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Dear Friend, A few years ago the Bare Naked Ladies sang about what they'd do with a million

If I had a million dollars If I had a million dollars I'd buy you a fur coat But not a real fur coat-- that's cruel If I had a million dollars If I had a million dollars I'd buy you an exotic pet Like a llama or an emu

If Im going to make it to Congress to ght for Middle-Class families, Im probably going to need to raise at least a million dollars from grassroots supporters like you to get my message out. I have proudly pledged to take not one cent from the Wall Street Banks and corporate PACs that have been skewing Washingtons priorities.

My eventual Republican opponent, whoever he or she is, will be supported by the Wall Street banks and big Corporations that time after time stop Congress from ghting for Middle Class families here in Central Illinois. Fortunately, Ill have help evening the playing eld from organizations like Blue America and Progressive Democrats of America who know: The Bare Naked Ladies have agreed to let Howie Klein of Blue America give away a Fender Stratocaster guitar signed by all the members of the band to one lucky Gill donor who joins the Blue America PDA "If I Had a Million Dollars"fundraiser for me and Norman Solomon between now and tomorrow night April 30th. Heres what they say: See the guitar below? It's a Fender Strat signed by all 5 members of the Barenaked Ladies for their then record company president, Howie Klein, who has donated it to Blue America and PDA to help raise some campaign funds for Norman Solomon and Dr. David Gill. Blue America and PDA will thank one randomly chosen person-someone who contributes something-- any amount, whether $5 or $5,000-- to the two campaigns...Every contribution counts. Give it a shot. We'll announce the lucky owner of the Barenaked guitar on April 30. I need your help to counter the sea of special interest money that is going to be ooding into Central and Southwestern Illinois. Can you chip in and help make this fundraiser a success?If you contribute to both candidates in the contest before Monday night,you "David is in an open Democratic-leaning district, so as long as he can get his message out, he's likely to win in November."

put me a step closer to ghting for the Middle Class in Congress and give yourself a chance to become the owner of the Bare Naked Ladies guitar.

On to November,

David Gill, M.D. Democratic Candidate for Congress, IL-13 P.S.If you're ready to turn this new 13th district blue, then please consider giving$50,$25or even$13right now for a chance to win the Fender Strat guitar. Contributions or gifts to Friends of David Gill are not tax deductible. Contributions are limited to a maximum of $2,500 for the primary election and $2,500 for the general election, for a total of $5,000 per election-cycle. Federal law prohibits contributions from corporations, labor organizations, and national banks; from any person contributing another persons funds; from foreign nationals without permanent resident status; from government contractors. Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation, and name of employer of individuals whose contributions exceed $200 in an election cycle.

Paid For Friends of David Gill

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