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In general Houses 3 - 7 - 11 form the Kama trikona - the trine associated with d esires and ambitions and our

potential/abilities in achieving them It includes desires in general not just sexual. 3rd is the seed of the desire, 7 th is the fuel for the desire and 11th is the accomplishment of the desire. What I've observed is that 3rd house mostly considered bravery, courage, motivat ion, initiative is also a house of sexual vitality, libido and potency. In cases where a native has strong sexual desires - the influence of 3rd house ( or lord) will enable him to carryout or act on his sexual desires. If the 3rd house is not involved - then there is an excess of sexual desires in the form of imagination, fantasy, viewing & thinking of sexual imagery etc., - b ut not acting on his impulses - like seeking partners. This would apply to the world outside of sexuality as well. In case of business or enterprise ambitions - the native may think a lot about having his own busine ss, becoming rich and famous, but unless the 3rd is involved the desire is not taken to the next level of action. The other observation is about the 11th house. I normally view 11th as the house of obsessions and addictions on the negative s ide, or the house of passion or the ability to carry out a task without or witho ut an end or motive or returns in sight - on the positive side. When lagna lord or the lagna is involved with the 11th house/lord - there is a d eep level of ingrained affinity to either obsession/passion/addiction to some vi ce - either alcohol/smoking/gambling/drugs/women etc., Usually the natural tendencies of 11th lord gives clues about this addiction. I remember a chart where a Taurus Ascendant had Jupiter and Venus practically co njoined in the lagna. The native was very religious and knew many stotras/mantra s - but was a hard core alcoholic and totally wrecked his career and family/domestic life. There are also more clue to be gleaned from the D30 chart - where one's Paapa Pu rusha can be analyzed. House 7-12 in D30 indicate our shortcomings/weaknesses th at are very visible or evident. House 7 (Kama), 8 (Krodha Anger), 9 (Lobha - hoarding), 10 (Moha - sense of invincibility) , 11 (Mada - obsessions/addictions), 12 (Matsarya - jealousy) can be seen.

7th in the D-7 is the Kaya House for Sex. 8th house is your sexual attractivenes s. Preferably you want your 8th Bhava to tie in with the 3rd in D-3 (Jagganatha Drekkana) and the 5th in D-5 (all denoting sexual desires of others - Bhavas in charts can denote your own character or the external enviironment). The 3rd and 5th in D-7 should also have good indications like Venus in Pisces in exalation dispositing Rahu which would accentuate Venus good attributes. The 9th to 3rd in D-3 and the 9th the 5th in D-5 should also tie in or blend wit h the 8th, 3rd or 5th Bhava in D-7. Your Rasi Lagna denoting your body should either in 1st or 7th or D-7 would enha nce your physical attractiveness (whereas 8th Bhava in D-7 denote sexual attract

iveness and covered in the previous paragraphs) and in combination with the D-9 Lord would additonally make for a felicitous com bination.

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