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Homework 2.

1 Daneel Martinez

Intel Time line of Processors


In 1978 intel introduces their first 16 bit microprocessor known as the 8086. The 8086 version was too expensive therefore it created the 8088 running at 4.77 MHz and much cheaper for that time.

In 1981, intel creates the 80286 which was used in the AT-Compuiter which 80286 and its runned much faster.


Introduced in 1993 as a great technologic advancement


This CPU was created a s a much less expensive choice instead of the Pentium II


Pentium D

This was the end of the GHz race in processors. It changed the view from speed to poer and processors in the core system

Intel Core

In 2006 Intel decided to leave Pentium name behind and go the Core line of processors until this time there has been Core Single, Core Duo, Core 2 Duo, Core 2 Quad

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