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Signals in communication systems span a range of extremely wide magnitude. The decibel scale, which uses ratios and logarithms, compresses this wide span into smaller, easier to manipulate range of numbers. Noise any unwanted, interfering signal is a serious problem with communication systems. It is often measured in decibels in relation to the desired signal. Decibel a convenient logarithmic scale to overcome wide range of values in communication systems. The equation define the dB scale for power P1 PO Where : P1 and Po are power ratios dB = 10 log In voltage ratios, dB = 10 log = 20log V1 V2 V1 V2
2 2

Note: When using the dB scale with voltage or power, the voltage or current must be measured at points with the same equivalent resistance. signal power or voltage are equal, the relative value is 0 dB. A twice power (P1 = 2Po) , the dB ratio is 3 db. At half-power (P1 /Po = 0.5), the dB ratio is 3 dB. (Half-power point) A percentage gain or loss can be expressed in dB. + dB = gain - dB = loss

dB Reference values dB is the ration of two power or voltage values, not an absolute unit of measurement of volt or watt. As a result of this shortcoming, several reference values are use in the industry. This means that all dB values are stated is relative to a given standard value. Using 1 mW (0.001 W) as reference: dBm = 10 log P1 P1 = 10 log 1mW 0.001

Using 1W as reference: dBW = 10 log P1 1W

Using 1 V as reference: P dBV = 10 log 1 1V Addition and subtraction of dB: 1. dB dB = dBtotal (direct addition or subtraction) example: 1. 1 dB + 2 dB = 3 dB (gain) 2. 1 dB 2dB = -1 dB (loss) 2. dB dBm = dBmtotal example: 1. 1 dB + 2 dBm = 3 dBm (gain) 2. 1 dB 2dBm = -1 dBm (loss) 3. dBm dBm = (cannot be added/subtracted directly) example: 1. 1 dBm + 2 dBm = 1 dBm = 10 log (Po/ 0.001) 1 Po =(0.001)x log-1 = 1.25 mW 10 2 dBm = 10 log (P1/ 0.001) 2 P1 =(0.001)x log-1 = 1.585 mW 10 Then add Po and P1 : Pt = 1.25 mW + 1.585 mW = 2.84 mW Use 1mW as reference: dBm = 10 log 2.84mW = 10 (0.4553) = 4.55 dBm 1mW

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