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QUESTIONS Short Story The Sound Machine

Study the short story The Sound Machine. Then, complete the exercise below. Put a tick (/) or cross (x) to indicate whether the statements are true or false. Check your answers with your friends. 1. The sound machine was kept in the wooden shed by Klausner, where he worked on it. 2. The black box had the shape of a childs coffin. 3. The doctor asked Klausner about his ears. 4. Klausners sound machine was ready when the doctor came to see him 5. The human ear could hear both low-pitched and high pitched sounds with ease. 6. The doctor was skeptical that the device could help to detect sounds like a radio. 7. The squeaking of a bat could be heard without using the sound machine. 8. Klausner tried his invention in the park on the day he fixed the machine. 9. In the beginning Klausner could only hear the humming tone of the machine. 10. Klausner was surprised to hear a frightful piercing shriek. 11. Klausners neighbour was watering the plants. 12. Klausners neighbour was alarmed when she heard him calling him in excitement. 13. Mrs. Saunders had snipped a rose stem with a pair of scissors. 14. Mrs. Saunders did not believe what Klausner told her about the rose screaming. 15. Klausner broke the stems of two daisy plants to test if his invention worked. 16. Klausner went to the doctors house to show him the machine. 17. Klausner wanted the doctor to witness that his machine worked. 18. The doctor tried to escape from the falling branch by running away from it. 19. Klausner was holding a bottle of iodine in his hand. 20. Klausner was happy the doctor treated the cut on the tree with iodine.
2003 Literature for Secondary Schools Just English Sdn Bhd.

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