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Algorithm Design Techniques

Brute force Divide-and-conquer Decrease-and-conquer Transform-and-conquer Space-and-time tradeoffs Dynamic programming

Greedy techniques

CSC 3102


B.B. Karki, LSU

Greedy Techniques

CSC 3102


B.B. Karki, LSU

Constructing a solution to an optimization problem through a sequence of

steps, each expanding a partially constructed solution obtained so far, until a complete solution to the problem is reached.
On each step, the choice made must be feasible, locally optimal and inrevocable.

Constructing a minimum spanning tree (MST) of a weighted connected graph Grows a MST through a greedy inclusion of the nearest vertex or shortest

edge to the tree under construction Prims and Kruskals algorithms Solving the single-source shortest-path problem Finds shortest paths from a given vertex (the source) to all other vertices. Dijkstras algorithm Huffman tree and code A binary tree that minimizes the weighted path length from the root to the leaves containing a set of predefined weights An optimal prefix-free variable-length encoding scheme.
CSC 3102

B.B. Karki, LSU

Minimum Spanning Tree

CSC 3102


B.B. Karki, LSU

MST: Problem Statement

Given n points, connect them in the cheapest


1 2 9


possible way so that there will be a path between every pair of points Graph representation, e.g., a network Solve the minimum spanning tree problem.
A spanning tree of a connected graph is its

3 A complete graph on four vertices Many spanning trees are possible

connected acyclic subgraph (a tree) that contains all its vertices.

A minimum spanning tree of a weighted connected


1 9


graph is its spanning tree of the smallest weight. The weight of a tree is the sum of the weights on all its edges Sum of the lengths of all edges If the edge weights are unique, then there will be only one minimum spanning tree otherwise more than one MST exist.
CSC 3102

3 W=9

W = 17

1 2

3 A minimum spanning tree with W = 6

B.B. Karki, LSU

Constructing a MST

Exhaustive search approach: List all spanning trees and find the one with

the minimum weight from the list

The number of spanning trees grows exponentially with the graph size

Efficient algorithms for finding a MST for a connected weighted graph Prims algorithm (R.C. Prim, 1957) Constructs a MST one vertex at a time by including the nearest vertex to the vertices already in the tree
Kruskals algorithm (J.B. Kruskal, 1956) Constructs a MST one edge at a time by selecting edges in increasing

order of their weights provided that the inclusion does not create a cycle.

CSC 3102


B.B. Karki, LSU

Prims Algorithm
Constructs a MST through a sequence of expanding subtrees The initial subtree (VT) in such a sequence consists of a single vertex selected

arbitrarily from the set V of the n vertices of the graph

On each iteration, we expand the current tree (VT) by simply attaching to it the

nearest vertex not in that tree

Find the smallest edge connecting VT to V - VT

The algorithm stops after all the graphs vertices have been included in the

tree being constructed

The total number of iteration is n - 1, since exactly one vertex is added to the tree

at each iteration The MST is then defined by the set of edges used for the tree expansions.
CSC 3102

B.B. Karki, LSU

Each vertex (u) not in the current tree (VT) needs

information about the shortest edge connecting it to a tree vertex (v)

To find a vertex u* with the smallest weight

label in the V - VT
Attach two labels to each non-tree vertex u Name of the nearest tree vertex and weight of the corresponding edge For vertices that are not adjacent to any tree vertex, the name label is null and the weight is infinity Split non-tree (u) vertices into two sets Fringe: us are adjacent to, at least, one tree vertex Unseen: us are yet to be affected by the algorithm.

Algorithm Prim(G) // Input: weighted connected // graph G = V, E // Output: ET , the set of edges // composing a MST of G. VT {v0} ET for i 1 to |V | -1 do find a minimum weight edge e* = (v*, u*) among all edges (v, u) such that v is in VT and u is in V - VT VT VT {u*} ET ET {e*} Return ET

Two operations after finding vertex u* to be added to the tree VT Move u* from the set V - VT to the minimum spanning tree VT For each remaining vertex u in V - VT that is connected by a shorter edge than us current distance label, update its labels by u* and weight of the edge between u* and u.
CSC 3102

B.B. Karki, LSU


Tree vertices and remaining vertices. Selected vertex on each iteration is shown in bold. The labels indicate the nearest tree vertex and edge weight. a(-, -) b(a, 3) c(-, ) d(-, ) e(a, 6) f(a, 5) b(a, 3) c(b, 1) d(-, ) e(a, 6) f(b, 4) c(b, 1) d(c, 6) e(a, 6) f(b, 4) f(b, 4) d(f, 5) e(f, 2) e(f, 2) d(f, 5) d(f, 5)

3 4 5

1 4

6 5 2


3 4

5 2

a MST with the minimum total weight of 15


CSC 3102

B.B. Karki, LSU

Correctness can be proved by induction: T0 consisting of a single vertex must be a

part of any MST

For ith inductive step, assume that Ti-1 is part of some T and then prove that Ti, generated from Ti-1 is also a part of MST Proof by contradiction: Let e = (v, u) be the smallest edge connecting a vertex in Ti-1 to G-Ti-1 to expand Ti-1 to Ti Suppose you have a tree T not containing e; then show that T is not the MST.

e v



Graph G

Because T is a spanning tree it contains a unique path from v to u, which together with edge e forms a cycle in G. This path has to include another edge f (v, u) connecting Ti-1 to G-Ti-1 T+e-f is another spanning tree, with a smaller weight than T as e has smaller weight than f So T was not minimum, which is what we wanted to prove.

CSC 3102

B.B. Karki, LSU

Efficiency depends on the data structures chosen for the graph itself and the

priority queue of the set V- VT whose vertex priorities are the distances (edge weights) to the nearest tree vertices.
For a graph represented by its weight (adjacency) matrix and the priority

queue implemented as an unordered array, the running time is (|V|2)

The priority queue implemented with a min-heap data structure: A complete binary tree in which every element is less than or equal to

its children. The root contains the smallest element. Deletion of smallest element and insertion of a new element in a minheap of size n are O(log n) operations, and so is the operation of changing an elements priority.
For a graph represented by its adjacency linked lists and the priority queue

implemented as a min-heap, the running time is O(|E| log |V|).

CSC 3102

B.B. Karki, LSU

Pseudocode with Min-Heap

Use a min-heap to

remember, for each vertex, the smallest edge connecting VT with that vertex.
Perform |V | -1 steps in

which we remove the smallest element in the heap, and at most 2 |E| steps in which we examine an edge e = (v, u). For each of these steps, we might replace a value on the heap, reducing its weight.

Algorithm PrimWithHeaps(G) VT {v0} ET make a heap of values (vertex, edge, wt(edge)) for i 1 to |V | -1 do let (u*, e*, wt(e*)) have the smallest weight in the heap remove (u*, e*, wt(e*)) from the heap add u* and e* to VT for each edge e = (u*, u) do if u is not already in VT find value (u, f, wt(f)) in heap if wt(e) < wt(f) replace (u, f, wt(f)) with (u, e, wt(e)) return ET

CSC 3102


B.B. Karki, LSU

Kruskals Algorithm
A greedy algorithm for constructing a minimum spanning tree (MST) of a weighted

connected graph.
Finds an acyclic subgraph with |V| - 1 edges for which the sum of the edge weights is the

smallest. Constructs a MST as an expanding sequence of subgraphs, which are always acyclic but are not necessarily connected until the final stage. The algorithm begins by sorting the graphs edges in non-decreasing order of their

weights and then scans the list adding the next edge on the list to the current subgraph provided that the inclusion does not create a cycle. Algorithm Kruskal(G) ET ; ecounter 0 k0 while encounter < |V| - 1 for k k + 1 to n do if ET {ei,k} is acyclic ET ET {ei,k}; ecounter ecounter + 1 return ET
CSC 3102

B.B. Karki, LSU

3 4 5 1 4

6 5 2

Sorted list of tree edges: the selected edges are shown in red. bc ef ab bf cf af df ae cd de 1 2 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 8 Picking up any of the remaining edges (cf, af, ae, cd, de) will create a cycle. For a graph of 6 vertices, only five edges need to be picked up.


3 4

5 2

Total weight = 15
CSC 3102

B.B. Karki, LSU

Kruskals Algorithm - A Different View

A progression through a series of forests containing all vertices of a given graph and

some of its edges

The initial forest consists of |V| trivial trees, each comprising a single vertex of the graph The final forest consists of a single tree (MST).

On each iteration (operation), the algorithm takes next edge (u, v) from the ordered list

of the graph edges, finds the trees containing the vertices u and v, and, if these trees are not the same, unites them in a larger tree by adding the edge. This avoids a cycle.
Checking whether two vertices belong to two different trees requires an application of

the so-called union-find algorithm

The time efficiency of Kruskals algorithm is in O(|E| log|E|).

v e u

CSC 3102


B.B. Karki, LSU

Union-Find Algorithm
Kruskals algorithm requires a dynamic partition of some n-element set S into a

collection of disjoint subsets S1, S2 ., Sk.

Initialization: each disjoint subset is one-element subset, containing a different

element of S. Union-find operation: acts on the collection of n one-element subsets to give larger subsets. Abstract data type for the finite set: makeset(x) - creates an one-element set {x} find(x) - returns a subset containing x union(x,y) - constructs the union of disjoint subsets containing x and y. Subsets representative: Use one element from each of the disjoint subsets in a collection Two principal implementations Quick find - uses an array indexed by the elements of the set and the arrays values indicate the subsets representatives containing those elements. Each subset is implemented as a linked list. Quick union - represents each subset by a rooted tree with one element per node and the roots element as the subsets representative.
CSC 3102

B.B. Karki, LSU

Single-Source Shortest-Paths Problem

CSC 3102


B.B. Karki, LSU

Problem Statement
For a given vertex called the source in a

weighted connected graph, find the shortest paths to all its other vertices.
7 source to a different vertex in the graph. 3 4 c b The resulting tree is a spanning tree. A variety of applications exist: 2 3 5 6 to find shortest route between two cities. 4 7 a e d Dijkstras algorithm finds the shortest paths to the graphs vertices in order of their 9 5 distance from a given source. A tree representing all possible Works for a graph with nonnegative shortest paths to four vertices, edge weights. b, d, c and e from the source a of path lengths of 3, 5, 7 and 9, Different versions of the problem: respectively. Single-pair shortest-path problem Single-destination shortest-paths problem If the source is different, then a All pairs shortest-paths problem different tree results. Traveling salesman problem.

Find a family of paths, each leading from the

CSC 3102

B.B. Karki, LSU

Dijkstras Algorithm
Dijkstras algorithm works in the same way as the Prims algorithm does. Both construct an expanding subtree of vertices by selecting the next vertex from the priority queue of the remaining vertices and using similar labeling. However, the priorities are computed in differently: Dijkstras algorithm compares path lengths (by adding edge weights) while Prims algorithm compares the edge weights as given. The algorithm works by first finding the shortest path from the source to a

vertex nearest to it, then to a second nearest, and so on.

In general, before its ith iteration commences, the algorithm has already

identified the shortest paths to i - 1 other vertices nearest to the source.

These vertices, the source, and the edges of the shortest paths leading to them from

the source form a subtree Ti of the given graph. The next vertices nearest to the source can be found among the vertices adjacent to the vertices of Ti. These adjacent vertices are referred to as fringe vertices. They are the candidates from which the algorithm selects the next vertex to the source.
CSC 3102

B.B. Karki, LSU


For every fringe vertex u, the algorithm computes the sum of the distance to the nearest vertex v and the length dv of the shortest path from the source to v, and selects the vertex with the smallest such sum. Each vertex has two labels.
The numeric label d indicates the length of the shortest path from


v* u*

the source to this vertex found by the algorithm so far When a vertex is added to the tree, d indicates the length of the shortest path from the source to that vertex. The other label indicates the name of the next-to-last vertex on such a path The parent of the vertex in the tree being constructed.

With such labeling, finding the next nearest vertex u* becomes a simple task of finding a

fringe vertex with the smallest d value.

After a vertex u* to be added to the tree is identified, perform two operations: Move u* from the fringe to the set of tree vertices. For each remaining fringe vertex u that is connected u* by an edge of weight w(u*, u) such that du* + w(u*, u) < du, update the labels of u by u* and du* + w(u*, u), respectively.
CSC 3102

B.B. Karki, LSU

Shows explicit operations on two

sets of labeled vertices:

The set VT of vertices for which

a shortest path has already been found. The priority queue Q of the fringe vertices. Initialize: initialize vertex

priority queue to empty. Insert: initialize vertex priority in the priority queue. Decrease: update priority of s with ds. DeleteMin: delete the minimum priority element.
CSC 3102


Algorithm Dijkstra(G) // Input: weighted connected graph // G = V, E and its vertex s // Output: The length dv of a shortest path from // s to v, and its penultimate vertex pv // for every vertex v in V (pv is the list // of predecessors for each v ) Initialize (Q) for every vertex v in V do dv ; pv Insert (Q, v, dv ) dv 0; Decrease (Q, s, ds ) VT for i 0 to |V | - 1 do u* DeleteMin(Q) VT VT {u*} for every vertex u in V - VT that is adjacent to u* do if du* + w(u*, u) < du du du* + w(u*, u); pu u* Decrease (Q, u, du )

B.B. Karki, LSU

Tree vertices and remaining vertices. Selected

vertex on each iteration is shown in bold. The labels indicate the nearest tree vertex and path length.
a(-, 0)

3 2 7

4 5

6 4

b(a, 3) c(-, ) d(a, 7) e(-, )

b(a, 3)

3 b
3 2



c(b, 3+4) d(b, 3+2) e(-, )

d(b, 5)

c(b, 7) e(d, 5+4)

c(b, 7)

d 5

e 9

e(d, 9)
e(d, 9)

The shortest paths of four vertices from the source vertex a:

b: d: c: e:

a-b a-b-d a-b-c a-b-d-e

of length 3 of length 5 of length 7 of length 9

B.B. Karki, LSU

CSC 3102

Correctness can be proved by induction: For i = 1, the assertion is true for the trivial path from the source to itself. For general step, assume that it is true for the algorithms tree Ti with i

vertices. Let vi+1 be the vertex to be added next to the tree by the algorithm.
All vertices on a shortest path from s to vi+1 must be in Ti because they are

closer to s than vi+1.

Hence, the (i+1)st closet vertex can be selected as the algorithm does: by

minimizing the sum of dv and the length of the edge from u to an adjacent vertex not in the tree. dv is the shortest path from s to v (contained in Ti) by the assumption of induction.
CSC 3102

B.B. Karki, LSU


The time efficiency of Dijkstras algorithm depends on the data

structures chosen for the graph itself and the priority queue.
For a graph represented by its weight matrix and the priority queue

implemented an unordered array, the running time is (|V |2).

For a graph represented by its adjacency linked lists and the priority

queue implemented as a min-heap, the running time is O(|E| log |V|).

CSC 3102


B.B. Karki, LSU

Huffman Tree and Code

CSC 3102


B.B. Karki, LSU

Huffman Tree and Code

Huffman trees allow us to encode a text that comprises characters

from some n-character alphabet

Huffman code represents an optimal prefix-free variable-length

scheme that assigns bit strings to characters based on their frequencies in a given text. Uses a greedy construction of binary tree whose leaves represent the alphabet characters and whose left and right edges are labeled with 0s and 1s. Assigns shorter bits to high-frequency characters and longer ones to low-frequency characters.

CSC 3102


B.B. Karki, LSU

Huffmans Algorithm
Initialize n one-node trees and label them with characters of the alphabet with the

frequency of each character recorded as the weight in its trees root

Find two trees with the smallest weights and make them the left and right

subtrees of a new tree and record the sum of their weights in the root of the new tree as its weight The resulting binary tree is called Huffman tree
Obtain the codeword of a character by recording the labels (0 or 1) on the simple

path from the root to the characters leaf This is the Huffman code It provides an optimal encoding Dynamic Huffman encoding Coding tree is updated each time a new character is read from the source text

CSC 3102


B.B. Karki, LSU

Constructing a Huffman Coding Tree

See the text book for the following five-character alphabet {A, B, C, D, -}

example: character probability codeword

A 0.35 11

B 0.1 100

C 0.2 00

D 0.2 01

0.15 101

Expected number of bit per character is


l = li pi = 2.25



Variance: Var =

(l l )
i i=1

pi 0.19
0.2 C 0.2 D 0.25 0.35 A

In the fixed-length scheme each codeword will contain three bits. So Huffman code results in compression by (3 - 2.25) = 0.75, which is 25 %.

0.1 B

0.15 -

CSC 3102


B.B. Karki, LSU

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