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Jessica Nestell Intro to Literature Professor Sapira Spring 2009 There was a red jeep in the parking lot

despite it being 4am. I wasnt used to seeing anybody around this early but still the jeep looked familiar; I want scared. I drove to the front of the store and took one of the good spots. As an employee we are expected to park next to the building by the dumpster or at the far end of the lot unless youre an opener and go to work at 4am. In that case youre allowed one of the prized customer spots at the front of the store. I stole a look at the store, nothing different; lights off except for the Christmas lights that Pudge can never remember to turn off when he closes. I put the key in the lock, we just got these new locks and they werent well oiled, the slight squeak made me jump. Like usual its the small things that get me. As I went to the alarm panel to deactivate the alarm blaring through my consciousness; I was chuckling to myself the same way I always chuckle when I remember the day I learned the code. Now Makenzie, its real easy. Its Lisas birthday last year and the American Revolution with the activation code at the end; 1 for activate and 2 for deactivate. Huh? The memory never failed to amuse me as I giggled myself to the alarm panel. It still amazed me how far I had come at this job, I never thought I would be able to joke with myself while getting so much done. Switching from sleep mode

That was weird. It always reads motion sensor de-activated that maded me nervous. I flipped on the lights and toyed with the idea of calling Pudge demanding answers; what did he do last night that yielded these weird results? Suddenly the office door creaked; I hadnt turned on the air. There was no reason for this to be happening. Panic shot through me like a bullet as I felt the entirety of my senses zone in on the door. Time stopped It took everything in me to not close my eyes; whoever was coming out of that office was going to see me before I got to the silent alarm. The panic button necklaces were in the office; I didnt have one. I felt helpless as time slowed to a crawl and the few seconds it took to open the door felt like an eternity. Finally it was over. The terrifying thoughts that were running through my head compiled with the realization of who it was seemed too much for my brain to handle. I started laughing, first a light giggle but it quickly turned into a gut wrenching laugh. As I struggled to compose myself the image of the door opening was racing through my head; over and over, and every time it got funnier. Just as time had nearly stopped when the door was opening time seemed to stop as my laugh seemed never ending. Somehow I slowly got enough control back to raise my head. I looked at his shoes the same green and orange crocs he always wore; this thought did nothing to improve my hysterical laughing yet I controlled myself enough to continue looking. My eyes went up to his pants; or at least where his pants should have been; boxers. I wonder if time is moving as slowly. I suppose I could have lost my mind I mean I never expected to ever see him without his pants. Yellow smiley faces; for a man that holds himself with such regard I never expected him to wear yellow smiley face boxers. Focus! Keep going for some reason I felt compelled to keep looking in this strange observant way. I felt as if my conscious needed it in order to fully come to terms with what happened.

Stop! Stop thinking. Just keep going I recognized my voice inside my head yet it felt so detached from myself. Still I continued. The shirt was one of his favorites, at least thats what I guessed. I had seen the shirt a lot; it was the white and green length Raglan baseball shirt with the faded name of a sports team I assume he belonged to in his college days. I studied the shirt as I realized my laughing was calming down maybe my subconscious new it was this slow methodical way of looking at him that would prepare me to see him as him; to truly recognize him. I continued. If there was any doubt as to whether or not he had spent the night it was gone. The proof started at his neck, the thick stubble coming from nearly 24hrs without shaving. My eyes paused on his mouth; his lips were parted in a confused manor. I felt as if he wanted to say something but given my reaction he didnt want to be the first to speak. He waited his lips locked in this awkward position. I paused for a moment realizing the next place was his eyes; which once I looked into would require me to speak. As a last attempt to avoid having to explain my reaction I remembered where I was; work. I had no idea what time it was, I needed to start getting things done if I planned to open the store this morning. Makenzie! Focus! Again my inner voice commanded me back to what I needed to do. I refocused on his awkwardly parted lips and let my eyes wander up. Slowly I took in his familiar nose I never realized it was a little crooked; turned in on the one side. All too suddenly my eyes locked with his. The warm familiar brown that stared back at me so filled with concern almost pushed me back to my hysteria. I dont know what I was expecting but the sudden warmth that shot through me was just too much. Alan

As I said the name of my boss I slowly sat down. Fumbling behind me to make sure I was going to plant myself on the empty milk crate I keep by the register. I realized I had only been awake for about an hour but I felt ready to go back to bed. You almost gave me a heart attack. Why are you here? And seriously a heads up would have been nice. The awkwardly parted lips didnt move, I began to wonder whether my reaction had put him into shock. I looked at the clock 4:07 wow seven minutes; I dont know what time I was expecting; Alan pulled me out of the thought. I was planning on calling. I thought I set the alarm on my phone. Im sorry. Unfortunately for Alan it wasnt just anyone working this morning it was me. Anyone else wouldnt have noticed the subtle changes in his facial expression and certainly no one else would have seen the faraway look that was invading his eyes. Whatever the reason for Alans presence it was bad and his feelings were hurt. I wanted to throw my arms around him and ask what was wrong. As my arms longed to touch him my mind won the battle. Its done now, whatever. Dont worry about it, I got to start getting things done. I started to get up forgetting the confusion of the situation for a moment, it wasnt until my mind had wandered to the coffee that I remembered I was confused. Still I realized I needed to pick my words carefully if he hadnt quickly explained his reasons for being here I was going to have to go about it without direct questions. Pot of Richer Roast first? As I turned towards the coffee bar I smiled to myself he had a weakness for coffee.

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