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Your experience.

An AdvAntAge for a diploma

Comptences Montral works in collaboration with the Cegeps of Montreal as well as several partners from the Education, Employment and Immigration fields in order to facilitate your recognition of acquired competencies approach. Comptences Montral informs and guides you in the process of evaluating and recognizing the competencies you have acquired through your work and life experiences, on the basis of a college studies program that is officially recognized by the Ministre de lducation, du Loisir et du Sport. Available fields Graphic arts and communications Administrative techniques Biological and agri-food techniques Human techniques Physical techniques Why would you have your competencies recognized ? To obtain employment in your field of work To upgrade your working conditions To facilitate your career renewal To obtain a certification that will be recognized everywhere in Quebec To perfect your knowledge related to your profession How can you have your competencies recognized ? To know the procedure as well as the participating Cegeps, please visit our Website : To contact Recognition of acquired competencies consultant or for any other question you might have, please dial 514 789-0067 or write to

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