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Claire Schmit period 4 9/27/11 The Missing Tablet Uncovered

After Gilgamesh returned to his palace, he closed himself in his rooms, not eating, not even moving from his chambers. He felt he had failed in his lifes quest of becoming immortal. He felt terrible despair for the fact that he too would die, that he too would fall silent and cold. At the end of his long period of self inflicted despair he emerged from the depths of his rooms and announced, I am tired of being sad, we will celebrate! Let us celebrate our lives on earth no matter how short they may be! This miraculous transformation that became Gilgamesh came about one night in his period of despair. He was lying in his grand bedroom, moaning for his loss of the flower of eternal youth, when a vision came to him. Shiduri, the tavern keeper from so far away, came to him, and said, Remember. Remember the words I told you on your quest from far away. Live your life, live it to its fullest. Do not despair, go out and be filled with joy and gaiety! These words rang through Gilgameshs head over and over, until he believed them to be true. Then, he decided he might as well follow the advice she had given him, he had nothing to lose, because after all, he was the greatest man alive, rivaled by none in this world. He would show the world. Show how he was not deterred from his path of greatness. Show everybody that this miner setback was not even worth his recognition as a failed attempt on his part, when he was blindly driven by his fear. He had no fear! He was the Great King of Mighty Uruk! Gilgamesh went out into his city, and celebrated his life all night. Giving honors to the gods in great abundance, he fell soundly asleep, without fear of death for the first time in a great many months. He had finally found peace with his gods

and his place in life, as a great king, leader, and sole protector of his people and city.

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