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Luke Dixon

Who would be the audience for your media product?

Before starting our opening sequence we looked into and researched what people thought of our opening sequence and what they wanted to see. We did this through two main ways, the first was through a focus group where we asked four people questions on our idea and they told us that they thought of it, and they thought we could improve it. We also created a questionnaire for people to fill in and then collated the results, again these asked similar things as the first and how we could improve it by seeing what they wanted to see in our opening sequence. Below are two images of two audience questionnaires we created and asked people to fill out so that we could find out about their preferences and what they would like to see in our opening sequence. Underneath this document there is also the first focus group we put together where again, we simply asked the people involved a few questions about out opening sequence, what they thought of it and how they thought we could improve it.

This research we were able to decide on what our target audience would be. This target audience is between the age of 15 to 30, and we were targeting men more so than women as we believe that they have more of a threshold for fear. The social demographic we

Luke Dixon
are targeting are those that fall into the categories of C1 C2 D and E. This is down to the fact that we believe that they are more likely to enjoy horror/thriller films. We believe that people who fit into these niches would enjoy our film and would most likely want to watch on, which is the effect and feeling we wanted to create when watching our opening sequence. Therefore, they are our target audience.

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