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EXT. TRAIN STATION. NIGHT. OPENING CREDITS Credits - Possible Animation Graphics (Soundtrac ) Starring... Produced By...

.. The station is spacious with members of the public passing by, purchasing tic ets & chec ing for travel information AIDEN is worried, his face is filled with distraught. There is a train approaching from afar, AIDEN ta es a hesitant glance towards it. AIDEN begins to wal towards the platform edge with reluctance. He slowly ta es his steps towards the yellow line that meets the edge. The atmosphere is tense, those around the station begin to feel uneasy. The approaching train draws even closer to the platform. AIDEN is inches away from the edge. Scene fades down just at the moment the train reaches AIDEN. CREDITS Credits will be rolling on top of video sequence during this scene and reveal the title of film: 'Choices'. INT. ROOM. DAY. INTRO - AIDEN IN ROOM A reflective AIDEN is seated at the table of his room His room contains various objects such as magazines, letters, stic y notes, event tic ets that are personal to him whilst also including a cloc , mug, lamp and laptop he is using to write with. AIDEN is thin ing about his past and begins to write his memories. We see that AIDEN is writing about his friends

The scene fades down with AIDEN loo ing at the frame in his hand INT. BAR/RESTAURANT. EVENING. GROUP OF FRIENDS IN BAR/RESTAURANT Shot of picture in previous scene is zoomed in to show group

He pic s up a photo frame to loo friends together

at a picture of his

of friends (4 Main characters) together. The bar is a modern venue with a warm atmosphere; it consists of different people & various items that add to the setting Everyone is seated at the table PETER DAVIES "What about you AIDEN, what have you got planned?" AIDEN loo s hesitant.

LISA BRAMBLE "Have you really thought about this big plan of yours?" JUSTIN REID "I've got an idea, but I'll have tell you about it later" AIDEN nods his head slightly instead of choosing to respond. PETER DAVIES "Its my turn, same again?" LISA BRAMBLE "I'll come along" PETER & LISA leave the table and head towards the bar, leaving AIDEN & JUSTIN facing each other JUSTIN REID "Alright lets tal . I now you haven't got the money, I'm willing to provide it but I need to be sure you can pay it bac " AIDEN (PROTAGONIST) "I'm sure this will wor , I've spent a lot of time planning this" There is a silence between the two. PETER & LISA placing their drin s on table and settling down to resume their gathering INT. ROOM. DAY. AIDEN IN ROOM - 2ND FLASHBACK

AIDEN (PROTAGONIST) "I've got a big idea but I need the money to get it started" PETER DAVIES "Who have you loo ed at for investment?"

AIDEN is recollecting what happened in previous flashbac , he begins to loo around the room, pulling his ear. He is unsettled and is fidgeting. He begin to type and then stops suddenly to get up and pull open his curtain; it reveals a view of the s y through his window. EXT. GARDEN. DAY. AIDEN & LISA IN BOTANIC GARDEN AIDEN (PROTAGONIST) "You now what happened last time, I felt the need to tal to you about what I'm planning" AIDEN & LISA are sat together LISA's body language indicates she is not convinced. LISA BRAMBLE "This step you're about to ta e, you sure its going to wor out?" AIDEN (PROTAGONIST) "This is the one LISA, I thought out of everyone you'd understand" INT. ROOM. DAY. AIDEN IN ROOM - 3RD FLASHBACK

Cloc on wall (tic ing at 01:59PM) as it hits 2PM.. *Phone Alarm goes off* AIDEN wal s over to table to pic up phone, loo ing at phone in his hand *Alarm stating 2PM* EXT. TRAIN STATION. EVENING. AIDEN AT TRAIN STATION / JUSTIN PHONE CALL Phone in AIDEN'S hand - Time @ 2PM Incoming Call from JUSTIN, AIDEN is scared as he answers JUSTIN REID "Have you been avoiding me AIDEN!?"


AIDEN (PROTAGONIST) now its been a while"

AIDEN standing at Window of room and stares at Cloc wall

on the

JUSTIN REID "We had an agreement, I need my money" The station is busy with people wal ing around glancing at the information board every now and then AIDEN is increasingly becoming distressed AIDEN (PROTAGONIST) "You'll get it bac I just need more time" JUSTIN REID "Its ta en too long, I've had enough" JUSTIN violently hangs up the phone before AIDEN has time to respond AIDEN is depressed as he wal s around the station. He is confused and hopeless EXT. TRAIN STATION. NIGHT. AIDEN settles down on a bench at the platform; his level of depression has increased dramatically He becomes restless and starts to move around and fidget, time progressively moves on to the night. (Timelapse) He glances toward the white line ahead of him at the edge of the platform.

A train is speedily approaching the platform, AIDEN is undecided as his feet move closer to the edge The Train and AIDEN are about to collide. An arm stretches out to grab AIDEN just as the train passes. PETER DAVIES "What do you thin you're doing!?" AIDEN is extremely emotional AIDEN (PROTAGONIST) "It's all gone wrong." PETER slowly moves AIDEN away from the edge to ta e a seat on the benches. AIDEN (PROTAGONIST) "I don't now what to do"


AIDEN gets up form the seat and starts to wal white line.

towards the

"So things are hard right now, come stay with me for a while" INT. ROOM. DAY. AIDEN IN ROOM - 4TH FLASHBACK Phone still in AIDEN's hand *Alarm ringing - He switches it off & puts it in his poc et*

INT. PETER'S LIVING ROOM. NIGHT. AIDEN LEAVING PETER'S PLACE Reveals AIDEN in living room typing on Laptop filling out a Job application. The sound of the door closing is heard as PETER wal s in. PETER DAVIES "Any luc today?" AIDEN (PROTAGONIST) "I'm still waiting for some responses" PETER DAVIES "What about those emails you sent last wee ?" AIDEN (PROTAGONIST) "No Luc ." PETER loo s uneasy

PETER DAVIES "It's been a few months now and there hasn't been much progress, I can't afford to eep you here any longer..." AIDEN (PROTAGONIST) "Its o ay I understand, I'll leave." AIDEN is sharp in his movement, closes his laptop and starts getting his things together INT. ROOM. DAY. AIDEN IN ROOM - FINAL FLASHBACK AIDEN typing away on laptop about his "recollected memories" Chapter Title: HOMELESS DAYS AIDEN ta es a loo at bag that is rested against the wall and smiles subtly.

AIDEN goes to sit down at des

and begins to type on laptop

INT. STREET. DAY. AIDEN FINDS LISA Revealing that the bag is on AIDEN'S bac & he is wal ing down the street The street is modern and populated with pedestrians As AIDEN wal s down the street he collides into someone who drops all of their stuff. AIDEN (PROTAGONIST) "I'm really sorry, let me help you get that" LISA BRAMBLE "AIDEN, is that you, its been so long, where have you been?" AIDEN (PROTAGONIST) "Just been trying to sort out my life" The pair start tal ing about AIDEN'S situation, what happened with JUSTIN & PETER LISA BRAMBLE "I wanted to now if you still write, my firm are currently loo ing for a new editor to write some columns on their site it would suit you and I'm sure it will help you get your life bac off the ground." AIDEN is overwhelmed by the opportunity and excited He gladly welcomes the suggestion and gives LISA a big embrace. AIDEN IN ROOM - CLOSE UP INT. ROOM. DAY. AIDEN at the table - Shot pans up to reveal Label Mar er saying: "AIDEN SMITH - CHIEF EDITOR" Smiling. END: Shot Fades to Credits CREDITS

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