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free childrens knitting patterns

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knitting patterns
for children


free childrens knitting patterns from knittingdaily:

knitting patterns
1 2


for children


1 Petite Feet Interweave Staff

to School 2 BackGaughan Norah

5 Shadowy Vest Marilyn Murphy

Roving 6 Unspun Moore Mittens Amy Clarke Kiss 7 YouRintala a Hundred Frogs Purse Laura Hats 8 Earflapdesign team Knitscene

3 Schoolgirl Pullover Ann Budd 4 Stop-Traffic Circles Kristin Nicholas

free childrens knitting patterns from knittingdaily:

knitting patterns


The yoke of Stop-Traffic Circles by Kristin Nicholas is decorated with cheerful concentric circles. Simple chain-stitch embroidery around the knitted-in circle motifs gives them added dimension and a smooth outline. The body of the sweater is worked in knit-and-purl ladder-stitch patterns interspersed with simple cable panels. The finished sweater is machine-washed it gently to even out any irregularities in the embroidery and to give the sweater a soft, semifelted surface. The Shadowy Vest by Marilyn Murphy is made in a clever, easy colorwork pattern. The yarn combination is what makes the magic; the combination of a solid and a multicolored yarn and strategically placed knits and purls makes the shadow stripe pattern. Sized for a 2-year-old to a 10-year-old, youll want to make one for each of your special little people. amy Clarke Moore designed the Unspun Roving Mittens to keep her childrens hands warm in the winter. Theyre knitted with unspun roving and then fulled slightly for added warmth. These are great for adults as well; the pattern includes instructions for childs size and womans size mittens. Laura Rintala's You Kiss a Hundred Frogs Purse is the perfect backto-school backpack. Your little one will love packing it with a pencil box and a sack lunch! Earflap Hats by the Knitscene design Team includes three patternsone for men, one for women, and one for childrenwith optional pom-poms. an earflap hat is guaranteed to make you and your little person as happy as your ears are warm! Have fun knitting for kids! Cheers,

I aBSoLUTeLY LoVe KNITTINg FoR KIddoS. I dont have any of my own, so I knit like mad for my friends kids, and for my nephew, Henry. Its time for me to knit Henry a back-to-school sweater and I thought you might like to knit something for a little one in your life, too. So here are eight patterns to get youand your little buddygoing! The five designs in Petite Feet are all based on a choose your own adventure sock pattern. You can choose to make socks from the patterns given or you can make up your own pattern with the guidelines provided! Back to School by Norah gaughan is a unique cotton pullover, sized from small child to extra-large adult, features a flattering asymmetrical textural pattern worked in a combination of stockinette, seed, and garter stitches. The lime green color of the super simple School-Girl Pullover by ann Buddplus the rolled edges and cropped lengthgive it a fresh look, just right for the schoolgirl with a modern sense of style. Whatever color you choose to knit this sweater in, its sure to delight your school girl.

for children

1 Petite Feet Interweave Staff to School 2 Backgaughan Norah 3 Schoolgirl Pullover ann Budd 4 Stop-Traffic Circles Kristin Nicholas 5 Shadowy Vest Marilyn Murphy Roving 6 UnspunMoore Mittens amy Clarke Kiss 7 YouRintala a Hundred Frogs Purse Laura 8 earflap Hats Knitscene design team
Table of Contents

Kathleen Cubley editor,

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FRee CHILdReN'S KNITTINg PaTTeRNS FRoM KNITTINg daILY: 8 FRee KNITTINg PaTTeRNS FoR CHILdReN A Knitting Daily eBook edited by Kathleen Cubley
e d I T o R I a L S Ta F F

Kathleen Cubley Sandi Wiseheart


Janice Tapia Chris Hartlove (unless otherwise noted) ILLUSTRaTIoN gayle Ford

Projects and information are for inspiration and personal use only. Interweave Knits and Knitting Daily do not recommend, approve, or endorse any of the advertisers, products, services, or views advertised in this publication. Nor does Knits or Knitting Daily evaluate the advertisers claims in any way. You should, therefore, use your own judgment in evaluating the advertisers, products, services, and views advertised in Knits or Knitting Daily.

presented by knittingdaily

Petite Feet
by Interweave Staff

Coral Edge Socklets Laura Rintala Ians Socks Amy Palmer Cabled Ninja Socks Anna-Liza Armfield

Eccentric Stripe Socks Marilyn Murphy

Bubble Wrap Socks Anita osterhaug

All of our staff socks are based on the basic sock pattern from Ann Budds The Knitters Handy Book of Patterns (Interweave, 2002).

The following sock pattern comes from Ann Budds The Knitters Handy Book of Patterns (Interweave, 2002) and is a choose-your-own-ending formula. Determine the finished size of your sock and the gauge (based on your yarn and needles); then follow the instructions using the correct numbers from each table. You can use the basic pattern here to work a plain sock with a ribbed cuff or integrate the directions with the following five recipe patterns. Each recipe lists the materials needed for that sock design, then directs you how to work the sock by referring back to the basic pattern.

Free Childrens Knitting Patterns from KnittingDaily: 8 Free Knitting Patterns for Children
Interweave | Not to be reprinted | All rights reserved |

Free Childrens Knitting Patterns from KnittingDaily: 8 Free Knitting Patterns for Children

What Youll Need

Yarn: 100300 yards (90275 m) for child

sizes. Exact amount will depend on sock size and yarn gauge. Needles: Set of 4 (or 5) double-pointed needles (dpn) in size necessary to obtain desired gauge, plus a set of needles one size larger (optional). Notions: Marker (m); tapestry needle. Sizing To Fit Sizes 24 years (48 years) Finished Foot Circumference 512 612" 14 16.5 cm

Row 2: Sl 1 pwise with yarn in front (wyf), purl to end. Rep Rows 1 and 2 until the following number of rows have been worked: 5 14 16 rows 6 16 20 7 20 22 8 22 26 9 24 30 There will be the selvedge sts: 5 7 6 8 7 10 8 11 9 12 following number of chain 8 sts 10 11 13 15

along other side of heel, and knit across half of hell sts. Total sts: 5 38 42 sts 6 42 52 7 52 58 8 58 68 9 62 78 Rnd now begins at center back heel. Rnd 1: Knit to last 3 sts on needle 1, k2tog, k1; knit across all instep sts on needle 2; at beg of needle 3, k1, ssk, knit to end2 gusset sts dec d. Rnd 2: Knit. Rep Rnds 1 and 2 until there remain: 5 28 32 sts 6 32 40 7 40 44 8 44 52 9 48 60 Work even in St st until piece measures from back of heel: 412 512" 11.5 14 cm or about: 114 112" 3.2 3.8 cm less than desired total foot length.


With larger dpn, Co: 5 sts/in 28 6 32 7 40 8 44 9 48

32sts 40 44 52 60


Arrange sts as evenly as possible on 3 dpn. Place marker (pm) and join, being careful not to twist sts. Work k2, p2 ribbing until piece measures: 214 234" 5.5 7 cm Change to smaller dpn and cont in established rib until total length measures: 412 512" 11.5 14 cm

Row 1: (RS) Knit across: 5 9 10 sts 6 10 12 7 12 13 8 13 15 9 14 17 ssk, k1, turn work. Row 2: Sl 1 pwise, p5, p2tog, p1, turn. Row 3: Sl 1 pwise, knit to 1 st before gap, ssk (1 st from each side of gap), k1, turn. Row 4: Sl 1 pwise, purl to 1 st before gap, p2tog (1 st from each side of gap), p1, turn. Rep Rows 3 and 4 until all heel sts have been worked, ending with a WS row, and ending p2tog if there are not enough sts to end p2tog, p1. There will remain: 5 10 6 10 7 12 8 14 9 14 10 sts 12 14 16 18




Knit across: 5 6 7 8 9

7 8 10 11 12

8 sts 10 11 13 15

Rnd 1: on needle 1, knit to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1; on needle 2, k1, ssk, work to last 3 sts, k2tog, k1; on needle 3, k1, ssk, knit to end 4 sts dec d. Rnd 2: Knit. Rep Rnds 1 and 2 until there remain: 5 16 16 sts 6 16 20 7 20 24 8 20 24 9 24 28 Rep Rnd 1 only until there remain: 5 4 8 sts 6 8 8 7 8 8 8 8 8 9 12 12 Knit sts from needle 1 onto needle 3; there will be the same number of sts on each of 2 needles. Cut yarn, leaving an 18" (46 cm) tail. Using the Kitchener st (see Glossary), graft rem sts tog.

turn work, and purl across: 5 14 16 sts 6 16 20 7 20 22 8 22 26 9 24 30 Place rem sts on spare needle or holder to work later for instep. Total heel sts: 5 14 6 16 7 20 8 22 9 24 16 sts 20 22 26 30


Knit across all heel sts and, with same dpn (needle 1), pick up and knit: 5 7 8 sts 6 8 10 7 10 11 8 11 13 9 12 15 along selvedge edge of heel flap; with another dpn (needle 2) work across held instep sts; with another dpn (needle 3), pick up and knit: 5 7 8 sts 6 8 10 7 10 11 8 11 13 9 12 15



Work back and forth on heel sts as foll: Row 1: (RS) *Sl 1 pwise with yarn in back (wyb), k1; rep from *.

Weave in loose ends. Block under a damp towel or on sock blockers. o

Petite Feet

presented by knittingdaily

Free Childrens Knitting Patterns from KnittingDaily: 8 Free Knitting Patterns for Children

Cabled Ninja Socks

Anna-Liza Armfield
This pattern follows the instructions for size 24 years with a gauge of 9 stitches to 1", but the designer has tweaked some of the stitch counts to fit her stitch pattern and heel preferences. Finished Size: 5" foot circumference and 6" long from back of heel to tip of toe. Yarn: (Sock, CYCA #1 super fine) Malabrigo Sock (100% superwash merino; 440 yd [405 m]/100 g): #806 Impressionist sky, 1 skein. Needles: Sizes 1 (2.5 mm) and 1 (2.25 mm): set of 5 double-pointed (dpn). Notions: Cable needle (cn); tapestry needle. Gauge: 9 sts and 12 rnds = 1" in St st; 10 sts and 12 rnds = 1" in 11 rib. his pattern is set up especially for working on four T double-pointed needles (working with five needles total). he heel flap on this sock is worked over 22 stitches, not T the 26 one would normally work for this number of caston stitches. This creates a slightly narrower heel and also allows the cable to continue without interruption.


length. Heel: Rearrange sts as foll: Work in patt to last 2 sts on Needle 3; with a new needle work last 2 purl sts of Needle 3, work in patt to end of Needle 1, work first 2 sts of Needle 2all heel sts on one needle (22 sts; 30 instep sts on Needles 2 and 3). Work heel, beg with WS Row 2 of heel flap instructions from standard patt. Work 26 rows total, then turn heel, using instructions for 22 rows. Gusset: Work across heel sts, dec 2 sts evenly across, pick up and knit 13 sts along side of heel flap, work instep sts (Needles 2 and 3), with Needle 4, pick up and knit 13 sts along other side of heel flap and work across to center of heel. Transfer 2 sts to beg of Needle 2 and end of Needle 3 to complete cable panels on instep17 sts each instep needle. Working instep sts in patt and sole sts in rev St st, work Rnd 1 of gusset (dec rnd; see standard patt) 3 times, then work Rnd 2 once. Work Rnds 1 and 2 until 60 sts rem (13 sts each Needles 1 and 4). Foot: Work sole sts in rev St st and instep in patt, with 2 sts in St st each side of 8-st cable panels. Shape toe: Work as for standard patt, working cable sts in St st when there are not enough sts rem to work in patt, until 16 sts rem. Join toe sts with Kitchener st (see Glossary). o Anna-Liza Armfield is a customer support representative for Interweave.

Stitch Guide

Bubble Wrap Socks

Anita Osterhaug
This pattern follows the instructions for size 24 years with a gauge of 7 stitches to 1". To work the Bubble Wrap pattern, your cast-on needs to be a multiple of 5 stitches. Finished Size: 5" foot circumference and 6" from back of heel to tip of toe. Yarn: (Sock, CYCA #1 super fine) Mountain Colors Bearfoot (60% superwash wool, 25% mohair, 15% nylon; 350 yd [322 m]/100 g): berry (MC), copper (CC1), and Mystic Lake (CC2); 1 skein each. Yarn amounts should be enough for 4 pairs of socks. Needles: Sizes 3 (3.25 mm) and 4 (3.5 mm). Gauge: 36 sts and 36 rows = 4" in 22 rib on larger needles, unstretched; 28 sts and 40 rows = 4" in St st on smaller needles.

Left Cross Cable: (panel of 8 sts) Rows 1, 2, and 4: P2, k4, p2. Row 3: P2, sl 2 sts to cn and hold in front, k2, k2 from cn, p2.Rep Rows 14 for cable. Right Cross Cable: (panel of 8 sts) Rows 1, 2, and 4: P2, k4, p2. Row 3: P2, sl 2 sts to cn and hold in back, k2, k2 from cn, p2. Rep Rows 14 for cable. With larger needles, Co 52 sts and arrange sts as foll: Needle 1: 9 sts; Needle 2: 17 sts; Needle 3: 17 sts; Needle 4: 9 sts. Join in the rnd and work 1 rnd in k1, p1 rib. Change to smaller needles and work in rib for ". Set up patt: Rnd 1: Needle 1: cont in rib; Needle 2: work Row 1 of left cross cable (see Stitch Guide) over 8 sts, cont in rib to end; Needle 3: work 9 sts in rib, work Row 1 of right cross cable over 8 sts; Needle 4: cont in rib. Cont in patt until leg measures 6" from Co or desired


Stitch Guide

Bubble Wrap pattern: (multiple of 5 sts) Rnd 1: With CC2, *k1, k1 wrapping yarn twice around needle, k2, k1 wrapping yarn twice; rep from * around.

Petite Feet

presented by knittingdaily

Free Childrens Knitting Patterns from KnittingDaily: 8 Free Knitting Patterns for Children

Rnd 2: With CC1, *(k1, yo, k1, yo, k1) all in same st, sl 1 (dropping extra loop), k2, sl 1 (dropping extra loop); rep from * around. Rnds 3 and 4: With CC1, *p5, sl 1, k2, sl 1; rep from * around. Rnd 5: With CC1, *k2tog, k3tog, pass st over (k2tog st over k3tog st), sl 1, k2, sl 1; rep from * around. Rnd 6: With CC2, *k1, drop first elongated st off needle, sl 2, drop 2nd elongated st, with left needle pick up first elongated st, sl 2 sts from right needle to left needle, pick up 2nd elongated st with left needle (the 2 elongated sts will now be crossed over the 2 normal sts), k4; rep from * around.

Rnd 1: *Sl 1 pwise with yarn in front (wyf), k1, sl 1 pwise wyf, p1; rep from * around. Rnds 2 and 4: *K3, p1; rep from * around. Rnd 3: *K1, sl 1 pwise wyf, k1, p1; rep from * around. Rep Rnds 14 for patt.


Foll standard patt, Co and work in 31 rib (see Stitch Guide) for 1". Work Rnds 14 of woven rib patt (see Stitch Guide) 9 timesleg measures 4" from Co. Work to end as for standard patt, working instep sts in woven rib patt and sole and toe sts in St st. o Amy Palmer is assistant editor for the Interweave Yarn Group, which includes Interweave Knits and Interweave Crochet magazines.


standard patt and work 12 rnds in St st. Purl 1 rnd (turning rnd). Cuff: Knit 5 rnds. Work Rnds 16 of Bubble Wrap patt (see Stitch Guide). With CC2, knit 5 rnds. Leg: Change to MC and knit 1 rnd. Work in k2, p2 rib with MC to achieve desired leg length (see standard patt), changing to smaller needles when leg, measured from turning rnd, equals one half of total length. Work remainder of sock using smaller needles and MC in St st, foll standard patt.

Facing: With larger needles and CC2, Co according to

Eccentric Stripe Socks

Marilyn Murphy
This pattern follows the instructions for size 48 years with a gauge of 9 stitches to 1". To work with the 22 rib pattern, your cast-on needs to be a multiple of 4 stitches. Finished Size: 5" foot circumference and 6" long from back of heel to tip of toe. Yarn: (Sock, CYCA #1 super fine) Lornas Laces Shepherd Sock (80% superwash wool, 20% nylon; 215 yd [197 m]/100 g): pond blue (MC) and jeans (CC), 1 skein each. Needles: Size 0 (2 mm). Gauge: 9 sts and 14 rnds = 1" in St st; 16 sts and 13 rnds = 1" in 22 rib. se a jogless join when changing colors as follows: Work U one round in the new color. on the second round, slip the first stitch purlwise, then work the rest of the round in pattern. Work subsequent rounds in pattern. Stripe Sequence: In pattern, work *3 rnds CC, 3 rnds MC; rep from *. With MC and foll standard patt, Co and work 8 rnds in k2, p2 (22) rib. Cont in rib, change to stripe sequence (see Notes) for remainder of leg, ending with a MC stripe. Change to CC and work heel using CC only. Gusset: Change to stripe sequence (working first 3 rnds with CC) and work heel and gusset sts in St st, cont instep sts in rib. When gusset is completed, cont foot in patt (St st on sole sts; rib on instep sts) to beg of toe


Fold facing to WS. With CC2, sew facing loosely along last rnd of CC2 before rib beg. o Anita osterhaug is associate editor of Handwoven magazine.

Ians Socks
Amy Palmer
This pattern follows the instructions for size 24 years with a gauge of 6 stitches to 1". To work the rib patterns, your cast-on needs to be a multiple of 4 stitches. Finished Size: 5" foot circumference and 5" long from back of heel to tip of toe. Yarn: (Worsted weight, CYCA #4 medium) Art yarns Supermerino (100% superwash merino; 104 yd [95 m]/50 g): #223 blue, 1 skein. Needles: Size 5 (3.75 mm). gauge 12 sts and 16 rnds = 2" in St st; 16 sts and 20 rnds = 2" in woven rib patt.



31 rib: (multiple of 4 sts) All rnds: *K3, p1; rep from * around. Woven rib pattern: (multiple of 4 sts) Petite Feet

Stitch Guide

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Free Childrens Knitting Patterns from KnittingDaily: 8 Free Knitting Patterns for Children

shaping. Toe: Change to St st and MC on all sts and shape toe and finish socks as for standard patt. o Marilyn Murphy is consulting executive editor of Interweave Knits.

Gauge: 9 sts and 13 rows = 1" in St st. Co and work rib as for standard patt, working leg in rib for 1" before beg heel. Foll patt through end of gusset shaping. Foot: Work even in St st until piece measures 3" from back of heel. Work toe as for standard patt.


Coral Edge Socklets

Laura Rintala
This pattern follows the instructions for size 48 years with a gauge of 6 stitches to 1". Because of the yarn used, the sock wont actually measure 612" circumference; the sock will fit a 12 year-old. The gauge for the actual sock wont be 6 stitches to 1", eitherthe designer has just chosen to use that set of numbers from the standard pattern. Finished Size: 4" foot circumference and 4" long from back of heel to tip of toe. Yarn: (Sock, CYCA #1 super fine) Hand Jive Natures Palette (100% merino; 185 yd [170 m]/50 g) #NP 134 coral bells, 1 skein. Needles: Size 1 (2.25 mm): set of 4 or 5 double-pointed (dpn). Notions: Size C/2 (2.75 mm) crochet hook; tapestry needle.


Lace edging: Use crochet hook to work edging (see Glossary for crochet instructions). Rnd 1: Join yarn with sl st to any st on cuff edge, *ch 2, sl st in next st of cuff edge; rep from *, working 35 ch-2 sps evenly around cuff edge, sl st in first cuff edge st to join, turn. Rnd 2: Sl st in first ch-2 sp, *ch 3, sl st in next ch-2 sp; rep from * around, end ch 3, sl st in first ch-2 sp; do not turn. Rnd 3: Sl st in first ch-3 sp, *ch 3, sc in next ch-3 sp; rep from * around, ending sc in first ch-3 sp, sl st to first sl st to join. Fasten off. Weave in all loose ends. Block flat. o Laura Rintala is managing editor of Interweave Knits.

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You dont have to be a designer or a knitting pro to make beautiful knitted garments and accessories, and you dont have to hunt all over for inspiring designs. From cover to cover, Interweave Knits magazine gives you great projects, from the beginner to the advanced. Every issue is packed full of captivating smart designs, step-bystep instructions, easy-to-understand illustrations, plus well-written, lively articles sure to inspire. Take advantage of this special risk-free offer today!
Petite Feet
presented by knittingdaily

Back to School
design by Norah Gaughan
Originally published in Interweave Knits, Summer 2001

The first day of schoolwhether its kindergarten or postdocis always an exciting experience. To mark the occasion and to help the student shine without sticking out, heres a unique cotton pullover. Sized from small child to extra-large adult, it features a flattering asymmetrical textural pattern worked in a combination of stockinette, seed, and garter stitches. The front and back are mirror images so that the diagonal pattern meets at each side seam.
Finished Size: 29 (3312, 3812, 41, 4512, 48, 53)" (73.5 [85, 98, 104, 115.5, 122, 134.5] cm) chest/ bust circumference. Persimmon sweater shown measures 3312" (85 cm); willow gold sweater measures 4512" (115.5 cm). Yarn: (Worsted weight, CYCA #4 medium). Shown here: Reynolds Gypsy (100% cotton; 82 yd [75 m]/50 g): 8 (10, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21) skeins. Shown in #125 persimmon and #423 willow gold. Needles: Size 6 (4 mm). Adjust needle size if necessary to obtain the correct gauge. Notions: Tapestry needle. Gauge: 20 sts and 27 rows = 4" (10 cm) in St st.

Joe Hancock


Seed stitch: Row 1: *P1, k1; rep from *. Row 2: Knit the purls and purl the knits. Rep Row 2 for pattern. Co 72 (84, 96, 102, 114, 120, 132) sts. Work seed st until piece measures 112 (112, 112, 2, 2, 2, 2)" (3.8 [3.8, 3.8, 5, 5, 5, 5] cm) from beg, ending with a WS row. Work 2 rows St st. Set up diagonal garter patt:
Free Childrens Knitting Patterns from KnittingDaily: 8 Free Knitting Patterns for Children
Interweave | Not to be reprinted | All rights reserved |


Free Childrens Knitting Patterns from KnittingDaily: 8 Free Knitting Patterns for Children

Joe Hancock

Row 1: (RS) Work seed st to last 10 sts, k10. Row 2: K10, work seed st to end. Row 3: Work seed st to 10 sts before k10 of previous row, knit to end. Row 4: K20, work seed st to end. Row 5: Work seed st to 10 sts before k10 of previous row, knit to end. Row 6: P10, k20, work seed st to end. Cont as established, working 10 fewer sts in seed st, 10 more sts in St st every RS row, and 20 sts in garter st between the seed st and St st sections, until a total of 18 (20, 22, 24, 26, 26, 30) rows have been worked. (Note: End with 2 garter ridges at the right edge.)

Work as established for 3 more rows. Rep from * until all sts are in ladder patt, ending with Row 1 of chart. Cont as for back until piece measures 15 (17, 19, 2112, 22 12, 23 12, 24 12)" (38 [43, 48.5, 54.5, 57, 59.5, 62] cm) from beg, ending with a WS row. Shape neck: Keeping in patt, work 29 (31, 36, 38, 42, 45, 50) sts, join new yarn and Bo center 15 (19, 21, 25, 29, 31, 33) sts, work to end29 (31, 36, 38, 42, 45, 50) sts each side. Working each side separately, at neck edge Bo 4 sts once, 3 sts once, 2 sts once, and 1 st once, and at the same time, when piece measures same as back to shoulders, shape shoulders as for back. Co 36 (38, 40, 50, 56, 60, 64) sts. Work seed st until piece measures 112 (112, 112, 2, 2, 2, 2)" (3.8 [3.8, 3.8, 5, 5, 5, 5] cm) from beg, ending with a WS row. Work Rows 16 of diagonal garter patt as for back. Cont as established, working 10 fewer sts in seed st, 10 more sts in St st every RS row, and 20 sts in garter st between the seed st and St st sections, until a total of 10 (10, 10, 12, 14, 14, 16) rows have been worked (end with 2 garter ridges at right edge), and at the same time, when piece measures 2 (2, 2, 212, 212, 212, 212)" (5 [5, 5, 6.5, 6.5, 6.5, 6.5] cm) from beg, inc 1 st each end of needle every 2 rows 6 (2, 5, 0, 0, 0, 0) times, then every 4 rows 9 (14, 15, 18, 18, 18, 18) times, and at the same time, when diagonal garter patt is complete, work all sts in St st66 (70, 80, 86, 92, 96, 100) sts. Work even in St st until piece measures 10 (12, 15, 18, 18, 18, 18)" (25.5 [30.5, 38, 46, 46, 46, 46] cm) from beg. Bo all sts.

Work Row 1 of Ladder chart over 6 sts, knit to end of row. Work as established for 3 more rows (through Row 4 of chart). Work Ladder chart over 12 sts, knit to end of row. Work as established for 3 more rows. Cont inc ladder patt by 6 sts every 4 rows until all sts are in ladder patt, ending with Row 1 of chart. Purl 5 rows, and at the same time, inc (dec, dec, dec, dec, inc, inc) 1 (3, 3, 1, 1, 1, 1) st(s) on last row73 (81, 93, 101, 113, 121, 133) sts. Change to Yoke chart and work even until piece measures 16 (18, 20, 23, 24, 25, 26)" (40.5 [46, 51, 58.5, 61, 63.5, 66] cm) from beg, ending with a WS row. Shape shoulders and neck: Keeping in patt, at beg of next 2 rows Bo 7 (7, 8, 10, 10, 11, 14) sts59 (67, 77, 81, 93, 99, 105) sts rem. on next row, work 18 (20, 24, 26, 30, 34, 36) sts, join new yarn and Bo center 23 (27, 29, 29, 33, 31, 33) sts, work to end18 (20, 24, 26, 30, 34, 36) sts each side. Working each side separately, at neck edge Bo 3 (3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5) sts 2 times and at the same time, at each shoulder edge Bo 6 (7, 9, 9, 11, 12, 13) sts 2 times. Work as for back through 18 (20, 22, 24, 26, 26, 30) rows of diagonal garter patt, but reverse pattern (i.e., on Row 1 k10, work seed st to end). Work 2 rows St st. Set up diagonal ladder patt: Knit to last 6 sts, work Row 1 of Ladder chart, beg as indicated. Work as established for 3 more rows (through Row 4 of chart). *Knit to 6 sts before beg of ladder patt, work Ladder chart to end.

Set up diagonal ladder patt:




With yarn threaded on a tapestry needle, sew right shoulder seam. Neckband: With RS facing and beg at left shoulder, pick up and knit 100 (105, 110, 115, 120, 125, 130) sts evenly spaced around neck. Knit 2 rows. With WS facing, Bo all sts kwise. Sew left shoulder seam. Sew sleeves into armholes, sew sleeve and side seams. Weave in loose ends. Block. o Norah Gaughan is the design director for Berroco.

Back to School

presented by knittingdaily

Free Childrens Knitting Patterns from KnittingDaily: 8 Free Knitting Patterns for Children
Knitting Socks with knittingdaily: 7 free sock knitting patterns

33/4 (41/4, 51/4, 51/2, 61/2, 7, 8)" 7 (73/4, 81/4, 9, 93/4, 101/4, 101/2)" 9.5 (11, 13.5, 14, 16.5, 18, 18 (19.5, 21, 23, 25, 26, 26.5) 20.5) cmto first yo, sssp (next 2 yos tog with cm Row 18: Yo backward, purl Rnd 1: Needle 1: M1, knit to end; Needle 2: knit to end, M1; 131/4 (14, 16, 171/4, 181/2, 191/4, 20)" Needle 3: work in patt33.5end240.5,incd: 149, 51) cmside to (35.5, sts 44, 47, on each knit st after them; see Glossary), turn.

Rows 1928: Rep Rows 17 and 18 five more timesall heel sts have been worked. Rejoin for working in the rnd as foll: Turn heel so RS is facing, yo as usual at beg of heel sts, k22 heel sts, sl next yo to beg of instep needle, k2tog (slipped yo tog with first instep st after it), work in patt to lastFrontst, slBack at beg of heel instep & the yo needle to end of instep needle, k2tog (last instep st tog with slipped yo after it)69 sts. If working on dpn, arrange sts on 3 needles again: 11 sts each on Needles 1 and 2 for back of leg, and 47 sts on Needle 3 for instep. Rnd now beg at start 1 of back of leg. 1 Leg: Working back of leg sts in St st and cont in patt on instep sts, work 1 rnd even. 1/2 (16a/4narrower1/leg (see24, 261/2)"cont to 14 For 3 , 191/4, 20 2, 223/4, Notes), beg of cuff on 69 sts.37 (42.5, 49, with larger ankle as shown, For socks 52, 58, 61, 67.5) cm work the next 6 rnds as foll:
1 (1, 1, 11/2, 11/2, 11/2, 11/2)" 2.5 (2.5, 2.5, 3.8, 3.8, 3.8, 3.8) cm 16 (18, 20, 23, 24, 25, 26)" 40.5 (46, 51, 58.5, 61, 63.5, 66) cm

of back of leg. Rnd 2: Work 1 rnd even. Rnds 36: Rep Rnds 1 and 2 two more times75 sts: 14 sts 1 1 1 /2 Needles 2 16, each8on (10 /2, 13 /1, and 2, still 47 sts on Needle 3. 16, 16, 16)" Cont even in patt until leg measures 3" from end of heel 21.5 (26.5, 34.5, Sleeve shaping, or 3"40.5, 40.5, total desired leg length, ending with 40.5, less than Rnd 1 or 7 of cable patt. 40.5) cm Cuff: Next rnd: *K3, p2; rep from * around, inc 1 st if you worked the leg2 using169 sts70 sts for narrower leg, still 75 11/ (11/2, 1/2, sts for wider leg. Cont2)" k3, p2 rib as established until ribbed 2, 2, 2, in cuff measures3.8 (3.8, 3.8, last cable patt rnd. BO all sts loosely 3" above 5, 5, 5, 5) cm in rib.
71/4 (71/2, 8, 10, 111/4, 12, 123/4)" 18.5 (19, 20.5, 25.5, 28.5, 30.5, 32.5) cm


Weave in loose ends. -

k on RS; p on WS p on RS; k on WS pattern repeat

3 1

3 1 beg front beg back

Back to School Lisa Shroyers William Street Socks

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9 11

Schoolgirl Pullover
design by Ann Budd
Originally published in Interweave Knits, Winter 2000/2001
Finished Size: 26 (29, 32, 35)" (66 [73.5, 81.5, 91.5] cm) chest circumference, buttoned; to fit size 2T (4T, 6, 8). Sweater shown measures 32" (81.5 cm). Yarn: Worsted weight (CYCA #4 medium). Shown here: Tahki davos (100% wool; 108 yd [100 m]/50 g): #5 green (MC), 5 (6, 6, 7) balls. Needles: Body and SleevesSize 9 (5.5 mm). NeckbandSize 9 (5.5 mm): 16" (40-cm) circular (cir). Adjust needle size if necessary to obtain the correct gauge. Notions: Stitch holders; tapestry needle. Gauge: 18 sts and 26 rows = 4" (10 cm) in St st. Co 59 (65, 74, 81) sts. Work St st until piece measures 11 (1212, 1312, 15)" (28 [31.5, 34.5, 38] cm) or desired length from Co, ending with a WS row. Shape neck and shoulders: K19 (21, 25, 26), place center 21 (23, 24, 29) sts on holder for neck, join new yarn and work to end19 (21, 25, 26) sts each side. Working each side separately, dec 1 st at neck edge every RS row 2 times and at the same time, at arm edge, Bo 5 (7, 7, 8) sts once and 6 (6, 8, 8) sts 2 times. Work as for back until piece measures 9 (1012, 1112, 13)" (23 [26.5, 29, 33] cm) from beg, or 1" (2.5 cm) less than length to back neck, ending with a WS row. Shape neck: K24 (27, 30 33), place center 11 (11, 14, 15) sts on holder for neck, join new yarn and work to end24 (27, 30, 33) sts rem each side. Working each side separately, at neck edge Bo 3 sts 1 (2, 1, 2) time(s), 2 sts 2 (1, 2, 1) times, and 1 st 0 (0, 0, 1) time 17 (19, 23, 24) sts rem each side. Work even until piece measures same as back to shoulder shaping. Shape shoulders: At each arm edge, Bo 5 (7, 7, 8) sts once and 6 (6, 8, 8) sts 2 times.



Carol Kaplan

The lime green color of this super simple pullover plus the rolled edges and cropped lengthgive it a fresh, hip look, just right for the schoolgirl with a modern sense of style. Plain old stockinette stitch is the perfect platform for showing off the beauty of the thick-and-thin ultra-soft yarn.

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Co 27 (30, 34, 36) sts. Work St st, inc 1 st each end of needle every 6 rows 12 (14, 16, 18) times51 (58, 66, 72) sts. Work even until piece measures 1112 (1312, 1514, 17)" (29 [34.5, 38.5, 43] cm) from beg or desired total length (allowing for lower edge to curl). Bo all sts.


111/4 (13, 141/2, 16)" 28.5 (33, 37, 40.5) cm 111/2 (131/2, 151/4, 17)" 29 (34.5, 38.5, 43) cm

With yarn threaded on a tapestry needle, sew shoulder seams. Sew sleeves into armholes, centering sleeve at shoulder seam. Sew sleeve and side seams. Neckband: With cir needle, RS facing, and beg at right back neck, k21 (23, 24, 29) held back neck sts, pick up and knit 5 sts to shoulder seam, 11 (11, 11, 13) sts along right front neck, k11 (11, 14, 15) held front neck sts, pick up and knit 11 (11, 11, 13) sts to shoulder seam, and 5 sts to back neck sts64 (66, 70, 80) sts total. Place m and join. Work 6 rnds St st. Bo all sts loosely. Weave in loose ends. Block to measurements. o Ann Budd is the author of several books, including The Knitters Handy Book of Patterns and Knitting Green.


6 (63/4, 71/2, 8)" 15 (17, 19, 20.5) cm

51/2 (6, 61/2, 71/4)" 14 (15, 16.5, 18.5) cm 1" 2.5 cm 11 (121/2, 131/2, 15)" 28 (31.5, 34.5, 38) cm

33/4 (41/4, 5, 51/2)" 9.5 (11, 12.5, 14) cm

2" 5 cm

Front & Back

13 (141/2, 16, 18)" 33 (37, 40.5, 46) cm

Schoolgirl Pullover

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Stop-Traffic Circles
design by Kristin Nicholas
Originally published in Interweave Knits, Winter 2003

The yoke of Kristin Nicholass vibrant childs sweater is decorated with cheerful concentric circles. Simple chain-stitch embroidery around the knitted-in circle motifs gives them added dimension and a smooth outline. The body of the sweater is worked in knit-and-purl ladder-stitch patterns interspersed with simple cable panels. Bright garter-stitch stripes punctuate the design and border the hem, sleeves, and collar. After finishing the sweater, Kristin washed it gently in her machine to even out any irregularities in the embroidery and to give the sweater a soft semifelted surface.
cm) chest circumference. Sweater shown measures 32" (86.5 cm). Yarn: Worsted weight (CYCA #4 medium). Shown here: Goddess Julia (50% wool, 25% kid mohair, 25% alpaca; 93 yd [85 m]/50 g): #4936 blue thyme (MC), 5 (6, 6, 7) balls; #B118 espresso (dark brown) and #2983 magenta, 1 ball each; #2163 golden honey (gold) and #2250 French pumpkin (orange), 2 (2, 3, 3) balls each. 5 (3.75 mm). Neck edgingSize 3 (3.25 mm): set of 4 double-pointed (dpn). Adjust needle sizes if necessary to obtain the correct gauge. Notions: Markers (m); cable needle (cn); tapestry needle. Gauge: Fabric will shrink about 3% in width and 6% in length when washed. Gauge before washing: 19 sts and 28 rows = 4" (10 cm) in snakes and ladders

Finished Size: 28 (30, 32, 34)" (71 [76, 81.5, 86.5]

Chris Hartlove

Needles: Body and sleevesSize 3 (3.25 mm) and

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patt on larger needles; 22 sts and 2312 sts = 4" (10 cm) in Fair Isle circle patt on larger needles; 1812 sts and 36 rows = 4" (10 cm) in ridge patt on smaller needles. Gauge after washing: 1912 sts and 30 rows = 4" (10 cm) in snakes and ladders patt on larger needles; 23 sts and 25 rows = 4" (10 cm) in Fair Isle circle patt on larger needles; 19 sts and 38 rows = 4" (10 cm) in ridge patt on smaller needles.

(30, 33, 36) sts each side. Working each side separately, Bo 1 st at each neck edge every other row 4 times24 (26, 29, 32) sts rem each side. When Row 23 of chart has been completed, work 2 rows St st in gold, ending with a RS row. Change to magenta and purl 1 (WS) row, purl 1 (RS) row, knit 1 (WS) row. Bo all sts kwise.


Stitch Guide

Garter Ridge Pattern: With first color given, Co the required number of sts, then purl 1 row on WS, purl 1 row on RS, knit 1 row on WS (1 ridge completed). Change to second color and knit 2 rows, purl 1 row (2 ridges completed). Change to third color and purl 2 rows, knit 1 row (3 ridges completed). Change to fourth color and knit 2 rows, purl 1 row, ending with a RS row (4 ridges completed). With dark brown and smaller needles, Co 67 (71, 76, 81) sts. Work garter ridge patt using colors in the foll order: dark brown, magenta, gold, orange. Change to MC and purl 1 (WS) row, inc 1 (2, 2, 2) st(s) evenly spaced68 (73, 78, 83) sts. Change to larger needles. Beg and end as indicated for your size, rep Rows 112 of Snakes and Ladders chart until a total of 66 (72, 84, 90) rows of chart have been completed, ending with Row 6 (12, 12, 6)piece measures about 1034 (1112, 1312, 1414)" (27.5 [29, 34.5, 36] cm); this will shrink to 10 (11, 1212, 1314)" (25.5 [28, 31.5, 33.5] cm) after washing. Change to smaller needles and dark brown. Knit 1 (RS) row, knit 1 (WS) row, purl 1 (RS) row. Change to magenta and purl 2 rows, knit 1 row, ending with a WS row. Change to larger needles. Beg and end as indicated for your size and inc 12 (13, 14, 15) sts evenly spaced in Row 1, work Rows 123 of Circles chart80 (86, 92, 98) sts. With gold, work 2 rows St st, ending with a RS row. Change to MC and purl 1 (WS) row, purl 1 (RS) row, knit 1 (WS) row. Bo all sts kwise. Work as back through Row 13 of Circles chart80 (86, 92, 98) sts; piece should measure about 1334 (1414, 1612, 17)" (35 [36, 42, 43] cm) from beg; this will shrink to about 1234 (1334, 1514, 16)" (32.5 [35, 38.5, 40.5] cm) after washing. Shape neck: Work 28 (30, 33, 36) sts in patt, join new yarn and Bo center 24 (26, 26, 26) sts, work to end28


With dark brown and smaller needles, Co 33 (36, 38, 38) sts. Work garter ridge patt using colors in the foll order: dark brown, magenta, gold, MC. Change to gold and purl 1 (WS) row, inc 7 (8, 8, 8) sts evenly spaced40 (44, 46, 46) sts. Change to larger needles. Beg and end as indicated for your size, rep Rows 146 of Circles chart, and at the same time inc 1 st each end of needle every 6 (8, 7, 6) rows 9 (7, 9, 12) times58 (58, 64, 70) stspiece should measure about 1012 (1012, 1112, 1234)" (26.5 [26.5, 29, 32.5] cm) wide before washing. Cont even if necessary until piece measures 1012 (1134, 1234, 14)" (26.5 [30, 32.5, 35.5] cm) from beg; this will shrink to about 10 (11, 12, 13)" (25.5 [28, 30.5, 33] cm) after washing. Bo all sts.



With yarn threaded on a tapestry needle, sew shoulder seams. With dark brown, dpn, RS facing, and beg at one shoulder seam, pick up and knit 70 (74, 74, 74) sts evenly spaced around neck opening. Place marker (pm) and join. Purl 2 rnds. Change to magenta and knit 1 rnd, purl 2 rnds. Change to gold and knit 1 rnd, purl 2 rnds. Change to MC and knit 1 rnd, purl 2 rnds. Bo all sts kwise. Measure down 514 (514, 534, 614)" (13.5 [13.5, 14.5, 16] cm) from shoulder seam along front and back at each side and mark for sleeve placement. Sew tops of sleeves to body bet markers. Sew sleeve and side seams. With MC, dark brown, and magenta used randomly, embroider chain stitches (see box above) around the center and outer edge of each circle. Weave in loose ends. Wash on short, gentle cycle using cold water, and checking frequently to prevent over-felting. Remove garment from washer when it measures nearly the correct size. Lay flat to dry, shaping to final measurements if necessary. o Kristin Nicholas is a knitwear designer and decorative artist who lives with her husband and daughter on a farm stocked with sheep, chickens, pigs, dogs, and cats in western Massachusetts.

Stop-Traffic Circles

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41/4 (41/2, 5, 51/2)" 11 (16.5, 12.5, 14) cm

51/2 (6, 6, 6)" 14 (15, 15, 15) cm 21/4" 5.5 cm

15 (16, 171/2, 181/4)" 38 (40.5, 44.5, 46.5) cm

Front & Back

14 (15, 16, 17)" 35.5 (38, 40.5, 43) cm 10 (10, 11, 12)" 25.5 (25.5, 28, 30.5) cm
Chris Hartlove

10 (11, 12, 13)" 25.5 (28, 30.5, 33) cm


7 (71/2, 8, 8)" 18 (19, 20.5, 20.5) cm

Snakes and Ladders

11 9 7 5 3 1 end 34" end end end 32" 30" 28" work twice: 46 sts total beg 28" beg 30" beg beg 32" 34"

Stop-Traffic Circles

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45 43 41 39 37 35 33 31 29 27 25 23 21 19 17 15 13 11 9 7 5 3 1 end end 30" 32" 34" 34" back and sleeve front end 28" sleeve beg 28" sleeve beg beg 32" 28" k on RS; p on WS 34" MC: 32" sleeve back p on RS, k on WS MC: and front; k on RS; p on WS gold: 30" sleeve
pattern repeat 2/2RC: sl 2 sts onto cn and hold in back, k2, k2 from cn 2/2LC: sl 2 sts onto cn and hold in front, k2, k2 from cn

end 28" 32" back k on RS; p on WS MC: and front; p on RS, k on WS MC: 30" sleeve
gold: k on RS; p on WS

beg 30" 34" back and front

MC: k on RS; p on WS MC: p on RS, k on WS

orange: k on RS; p on WS

MC: k on RS; p on WS p on WS gold: k on RS; p on WS orange: k on RS; MC: p on RS, k repeat pattern on WS orange: k on RS; p on WS

gold: k 2/2RC: sl on WS on RS; p 2 sts onto cn and hold inrepeat k2, k2 from cn pattern back,

2/2LC: sl 2 sts onto cn and hold in front, k2, k2 from cn orange: k on RS; p on WS 2/2RC: sl 2 sts onto cn and hold in back, k2, k2 from cn

Stop-Traffic Circles

pattern repeat

2/2LC: sl 2 sts onto cn and hold in front, k2, k2 from cn

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2/2RC: sl 2 sts onto cn and hold in back, k2, k2 from cn 2/2LC: sl 2 sts onto cn and hold in front, k2, k2 from cn

Shadowy Vest
design by Marilyn Murphy
Originally published in Interweave Knits Gifts, 2008 Finished Size: 27 (29, 31, 34)" chest circumference, to t ages 24
(46, 68, 810) years old. Vest shown measure 31".

Yarn: Worsted weight (CYCA #4 medium). Shown here: Fiesta Boomerang (100% superwash merino; 320 yd [293 m]/110 g): #3928 bright eyes (solid blue; A) and #39105 Amazon (multicolor; B), 1 skein each. Needles: Bodysize 8 (5 mm): 24" cir-cular (cir). Neck and armhole trimsize 7 (4.5 mm): 16" cir. Adjust needle size if necessary to obtain the correct gauge. Notions: Tapestry needle; stitch holders; stitch marker (m). Gauge: 19 sts and 30 rows = 4" in patt on larger needle.

Stitch Guide

Shadow Stripe Pattern in Rounds: (multiple of 20 sts + 8 [0, 8, 0] sts). Rnd 1: With A, knit. Rnd 2: Cont with A, *k10, p10; rep from * around, ending k8 (0, 8, 0). Rnd 3: With B, knit. Rnd 4: Cont with B, *p10, k10; rep from * around, ending p8 (0, 8, 0). Rep Rnds 14 for patt.
Amanda Stevenson Lupke

Shadow Stripe Pattern in Rows: (multiple of 20 sts) Rnd 1: (RS) With A, knit. Rnd 2: (WS) Cont with A, *p10, k10; rep from * to end. Rnd 3: With B, knit. Rnd 4: Cont with B, *k10, p10; rep from * to end. Rep Rows 14 for patt.


his vest is worked in the round to the armholes. The multicolor T yarn does not create any pooling of color until you start working back and forth after the armhole shaping for the back. To avoid this, work from two balls of yarn alternating between balls every other row. s stitch count changes, maintain lines of stitch pattern as A established in body of vest.
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21/2 (3, 3, 31/2)" 6.5 (7.5, 7.5, 9) cm 2" 1.3 cm 51/2 (6, 7, 71/2)" 14 (15, 18, 19) cm

5 (51/2 , 614, 614)" 12.5 (14, 16, 16) cm

8 (9, 101/2, 12)" 20.5 (23, 26.5, 30.5) cm



With larger cir needle and A, Co 128 (140, 148, 160) sts. Place marker (pm) and join in the rnd. Work in garter st (knit 1 rnd, purl 1 rnd) for 1". Work in shadow stripe patt in rnds (see Stitch Guide) until piece measures 8 (9, 1012, 12)" from Co. Place 64 (70, 74, 80) sts for front on a holder and cont working 64 (70, 74, 80) sts of back only. Maintaining patt, work shadow stripe patt in rows (see Stitch Guide) and shape armholes as foll: Bo 4 (4, 4, 4) sts at beg of next 2 rows, then 3 (3, 3, 3) sts at beg of foll 2 rows. dec 1 st each end of every RS row 1 (1, 1, 2) time(s)48 (54, 58, 62) sts rem. Work even in patt until armholes measure 512 (6, 7, 712)". Shape shoulders: Bo 6 (7, 7, 8) sts at beg of next 4 rows. Bo rem 24 (26, 30, 30) sts for back neck. Place 64 (70, 74, 80) held front sts on needle and join color as needed for patt with RS facing. Place removable marker at center (32 [35, 37, 40] sts each side of m). Maintaining patt as established on body, work shadow stripe in rows and shape armholes as for back. When armholes measure 12 (34, 1, 112)", end with a WS row and divide fronts as foll: (RS) Work to m, place sts just worked on holder. Right front: Cont in patt, including armhole shaping, dec 1 st at neck edge every RS row 11 (12, 12, 12) times, then every 4 rows 1 (1, 3, 3) time(s)12 (14, 14, 16) sts rem after all shaping. Work even until armhole measures same as back to shoulder. Shape shoulder: At beg of WS rows, Bo 6 (7, 7, 8) sts twiceno sts rem.

27 (29, 31, 34)" 68.5 (73.5, 79, 86.5) cm


Left Front

Place 32 (35, 37, 40) held left-front sts on needle. With WS facing and using color as needed for patt, join yarn and work neck shaping as for right front, while cont armhole shaping as established12 (14, 14, 16) sts rem after all shaping. Work even until armhole measures same as back to shoulder. Shape shoulder: At beg of RS rows, Bo 6 (7, 7, 8) sts twiceno sts rem. Sew shoulder seams. Neckband: With smaller cir needle and A, RS facing, and beg at shoulder seam, pick up and knit about 1 st for each Bo st along back neck, 3 sts for every 4 rows down to center front neck, 1 st at base of V-neck, and about 3 sts for every 4 rows along front to shoulder. Join in the rnd. Work in garter st until band measures 1" from pick-up. Bo all sts. Armbands: With smaller cir needle and A, RS facing, and beg at underarm, pick up and knit 3 sts for every 4 rows around armhole. Join in the rnd. Work in garter st until band measures 1". Bo all sts. Weave in loose ends. Block lightly. o Marilyn Murphy is consulting editor of Interweave Knits.



Shadowy Vest

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Unspun Roving Mittens

design by Amy Clarke Moore
Originally published in Interweave Felt, 2007

1 1 2

Joe Coca

1) Before and 2) after fulling.

1) Before and 2) after fulling.

To keep her toddler's hands warm in the winter, Amy Clarke Moore knitted cozy mittens with unspun roving and then fulled them slightly for added warmth. She made a pair for herself as well.

Infant: 6" long 514" hand circumference, before fulling; 534" long 514" hand circumference, after fulling. Womens small: 914" long 9" hand circumference, before fulling; 8" long 814" hand circumference, after fulling. Fiber: About 1 oz for the infants mittens, or 3 oz for the womens size, of Northern Lights 100% wool top

Finished Sizes

in the Violets or Lollipops colorway from Louet North America. The top is sold in 12-pound (225g) bags. (This will give you plenty to sample with, and you will still have enough left over to make a couple pairs of mittens.) Needles: Sizes 0 (2mm) and 3 (3.5mm) (infant) or sizes 6 (4mm) and 8 (5mm) (adult). Sets of 5 dpn.

wool-safe detergent; hot and cold water; rubber gloves; tubs; towel. Gauge: on larger needles Infant: 22 sts and 32 rows = 4" in St st, before fulling.

Notions: Stitch holders; stitch markers. Fulling Materials: Bubble wrap, 812" 11" piece;

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(after) (before) (after) (before)

All swatches: 18 sts by 2" each of k2, p2, stockinette stitch, garter stitch, moss stitch. Swatch 1: U.S. size 3 needles Lollipops stamped top split in half lengthwise. Before fulling: 8" 312"; after fulling: 7" 314". Swatch 2: U.S. size 6 needles. Before fulling: 8" 412"; after fulling: 712" 412". Swatch 3: U.S. size 8 needles. Before fulling: 8" 5"; after fulling: 7" 5". Swatch 4: U.S. size 10 needles. Before fulling: 8" 512"; after fulling: 612" 5". Note that the widths are measured at the widest point.

Womens small: 14 sts and 21 rows = 4" in St st, before fulling.


Louet North America makes a stamped wool top (the color is imprinted on the fiber, rather than handpainted on) that lends itself perfectly to knitting, even before it is spun into yarn. Since I wanted to full my mittens to make them more weatherproof and warm, I worked up several swatches, each with different stitch patterns, to see how they would full. Fulling is different from felting in that you

start with an already created fabric (when you felt, you are creating a fabric) and you gently encourage the fibers of the fabric to move together, permanently interlock, and bloom. Since many people use the term felting to refer to both processes, it can be confusing. Youll notice in the swatches above that they all shrank lengthwise but actually flattened out widthwise. Also note that the more loosely knitted fabric shrank more significantly. It is really important to swatch and to take your swatch through the fulling process to avoid unwanted surprises.

Unspun Roving Mittens

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1 2 3

1) original top 2) predrafted; 3) original top 4) split in half and predrafted.


Predraft the combed top to decompress the top if it has been stored in a plastic bag, to blend the stamped colors so that there are fewer harsh lines between each color, and to make the top a bit thinner for knitting (photos page 21). Hold a length of top between your hands, with your hands about 2 inches apart, and tug gently. If your hands are more than a staple length (the length of individual fibers) apart, then the fibers will start to slide apart. If your hands are closer together than a staple length, the fiber wont draft wellmove your hands a little bit farther apart until the fiber moves gently. You want the fibers to slide past each other but not to become completely separated. If they do separate completely, overlap the ends by several inches, hold them together, and draft them out again until they are the same diameter as the length of fiber you drafted before that. Use this method to attach new ends as well, and youll have no ends to sew in after the knitting is completed except the beginning and ending tails.

Predrafting the fiber will open it up so that it appears bigger than it was before but feels thinner. Also, the stamped color will have more of a watercolor appearance with the colors blending more fluidly. Before you start knitting, practice predrafting a consistent lengththick and thin spots will be more apparent in the knitted fabric. Wind the predrafted fiber into a ball for knitting. The process of wrapping will introduce the smallest amount of twist into the fiber, which will help keep the fibers together while youre knitting. I used Ann Budds excellent formula for making mittens in her book, The Knitters Handy Book of Patterns (Interweave Press, 2002). The difference between the two mitten sizes is the amount of fiber used and the needle sizes. For the childs size, split the roving in half lengthwise (so that it measures 14" wide instead of 12" wide), predraft about 1 oz of the fiber, and wrap it into a ball. For the adult size, use the combed top as is (12" wide), predraft about 3 oz of the fiber, and wrap it into

Bazaar Socks

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Predrafting by gently pulling the fibers apart.

Predrafting opens the fiber, makes the diameter of the top thinner, and blends the colors.

a ball as well. If youre using a combed top other than Northern Lights from Louet North America, split your top lengthwise so that youre working with 12" wide pieces. With smaller needles, Co 28 sts using the backwardloop method (see Glossary), and divide over 4 dpn; join, taking care not to twist the stitches. Work k2, p2 ribbing in the round for 2". (For the adult size, knit a 34" cuff to allow for more shrinkage in the larger sizemine is 212", and I wish I had made it longer.) Change to larger needles and St st. M1 at beg of next round29 stsand then knit 1 more round. Knit across 14 sts, pm, M1, k1, M1, pm. Knit 1 round. Inc 2 sts between markers on every 4th round 3 times until you have a total of 9 gusset sts between markers. Place the 9 gusset sts on a holder, M1 over the gap, and knit hand until it measures 114" (314" for adult size) past thumb gusset. dec 1 st on last round28 sts.


Notice how the colors appear more subtle and blended.

Shape top by working (k2tog, k1) 3 times; end k17 sts. Knit 1 round. dec 3 sts (k2tog 3 times, k1). Cut yarn and thread through rem sts; weave in ends on WS.

Thumb gusset

Shape top

Rnd 1: *K5, k2tog*; rep to end of round. Rnd 2: Knit. dec 4 sts (working 1 less knit st between dec) as for rnd 1 on every other rnd until 16 sts rem. Graft rem sts tog with Kitchener st (see Glossary); weave in end on WS.


Place gusset sts onto 3 dpns, pick up and knit 1 st over the gap, and join without twisting sts10 sts. Work in St st in the rnd until thumb measures 1" (134" for adult size).

Full the mittens slightly by washing in hot water (127F) with a small amount of dawn dishwashing detergent and rinsing in cold water (70F). Wear rubber gloves to protect your hands. Using small circular motions with your fingertips, rub the mittens on a piece of bubble wrap (812" 11") to encourage the fiber to bloom during the fulling process. A very slight amount of fulling (just a few minutes, alternating between the hot and cold water) will make the fabric dense and warm without making it inflexible or stiff. Remember that your mittens will shrink more from top to bottom than from side to side. Rinse thoroughly, roll the mittens in a towel to absorb excess moisture, and lay them on another towel to dry. o Amy Clarke Moore of Lakewood, Colorado, loves making garments for her kids.


Unspun Roving Mittens

presented by knittingdaily


You Kiss a Hundred Frogs Purse

design by Laura Rintala
Finished Size: Purse pocket measures 9" wide and 5" high; 17" from top of strap to lower back-leg pads, after felting. Yarn: Worsted weight (CYCA #4 medium). Shown here: Brown Sheep Lambs Pride Worsted (85% wool, 15% mohair; 190 yd [173 m]/113 g): #M-191 kiwi (green), 2 skeins; #M-183 rosado rose (pink), #M-11 white frost, and #M-05 onyx (black), 1 skein each. Needles: Size 10 (6 mm): 16" circular (cir) and set of 5 double-pointed needles (dpn). Adjust needle size if necessary to obtain the correct gauge. Notions: Markers (m); stitch holder; tapestry needle; size H/8 (5 mm) crochet hook; sewing needle and matching thread; one small insect button. Gauge: 17 sts = 4" in St st, before felting.

Purse (Frog Body)

Note: Instructions for Frog's crocheted tongue are given after the Leg instructions, and it is sewn on before felting. The decorative button is sewn on after felting.

With green, 2 dpn, and the Eastern method (see Glossary), Co 16 sts8 sts each dpn. Rnd 1: Needle 1: *k1f&b, k6, k1f&b; rep from * on Needle 220 sts. divide sts over 4 dpn5 sts each needle. Rnds 213: *K1f&b, knit to last st on Needle 2, k1f&b; rep from * over Needles 3 and 44 sts incd each rnd; 68 sts after Rnd 13. Rnd 14: Knit. Rnd 15: Rep Rnd 272 sts. Change to cir needle when necessary, placing marker (pm) after last st on Needle 2 and beg-of-rnd m after last st on Needle 4. Rnds 1623: Rep Rnds 14 and 15 four times88 sts. Rnds 2430: Knit.

Kathryn Martin

Free Childrens Knitting Patterns from KnittingDaily: 8 Free Knitting Patterns for Children
Interweave | Not to be reprinted | All rights reserved |

Free Childrens Knitting Patterns from KnittingDaily: 8 Free Knitting Patterns for Children

Rnd 31: *Ssk, knit to 2 sts before m, k2tog; rep from * once84 sts rem. Rnd 32: Knit. Rnds 3338: Rep Rows 31 and 32 three times72 sts rem. Rnds 3941: Rep Rnd 3160 sts rem. Rnds 4245: Knit. Beg head: Note: The head is worked back and forth in rows using the intarsia method (twisting yarns at color changes). Row 1: K30, place rem 30 sts on holder, turn30 sts rem. Row 2: K30, pm, with pink and the backward-loop method (see Glossary), Co 30 sts. Row 3: (RS) With pink, k30, sl m; with green, k13, k1f&b, k1, pm (between 2 center sts), k1, k1f&b, knit to end--62 sts; 30 pink, 32 green. Row 4: (WS) Purl to 2nd m, with pink, purl to end. Row 5: (RS) Knit to m, sl m, with green knit to 1 st before m, [k1f&b] 2 times, knit to end64 sts. Row 6: (WS) Purl to 2nd m, with pink p30.

Shape mouth:

Row 7: (RS) *K1, k1f&b, knit to 2 sts before m, k1f&b, k1, sl m; with green rep from * 2 times70 sts. Row 8: *P1, p1f&b, purl to 2 sts before m, p1f&b, p1, sl m*; rep from * to * once, with pink rep from * to *76 sts. Row 9: Knit to m, sl m, with green knit to 2 sts before next m, k1f&b, k1 sl m, k1, k1f&b, knit to end78 sts. Row 10: Purl to 2 sts before m, p1f&b, p1, sl m, p1, p1f&b, purl to m, with pink purl to end80 sts. Row 11: Rep Row 982 sts. Row 12: Rep Row 1084 sts.

Shape head:

Row 1: (RS) K1, ssk, knit to 3 sts before m, k2tog, k1, sl m, with green k1, ssk, knit to 2 sts before m, k1f&b, k1, sl m, k1, k1f&b, knit to last 3 sts, k2tog, k182 sts rem.

Rows 2, 4, and 6: Purl. Row 3: K1, ssk, knit to 3 sts before m, k2tog, k1, sl m, with green k1, ssk, knit to last 3 sts, k2tog, k178 sts rem. Row 5: K1, ssk, knit to 3 sts before m, k2tog, k1, sl m, with green k1, ssk, knit to 3 sts before m, ssk, k1, sl m, k1, k2tog, knit to last 3 sts, k2tog, k172 sts rem. Work Rows 5 and 6 two more times, then work Row 5 once more54 sts rem. Row 12: *P1, p2tog, purl to 3 sts before m, p2tog, p1, sl m*, rep from * to *, with pink, p1, p2tog, purl to last 3 sts, p2tog, p148 sts rem. Row 13: Rep Row 542 sts rem. Row 14: P1, p2tog, purl to 3 sts before 2nd m, p2tog, p1, sl m, with pink p1, p2tog, purl to last 3 sts, p2tog, p138 sts rem. Row 15: K1, ssk, knit to 3 sts before m, k2tog, k1, sl m, with green, k1, ssk, knit to last 3 sts, k2tog, k134 sts. Rep Rows 14 and 15 two more times18 sts rem. Row 20: P1, p2tog, purl to m, remove m, purl to 3 sts before m, p2tog, p1, sl m, with pink purl to end16 sts rem. Row 21: Rep Row 1512 sts rem. Rows 22 and 24: Purl. Row 23: K1, sl 1, k1, psso, k1, sl m, with green k1, ssk, knit to last 3 sts, k2tog, k19 sts rem. Row 25: Sl 1, k2tog, psso, sl m, with green k1, ssk, k2tog, k15 sts rem. Row 26: [P2tog] 2 times, sl last st. Break yarn, leaving long tails. Pull both ends through rem 3 sts. Lower lip: Place 30 held sts on needle. Row 1: (WS) With green, k1, ssk, knit to last 3 sts, k2tog, k128 sts rem. Row 2: (RS) K2, join pink, ssk, knit to last 4 sts, k2tog, join 2nd ball of green, k226 sts rem.

You Kiss a Hundred Frogs Purse

Kathryn Martin

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Free Childrens Knitting Patterns from KnittingDaily: 8 Free Knitting Patterns for Children

Row 3: (WS) With green k2, with pink purl to last 2 sts, with green k2. Keeping first 2 and last 2 sts in green and garter st, cont as foll: Row 4: K2, ssk, knit to last 4 sts, k2tog, k224 sts rem. Row 5: K2, purl to last 2 sts, k2. Rep last 2 rows 4 more times, then rep Row 4 once more 14 sts rem. Row 15: (WS) K2, p2tog, purl to last 4 sts, p2tog, k212 sts rem. Row 16: Rep Row 410 sts rem. Row 17: Rep Row 158 sts rem. drop pink and cont with green only. Row 18: K2, ssk, k2tog, k26 sts rem. Row 19: K1, [p2tog] 2 times, k14 sts rem. Bo all sts.
Kathryn Martin


With pink, crochet hook, and leaving a long tail, work a 6" crochet chain (see Glossary). Work 4 sc (see Glossary) in 2nd ch from hook. Fasten off and weave in end. Use beg tail to sew tongue to the center of the roof of frogs mouth.


Note: White section of eye

should face toward outside of head. Using contrasting yarn, mark two 1" long eyes about 1" from each side of head. With green and dpn, pick up and knit 6 sts in a bowed line along each side of eye marking12 sts

Back Legs (make 2)

With green and leaving long tails, Co 8 sts. First half: Row 1: Knit. Row 2: K1f&b, knit to last 2 sts, k2tog. Rep last 2 rows until first half of leg measures 4". Second half: Ssk, knit to last st, k1f&b. Next row: Knit. Rep last 2 rows until 2nd half of leg measures 3".

total. Join in the rnd. Rnds 12: P7, join white and p4, with green, p1. Rnd 3: P2tog, p2, [p2tog] 2 times, with white p2, with green p2tog8 sts rem. Break off about 1 yd of white yarn and stuff eye. Transfer front eye sts to one needle and back eye sts to a separate needle. Hold needles parallel and with green knit the front sts tog with the back sts as k2tog across4 sts. Bo all sts. Rep for opposite eye.


Foot pad:

Row 1: K1f&b, knit to end9 sts. Row 2: K1f&b, knit to last st, k1f&b11 sts. Rows 3 and 4: Knit. Row 5: Rep Row 213 sts. Rows 68: Rep last 3 rows15 sts. Row 9: Knit. Row 10: Ssk, knit to last 2 sts, k2tog13 sts rem. Bo all sts.

Front Legs (Straps)

(MAKE 2) With green, Co 8 sts. Work in garter st until piece measures 3" from Co. Next row: Ssk, knit to last st, k1f&b. Next row: Knit. Rep last 2 rows until angled section measures about 4". Work Rows 110 of foot pad shaping as for back legs. Bo all sts.

Using long tails threaded on a yarn needle, whipstitch (see Glossary) shorter back legs to tail of frog and longer front legs to upper side of body, reversing legs on either side of body. With black yarn and yarn needle, make a French knot (see Glossary) at the center of each eye for pupils. Weave in ends. Felting: Fill washing machine to lowest level with hot water and a small amount of laundry soap, place frog in zippered or tied pillowcase and agitate with a pair of jeans until desired felting is reached. Complete rinse cycle, then dry frog flat. With sewing needle and matching thread, tack pads of front legs tog to form strap. Sew button to lower body, below lower lip. o Laura Rintala is managing editor of Interweave Knits. When shes not knitting, youll find her fly-fishing in the Rocky Mountains.

You Kiss a Hundred Frogs Purse

presented by knittingdaily


Earflap Hats
design by Knitscene Design Team
Originally published in Interweave Knits, Fall 2008 Finished Size: 22" (56 cm) circumference (men and
women). 20" (51 cm) circumference. (children).

Yarn: (Super bulky, CYCA #6). Shown here: MenBlack Forest Naturwolle (100% wool; 110 yd [100 m/100 g): #124 dune, 2 skeins. (Aran, CYCA #4 medium). Shown here: WomenTahki Bunny Print (25% alpaca, 25% acrylic; 81 yd [74 m]/50 g): #023 pink multi, 2 skeins. (Chunky, CYCA #5 bulky). Shown here: ChildrenClassic Elite Beatrice (100% merino; 63 yd [57 m]/50 g): #3253 sugar maple, 2 skeins. Needles: Men: Size 13 (9 mm): 16" (40 cm) circular (cir) and set of 4 double-pointed (dpn). Adjust needle size if necessary to obtain the correct gauge. Women: Size 7 (4.5 mm): 16" (40 cm) circular and set of 4 doublepointed (dpn). Adjust needle size if necessary to obtain the correct gauge. Children: Size 10 (6 mm): 16" (40 cm) circular and set of 4 double-pointed (dpn). Adjust needle size if necessary to obtain the correct gauge. Notions: Markers (m); safety pins or removable markers; stitch holder; tapestry needle; pom-pom maker (optional). Gauge:
Men: 4.5 sts = 2" (5 cm) in St st in the rnd. Women: 8 sts = 2" (5 cm) in St st worked in the rnd. Children: 7 sts = 2" (5 cm) in St st worked in the rnd.

Skill Level: Easy.

Carol Kaplan

Mens Hat in Black Forest Naturwolle

Crown: These three fun hats with optional pom-poms are guaranteed to make you as happy as your ears are warm! Patterns are included for both children and adults.
With dpn, Co 6 sts. divide sts onto 3 dpn so that there are 2 sts on each needle. Place marker (pm) and join for working in the rnd, being careful not to twist sts; rnd begins at the center back. Knit 1 rnd. Rnd 1: Inc 6 sts as foll: *K1, M1 (see Glossary), pm; rep from * to end of rnd; do not place an additional marker after the last rep because the end-of-rnd marker is

Free Childrens Knitting Patterns from KnittingDaily: 8 Free Knitting Patterns for Children
Interweave | Not to be reprinted | All rights reserved |

Free Childrens Knitting Patterns from KnittingDaily: 8 Free Knitting Patterns for Children


*Purl 1 rnd, knit 1 rnd; rep from * until brim measures 1" (2.5 cm), ending with a knit rnd. Earflaps: Bo 6 sts, p10, Bo 16 sts, p10, Bo rem 6 sts 10 sts rem for each earflap. Place sts for one earflap on a holder. Work other earflap back and forth in garter st (knit all sts every row) until piece measures 1" (2.5 cm). Dec row: (RS) K2, ssk (see Glossary), work to last 4 sts, k2tog, k22 sts decd. Knit 1 (WS) row even. Rep the last 2 rows once more, ending with a WS row6 sts rem. Next row: (RS) K2, k2tog, k25 sts rem. With WS facing, Bo all sts. Repeat for second earflap.

Carol Kaplan

already in place12 sts. Rnd 2: Knit. Rnd 3: Inc 6 sts as foll: *K2, M1, slip marker (sl m); rep from * to end of rnd18 sts. Rnd 4: Knit. Cont to inc 6 sts every other rnd in this manner, working 1 more st before the M1 in each subsequent inc rnd 5 more times 48 sts. Change to cir needle, and cont working even in rnds (without any more incs) until piece measures 8" (20.5 cm) from Co, or about 1" (2.5 cm) less than total desired depth.

begins at the center back. Knit 1 rnd. Rnd 1: Inc 6 sts as foll: *K1, M1 (see Glossary), pm; rep from * to end of rnd; do not place an additional marker after the last rep because the end-ofrnd marker is already in place12 sts. Rnd 2: Knit. Rnd 3: Inc 6 sts as foll: *K2, M1, slip marker (sl m); rep from * to end of rnd18 sts. Rnd 4: Knit. Cont to inc 6 sts every other rnd in this manner, working 1 more st before the M1 in each subsequent inc rnd 12 more times90 sts. Change to cir needle, and cont working even in rnds (without any more incs) until piece measures 8" (20.5 cm) from Co, or about 1" (2.5 cm) less than total desired depth. *Purl 1 rnd, knit 1 rnd; rep from * until brim measures 1" (2.5 cm), ending with a knit rnd. Earflaps: Bo 9 sts, p18, Bo 36 sts, p17, Bo rem 9 sts18 sts rem for each earflap. Place sts for one earflap on a holder. Work other earflap back and forth in garter st (knit all sts every row) until piece measures 1" (2.5 cm). Dec row: (RS) K2, ssk, work to last 4 sts, k2tog, k22 sts decd. Knit 1 (WS) row even. Rep the last 2 rows 5 more times, ending with a WS row6 sts rem. Next row: (RS) K2, k2tog, k25 sts rem. With WS facing, Bo all sts. Repeat for second earflap.



Weave in loose ends. Make four 212" (6.5-cm) pompoms (see Glossary) and attach 2 to each earflap.

Womens Hat in Tahki Bunny Print

With dpn, Co 6 sts. divide sts onto 3 dpn so that there are 2 sts on each needle. Place marker (pm) and join for working in the rnd, being careful not to twist sts; rnd

Weave in loose ends. Make two 212" (6.5-cm) pompoms (see Glossary) and attach 1 to each earflap. Make one 2" (5-cm) pom-pom and attach it to top of crown.


Earflap Hats

presented by knittingdaily


Free Childrens Knitting Patterns from KnittingDaily: 8 Free Knitting Patterns for Children

Childs Hat in Classic Elite Beatrice

With dpn, Co 6 sts. divide sts onto 3 dpn so that there are 2 sts on each needle. Place marker (pm) and join for working in the rnd, being careful not to twist sts; rnd begins at the center back. Knit 1 rnd. Rnd 1: Inc 6 sts as foll: *K1, M1, pm; rep from * to end of rnd; do not place an additional marker after the last rep because the end-of-rnd marker is already in place12 sts. Rnd 2: Knit. Rnd 3: Inc 6 sts as foll: *K2, M1, slip marker (sl m); rep from * to end of rnd18 sts. Rnd 4: Knit. Cont to inc 6 sts every other rnd in this manner, working 1 more st before the M1 in each subsequent inc rnd 8 more times66 sts. Change to cir needle, and cont working even in rnds (without any more incs) until piece measures 8" (20.5 cm) from Co, or about 1" (2.5 cm)

less than total desired depth. *Purl 1 rnd, knit 1 rnd; rep from * until brim measures 1" (2.5 cm), ending with a knit rnd. Earflaps: Bo 6 sts, p14, Bo 26 sts, p14, Bo rem 6 sts 14 sts rem for each earflap. Place sts for one earflap on a holder. Work other earflap back and forth in garter st (knit all sts every row) until piece measures 1" (2.5 cm). dec row: (RS) K2, ssk (see Glossary), work to last 4 sts, k2tog, k22 sts decd. Knit 1 (WS) row even. Rep the last 2 rows 3 more times, ending with a WS row6 sts rem. Next row: (RS) K2, k2tog, k25 sts rem. Next row: P2tog, p1, p2tog3 sts rem.



Work rem 3 sts in 3-st I-cord (see Glossary) until tie measures about 12" (30.5 cm). Bo all sts. Repeat steps for earflap & tie for second earflap.


Weave in loose ends. Make two 212" (6.5-cm) pompoms and attach 1 to each earflap tie. o

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Earflap Hats
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Free Childrens Knitting Patterns from KnittingDaily: 8 Free Knitting Patterns for Children

Crochet Chain (ch)
Make a slipknot on hook. Yarn over hook and draw it through loop of slipknot. Repeat, drawing yarn through the last loop formed.

Chain Stitch Embroidery

Bring threaded needle out from back to front at center of a knitted stitch. Form a short loop and insert needle back where it came out. Keeping the loop under the needle, bring needle back out in center of next stitch to the right.

Single Crochet (sc)

Insert hook into an edge stitch, yarn over hook and draw a loop through stitch, yarn over hook (Figure 1) and draw it through both loops on hook (Figure 2).

Backward-Loop Cast-On
*Loop working yarn and place it on needle backward so that it doesnt unwind. Repeat from *.

Figure 1

Figure 2

Eastern Cast-On
Snugly wrap the working yarn counterclockwise around two needles. Bring the yarn forward between needles, back to front (Figure 1). Knit across stitches on upper needle (Figure 2). Rotate the work and knit across the same number of stitches on the other needle (Figure 3).

Slip Stitch Crochet (sl st)

Insert hook into stitch, yarn over hook and draw loop through stitch and loop on hook.

Kitchener Stitch
Step 1: Bring threaded needle through front stitch as if to purl and leave stitch on needle. Step 2: Bring threaded needle through back stitch as if to knit and leave stitch on needle. Step 3: Bring threaded needle through first front stitch as if to knit and slip this stitch off needle. Bring threaded needle through next front stitch as if to purl and leave stitch on needle. Step 4: Bring threaded needle through first back stitch as if to purl (as illustrated), slip this stitch off, bring needle through next back stitch as if to knit, leave this stitch on needle. Repeat Steps 3 and 4 until no stitches remain on needles.

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3

French Knot

Bring needle out of knitted background from back to front, wrap yarn around needle one to three times, and use thumb to hold in place while pulling needle through wraps into background a short distance from where it came out.


presented by knittingdaily


Illustrations by Gayle Ford

Free Childrens Knitting Patterns from KnittingDaily: 8 Free Knitting Patterns for Children

With right side of work facing and working one stitch in from the edge, bring threaded needle out from back to front along edge of knitted piece.

Cut two circles of cardboard, each 12 (1.3 cm) larger than desired finished pom-pom width. Cut a small circle out of the center and a small edge out of the side of each circle (Figure 1). Tie a strand of yarn between the circles, hold circles together and wrap with yarnthe more wraps, the thicker the pom-pom. Cut between the circles and knot the tie strand tightly (Figure 2). Place pom-pom between two smaller cardboard circles held together with a needle and trim the edges (Figure 3). This technique comes from Nicky Epsteins Knitted Embellishments, Interweave Press, 1999. Figure 1

Ssk Decrease
Slip two stitches knitwise one at a time (Figure 1). Insert point of left needle into front of two slipped stitches and knit them together through back loops with right needle (Figure 2).

Figure 2

Figure 1

Figure 2

Figure 3


Raised (M1) Increases

Left Slant (M1L) and Standard M1

With double-pointed needle, cast on desired number of stitches. *Without turning the needle, slide the stitches to other end of the needle, pull the yarn around the back, and knit the stitches as usual; repeat from * for desired length.

Figure 1
Right Slant (M1R)

Figure 2

With left needle tip, lift strand between needles from front to back (Figure 1). Knit lifted loop through the back (Figure 2). With left needle tip, lift strand between needles from back to front (Figure 1). Knit lifted loop through the front (Figure 2). With left needle tip, lift strand between needles, from back to front (Figure 1). Purl lifted loop (Figure 2).

Figure 1
Purlwise (M1P)

Figure 2

Figure 1

Figure 2


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