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Geography review for the Global Studies Regents exam

Complete three of the five topics listed below. Each topic is
listed in bold black ink. You must follow the directions clearly.
1. River valley civilizations:
Fertile Crescent (Mesopotamia)
The Nile River Valley
The Indus River Valley
The Huang He (Yellow River Valley in China)
Choose two of the civilizations listed. For the two you choose please address the
following task:
First Choice:
River Valley you chose______________
Discuss two positive effects of settling in the river valley.
Discuss two negative effects of settling in the river valley.
How did the river valley help them to develop a civilization?

Discuss two achievements of the river valley civilization.
Second Choice:________________________
River Valley you chose______________
Discuss two positive effects of settling in the river valley.
Discuss two negative effects of settling in the river valley.
How did the river valley help them to develop a civilization?
Discuss two achievements of the river valley civilization.


2. Mountains
Mountains played a big role in the history of:
Ancient Greece * also has natural harbors they led them to trade and be great sea travelers,
just some information for you but does not apply to the fact they have mountains.

Japan * Japan traditionally has been isolated and led them to be ethnocentric (they believe they
are superior to all others. Japan did not like cultural diffusion. They feared their culture, which
was the best would change.

Incas (Andes Mountains)

Choose two of the civilizations listed. For the two you choose please address the following
First Choice___________________
1. Discuss two positive effects of settling in the mountains. Discuss effects specific to the
area you chose.
2. Discuss to positive effects of settling in the mountains. Discuss effects specific to the
area you chose.
3. How did the mountains impact the government the society had?

4. How did they adapt (make changes in the landscape) to the environment?
Second Choice:_____________
5. Discuss two positive effects of settling in the mountains. Discuss effects specific to the
area you chose.
6. Discuss to positive effects of settling in the mountains. Discuss effects specific to the
area you chose.
7. How did the mountains impact the government the society had?
8. How did they adapt (make changes in the landscape) to the environment?


3. Natural Resources
Some areas of the world have many natural resources and some areas have very few resources.
The availability of resources has impacted people living in an area in many ways.

Britain (England) many resources: Industrial Revolution

Japan very few resources: Led to aggression and the goal to conquer Asia before and
during world War II
Middle East oil a valuable resource: Importance of oil and the role of the Middle East
*just a note to remember a large amount of resources in Africa and India is what led to European
Imperialism in those areas.

Choose one of the three choices above:

1. Discuss the positive effects of their resource availability.
2. Discuss the negative effect of their resource availability.
3. Explain in detail how the amount of resources they have has impacted their history.
Please use historical facts and evidence to support your answer.


4. Rainforests
Rainforests play a vital role in the world. Two of the major Rainforests are the Congo in
the center of the continent of Africa and the Amazon Rainforest in Brazil in the
continent of South Africa.
Write a paragraph explaining why rainforests are import to the world. Explain at
least three reasons.
Also discuss how cutting down the rainforest impacts the word. Cutting down
the rainforest is an example of changing the environment.

5. Complete two of the following tasks:

1. Japan and Greece is an archipelago. Explain what an archipelago is and how this
geographical feature will impact the lives of the people.

2. How did the Monsoon Cycle impact the lives of the Indian people? A monsoon is a
seasonal wind. It is a climactic factor of geography.
3. Why did China build the Great wall? (example of changing the environment)
4. Why was the Berlin Wall in Germany built? (example of changing the environment)

SIX. (the number six would not type ) Deserts

1. How did the Sahara desert impact the relationship between North Africa and SubSahara Africa?

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