feel free to contact me or Mrs. Bird with any questions you have about this. Mrs. Rimathe

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