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This is MY take on what events brought us to this point and where I believe it w ill progress to in the near future.

the 1909 run on the banks was engineered on a rumor to help usher in the Rothsc hild joint owned Federal Reserve,,,and THEN WWI which the Rothschilds recieved t he Balfour Decleration ,which gave them Israel from Palestine that wasnt implime nted until after WWII also by design. It was a reward for getting the US into WW I by engineering the sinking of the Lusitania,,,they TOLD the coordinates and th at the Ship was carrying Arms for britan to the Germans thus it being sank,,,the Rothschild OWNED newspapers even perpetuated it, by using it as the Battlecry f or the US,,,"Remeber the Lusitania" In 29' they did the same thing, caused a run on the banks on a rumor as well. th us ushering in the FDR welfare system as a great experiment, to be used on a wor ld wide level in the future, proving People given JUST ENOUGH to survive will do anything they are told to keep from losing it. then they brought Nazism into th e lime light according to plan through the illegitiment Rothschild known as Hitl er. funding him,,,while at the same time backing the allies thus profiting from BOTH sides of the War, and at the end, brought the Rothschild born Marxism into the lime light, and putting the illegitiment Rothschild, Stalin, into power as w ell. Thus starting the Cold War AFTER WWII now coming to the END of the Cold War, they needed the NEW "evil Enemy for you t o hate. so they started engineering problems with the Muslim World, using the CI A created, controlled, trained and funded Al Qaeda and CIA asset Osama Bin Laden (AKA Tim Osman) who died of natural Causes in December of 2001 when Kidney fail ure caused fluid to back up into his lungs. But all kept alive by CIA/Mossad fak e videos and messages until they did the FAKE attack where we SUPPOSEDLY took hi m out. Then they took out the leaders in the middle east that were aware of all of this and wouldn't play ball with the Rothschilds. Hussein, wouldn't trade oil in US Dollars like they are ALL required to. because that way when they totally collap se the US Dollar then they can do the same thing they did to take over England d uring the Napoleonic Wars by convincing the English people Napoleon was winning the War when England was, thus driving the English stock market to tank and boug ht it up for pennies on the pound. Qaddafi was taken out because he wanted to come out with the gold backed Dinar,, , which would make ALL of the current Fiat Currencies tank before the Rothschild s were ready to tank them for the One World Currency, the BANCOR (reference the IMF's website and punch in the BANCOR in the search engine, it brings up the Doc uments) Then we come to Iran,,,Iran is the catalysis,,,the spark to set off the powder-k eg of WWIII, knowing some inside info, I think the US will sink the USS Enterpri se in the Straits of Hormuz, and Blame it on Iran,,,Because Ahmadinejad is too s mart to bite on their provocations, He KNOWS they are trying to bait him into an Attack. I ALSO believe when WWIII starts they will tank the US Dollar at the sa me time. that way the entire country is in total Chaos to declare Martial Law an d suspend the Elections. using the same excuse also they don't want to change le aders during a World War,,,(worked for FDR's 3rd term) then, by the end of the W orld War they will engineer the One World Order to be what brings about the end of the World War and brings a fake peace to the world. then Implementing the TOT AL Electronic BANCOR, where everyone's ID, Bio-metrics, medical, and financial i s on a Chip,,,and the way they keep the masses in line is telling them if they g et out of line, then they shut OFF your account and effectively you don't exist, ,,so they could walk up to you and shoot you in the head in the middle of the st reet (which Im SURE they would do as an example) and it would be legal because, you don't exist.

The Big Picture is all there you just have to stand back and look at it objectiv ely.

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