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High Card: If no two cards match or make anything else, then your best hand is the highest card in your hand. Pair: If two of your cards are the same, like 2 jacks or 2 aces. Three of a kind: Three of your cards are the same, like having three 2s. Straight: All five of your cards are in numerical sequence, doesnt matter which suit. If two people have straights, the person with the higher number sequence wins. Flush: All five of your cards are the same suit. They do not have to be in any sequence. Full House: This is a combination of a pair and a three of a kind. Four of a Kind: Four of your cards are the same number. Straight Flush: All five of your cards are the same suit and they are all in sequence. Royal Flush: Same as a straight flush but with Ten, Jack, Queen, King, & Ace.

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