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Strategic Management Assignment 1 Reference Material:

2008. Breakthrough Ideas for 2008, Harvard Business Review, February Issue

Kindly read the HBR article enlisting the breakthrough ideas of 2008. These innovations will inspire and dictate the emerging shape of business. You are required to pick three trends and forecast what impact it will have on the relevant industry. How will the market transform? Which forces will determine industry structure? How will products and services be developed? In short, you are required to conduct an industry analysis based on the trends preempted in the article.

This is an individual assignment. Limit your answer to a total count of 3000 words. Please submit a hard copy. Be thorough in your analysis using secondary resources. Cite references professionally using the APA style. Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Deadline for this assignment is Thursday, March 15th 2012 at the start of the class. Deadline will not be extended. Anyone who does not submit with the first five minutes of the start of the class will be graded zero.

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