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Wisdom is born with questions

Every day, millions of people ask themselves questions which are sometimes stranger than others. They try to find answers. Thats why they need wisdom to answer those questions. This makes me think that questions are one kind of a portal for wisdom. Along with the birth of a question or of an answer , is born a grain of wisdom , too Youve been wiser if youve tried by yourself to do what you must do is the reply which every child hears several times from his parents . In the evenings, I stay for hours thinking what people mean by wise when they say that to us It means that we must follow our heart or that we must make a choice or we must dedicate to our hobbies Along with a question, wisdom starts coming to you to help you. Would the Great scientists of the world be able to find solutions or answers without wisdom? Would they stay days and nights thinking if they didnt have wisdom ? They were wise people and now they are important people for us Today, many people search for an answer to this question: What was first of all : the egg or the hen? Its the most difficult question . People , the young and the old,. think that to be wise they must be patient . They are right. Patience leaves us time to acquire knowledge and answers to questions. This way wisdom will stay in our minds foe ever. I remember that I read about some young scientist and researches . After they discovered realities like that the Earth revolves around the sun, they were advised by the old to hide those things. They thought of that advice, but they decided to follow the voice of their heart , to reveal theirs destinies. So, they told people the things they discovered and they were killed. that sacrifice was so important and not in vain I follow the voice of my heart too, when I have to decide.I think this is better for me. I think everybody must do that, specially the young like me. We must trust ourselves, maybe we shall become

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