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Lista de componentes Capacitores: C1, C8: 1 F. C2, C9: 22 F. C3, C10: 2 F. C4, C11: 100 F.

C5, C12: 100 nF. C6, C13: 2000 F. C7, C14: 220 nF. Resistores: VR1, VR2: 22

potencimetro doble R1, R2, R6, R7, R11, R12: 100 K R3, R8: 4.3 K R4, R9: 150 K R5, R10: 1
Semiconductores: D1, D2, D3, D4: 1N4001 IC1, IC2: TDA2030 Otros: LS1, LS2: Bocinas de 4 para 12 obtener 12 vatios y de 8 para obtener 8 vatios por canal. SW1: Interruptor de 1 polo 1 posicin para encendido y apagado. Tableta de circuito impreso Tabletas de circuito impreso Texto orignal en la datasheet: The TDA2030A is a monolithic IC in Pentawatt package intended for use as low frequency classAB amplifier. With VS max = 44V it is particularly suited for morereliable applications without regulated supply andfor 35W driver circuits using low-cost complementary pairs. The TDA2030A provides high output current and has very low harmonic and cross-over distortion. Further the device incorporates a short circuit protectionsystem comprising an arrangement for automatically limiting the dissipated power so as to keep the working point of the output transistors within their safe operating area. A conventional thermal shut-down system is also included.

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