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Topic 1: It is hard imagine people can live without friends.

Many people have said that we cant live without friends. I totally agree with this point of view. There are many reasons why I support this idea. First of all, we do not live alone. As human being, we have a need in sharing our feeling both happingess and sadness. There is a saying that sorrow shared is sorrow halved, andjoy shared is joy double . This world and life will be nothing if we do not have any friends nearby.Secondly, friends can bring us joys and happiness. Friends also heip and give us good advice when we meet difficulties or problems in life. Whith friends we feel more confident in facing to challenge in life.It is ciose friends who are present in our success.Therefore friends play an important role in our life,we cant live without friends. Topic 2: what I do to help poor children No one wants to be poor, because poverty makes People suffer great misery and brings shame upon oneself. In reality, in Vietnam, there are a lot of poor and homeless children. Instead of going to school at their age, they have to earn money by selling lottery tickets, begging for something or woring in bars, innsIt is the big problem that we need the cooperation of people around the world to solve. I cant afford to organize a big program to help all of the poor children, but I try to do my best to help them .For example, when I meet a child begging for something on the street.T will give him or her some money, and buy some food for him. If I meet channcc a cain pign which appeal to somebody generosity on newspapers or TV, I will be eager to donate.Especially. I have helped the poor boy who lives near my house to give him some books and some clother in order that He could go to school.Besides, I also hold a free class so that poor children can get knowledge with out paying free to go to school. what I can do to help the poor children is very small, but I Feel happy when.I do that meaningful work.Hopping that many peple like to do something out of charity to help poor people have better life. Topic 3: what I do to keep my neighborhood clean. Nowadays environment pollution is increasing day by day due to wastes exhausted from factories , industrial zones and people who are unaware of their neighborhood in particular clean.I think that I should do the following Things. First of all,I try to keep my house clean by sweeping it every day and putting garbage in the right places.Secondly,I will callfor people in my area to make a conscious effort to keep the neighborhood hygienie by sorting garbage for reecling not throwing it.Besides,I also take part in the campaign organized by local council.For exanple grieving ness conleng was on the snees on these is mareyround my living place.

Topic 4: why many young people do not like Vietnamese films Nowadays there are a lot of Vietnamese films made to support our mental need, but we have to accept the truth that many young people do not like Vietnamese films. In my opinion, the following reason are the main causes of that condition. firstly, the contents of Vietnamese films are monotonous. They always follow the boring ways. When we are in the middle of a films we can guess the end of the film, so they cant have a good impression on viewers. Secondly, the young have a lot of opportunities to watch lots of interesting from other countries in the world through mass media, so they can compare Vietnamese films with foreign films made with modem technique and dangerous stunning scenes which are rarely seen in VN film. Besides, the way that actors and actress show in films is unnatural because they are not educated and trained well in doing art. I should think that, in order to have a good film, we must learn the advance of making films from other countries, and we should invest much more money and energy in a films.

Topic 6: Do young people today make good use of leisure time? With the development of society nowadays young people seem to be more active than they used to be.It is difficult to answer the question whether young people make good use of leisure time or not.But in my opinton,most of young people today known how to use their leisure time meaningly. Firstly,they spend their leisure time on studying about the field that they major, so that they can improve their knowledge and they can make themselves master of that domain .Secondly, they join in social activities to make friends and develop communicable skills and learn how to be confident before crowd.The last but not least, young people nowadays try to play sports because playing sports can help them become healthier.Having good health is necessary to face many problems in the rush society.It is good that young people today know how to lead their life to the right way and to develop both their body and mental. Topic 7: What I do to maintain good friendship. Friendship is really important in our life, so we should care much of our friendship.However, it is not easy to have a good friendship, but it is more difficult to keep our friendship going on.In order to maintain good friendship,I thinks I should do the following things. First of all,I certainly love and in any situation,Secondly,I try to keep a close contact with my friends by phoning or inviting them to go out for a meal or drink.Thirdly,I will help them when they meet difficult and troubles in life.There is a saying that a friend in need is a friend indeed, so everyone always needs help from their friends in hard times.Finally, I always remind me that I should not cheat my friends.We should be honest and faithful in friendship.I hope that by doing the above things we can grow friendship permanently.

Topic 5: The good and bad of using the computer. Computer are indispensable in modem society, because the help people a great deal in studying working and researening. Using computer can provide people with many advantages,they can help people do calculation more quickly and increase peoples working product.I addition,people canget a lot of useful information on line.It can be said that people around the world are linked together by computers.Furthermore, computers can be used as tools for entertairnment by listening to music,watching films playing games. Computers are also applied in many fields and with their help people can invent many useful things that support to human lives. However, everything always has two sides good and had not except computers to there are some disadvantages when using computer. For example, if we use computers so much, cur health will be affected seriously.We may be short sighted when working with computers for a long time.We are get the information from internet quickly but with a lot of information we also do not known which ininformation is good and sometimes we get much bad information such as violent and sex film which can have bad influence on our mental and children particularly To sum up,computers are necessary for curhfe,but we should use computers logically, so that they really become our useful companies in hfe .

Topic 8: How to be successful in your English learning. In modem world,English continually should its importance in linking people together and in informational communication.How to learn English successfully is not easy, in my aplation, maybe we should consider thr following things when learning English.Learning English requires you to spend a lot of time on practicing the language.You should have a tight schedule for learning four main skills.Firstly, with skill of listening,you should spend at least two hours to listen every day.You can listen to tapes on radio or TV and listen to music, The more you practice the better your listening will be.Besides, you can improve your reading skill by reading of the English materials such an magazines, books, newpapersIn addition, you should keepa diary in English, and write something about life then give your works to your friends and teachers to get useful comments or advice.Finally you should not be shy to practice speaking English at any time you can.And you should have time to join in speaking English clubs,so that you can make your speaking skill better. I hope that you can study English well when you follow some advice above Topic 9:Three immediate measures to solve the traffic problem in your city It is obviously to see that there is a lot of traffic congestion in big cities these days.However, solving this problem is not easy at all.In my opinion we have to do three immediate measures in order to solve the traffic problem in my city and in other cities as well.First of all, we should encourage people to use public transport,because public transport can carry a lot of people compared with private vehicles, so we can decrease the number of people on the streets.Secondly, the government should invest more money in widening streets, and repair sewerage systems so that we can avoid traffic jam in rainy seasons.Furthermore, the government should apportion the routs logically.Which ones should be one dimensional or two dimensional roads? Finally, some heavy vehicles should be banned going the big cities in rush hours.I assume that with three measures above, we can decrease the traffic jams in big cities.

Topic 10: Friends or family which do you think have played more important part in your life ? If I have to choose between my friends and my family,I will choose my family.There are some reasons why I choose that thought it is sometime difficult to decide. First of all,family is a place where I feel happy and relaxed when I come back after a hard day of working or studying .It is also a place where I can share happiness and sorrows, advantages or difficult.In addition, family is a place where my lovely family members live and experience the happiest moment during my life. Another reason is that friendship may be broken down but family still remains with me for good and it gives me calm and secure feelings.Family is always by me in any cases. Indeed family home is a foundation for us to grow up and it is the most valuable thing we have during our life. Topic 11: Overpopulation causes a lot of problems to social and economic evelopment.Discuss and prove the problem. Overpopulation is of serious problems in the modem world.It has been causing a lot of difficulties and social economic development. First of all, it will be very difficult for people to support a big family because there will not be enough food for all family nember and children cannot have a good education.Therefore,poor family with mane children will become a burden for society.Im general,when population is crowded, it is very difficult for the government to provide jobs for all people.So unemployment rate will be increased.Once, unemployment rate is high the economy of the Topic 12: Discuss the differences between the young people in the 70s and those al present. It is clear that generation gap always happens in any time.That is the reason why I want to point out the differences between the young people in the 70s and those al present. It can be seen clearly that the young people in the 70s seemed to be more conservative in thinking while those now are very open-mind.In addition, fashion is also difference between two generations.In the 70s,young people tended to wear traditional clothes. Mean while young of modem world wear a variety of clothes with different colors and stylar. They seen to be free in wearing. Furthermore, young people nowadays have a higher living standard than those in the 70s due to the development of society.The youth nowadays known to use modem equipment that those in the 70s had never heard before.Finally, there are still some differences in life style and habits of these 2 generations.Besides, the youth in modem life pay more attention to their entertainment in free time while there is rare in the 70s. To surnp up, when society develops,human beings also change their life and this leads to the differences between the 2 generations in the society.

Topic 13 : You dont like a certain film very much, unlike a certain friend you are taking to about it.Writer how you would explain your opinion. Last weekend my close friend and I watched a film on TV, which is considered interesting and attractive by many people.My friend liked it very much but I did not like it all.There are some reasons why I did not like that film.First of all, it was a kind of commeroeial film, which was made without a deep investment.The content of the film was very boring because it was nearly the same with other Korean films I had ever witched before.This film talked about a young girl from a poor countryside coming to a big city in order to seek a better life.She met and then loved a young man who was her boss. After that the boss loved another girl who is more beautiful.I felt that the film did not give a good lesson to me, it just only a love story that make you feel pessimistic about life.Furthrmore, the ways the actors and actresses on the film showed are not good.They expressed grudgingly, that made me feel uncomfortable. After seeing that film I think that I should not spend my time on the thing that is useless. Topic 14: It is some said that many p. would disappear if the world one language.Do you agree It is estimated that there are lot of different languages spoken in different regions around the world.I totally agree when people have said that many problems would disappear if the world speaks just one language.In my opinion,language is the mail mean for people to communicate with each other easily.As a result, many problems be eliminated due to the language barrier or misunderstanding in interpretation. Furthermore if the world uses only one language,it will be easy for people to contact with a lot of information that they cant understand when they were written in another language.The last but not least,we do not have to spend money and time on studying foreign language when we want to communicate with a person who comes from a certain country.

Topic 15: You have an accident, and are in hospital for a few days. Write a letter to your friend explaining what was happened. Dear Lan, Im writing to inform you about an unlucky thing that happened to me a few days ago.Can you guess what Im going to tell you ?I think you cant believe it.In fact,I had a serious accident and have been in hospital for a few days.But you should not worry too much about me,because Im getting over well.I hope that I will go home soon.Now,I will tell you the details of the accident.On Tuesday last week,while I was coming home from my school in stated to rain heavily.The sky was durk and that was thunder too She it was very difficult to see anything clearly.I had better stop driving my car at that time but I did not known why I tried to continue driving home.Unlucky,I crashed into another car ahead of me and made serious injured.The other driver took me to the hospital, and the doctor said that I have to stay here for a week for checking.You known I feel sad when Im here.If you have free time, can you pay a visit for me? Im looking forward to your rerponse. Topic 16:You are going to travel to Bangkok the first time.Write a letter asking for information you think you need:hotel room rate, taxi,ect. Dear marry, I have not heard from you for a long time.How are you getting on.How is your family?I have just passed a very tense studying period now Im writing to inform that I going to Bangkok next moth to get a vacation and by the way I will pay a visit you.However, you know this is the first time I go to Bangkok,so I would like to ask you some information. First of all, I want to rent to rent a hotel which may be near the beach with a beautiful sense,can you introduce me some with the room rate and their condition?I also want to know the prices in there.So that I can prepare everything needed for my vacation.Besides,I want to know about taxis and some famous places to vist. I appreciable your help and Im looking forward to your respect. Best wishes.

Topic 17: What should the young people do to get himself/herself ready for the future? When I grow up,I often worry about my future, and ask by myself the questions like What should I become? And what things can I prepare for my future? Nowadays, finding a good job is not easy at all.Because more and more people need jobs to make a living,whereas the demands of jobs are very high making you have to prepare well to get a good job.In my opirion,in order to get ready for the future you should do some following things. First of all you should study hard to gain a good education including your major, your English and the skill of using computer.With good knowledge,you will feel more coafldent in your job, and of course, you can have a job with a good salary.Besides you should learn how to have the abilitu of communication that makes you successful in your life and your career.Furthermore, you should learn how to become a good citizen, who always follows the law and how to be a helper to everyone. Hoping that the above ideas can help you be successful in your future. Topic 18: Tell some of the advantages of living in the city. Nowadays more and more people move to big cities with the hope to have a better life.There are many reasons why people choose to live in a big city.Obviously,living in a with many advantages. Sothis makes you be more active.Once,you are you can keep up with the fast speed of city life, and you will find out that life is essier.Seconly,city life is very comfortable and convenient.Because you can find anything you want in a big city if you have enough money.In addition, service in a city is side of life in the city is that you have various choices to study, because there are lots of good schools and universities here.Studying in a good school can help to accumulate irnich valuable knowledge and be successful in the future. To sum up, it obvious that city life offers a lot of advantages compared with those in the countryside.

Topic 19: What novel or short story did you read recently?What do you think about it? Recently,I read a funny story that really made me get pleasure and learn something about its idea.The story talked about a fisherman who was on the shady bank of the deep smooth river under him to fish.Many times he pulled his line in with a lot of big fat fish,but he took them off the hood and threw them back into the river.In the last time,he caught a small fish and he felt happy to put it into his basket .There was another man who went across the bridge saw the man and felt surprised.So he came close to the fisherman and asked why he had done like that.The fisherman explained that he wanted to keep only the small one,because he just had a small frying pan that fit the fish at his house.The story made me laugh a lot, and it is interesting that Ican derive from it a lesson we should be satisfied with our life.

Topic 20: You people nowadays are very ambitious,because they want to succeed in life and sain a of money. However, it is a long way to the future so it requires young people to a lot of things to get ready for the future. First of all, a good health is necessary for all people so young people must be healthy by doing exercise regularly, having a good diet and avoiding stress.Without health,young people cant achieve any of their dreams. Secondly,it is clear that learning is the barst why to reach the bright future so young people should try their best in learning and spend much time on their study, so that they accumulate much valuable knowledge both general easily.Furthermore,living in a modem life,young people have to be active so that they can adapt to fast life and high competition in society. To sum u,being healthy,active,and highly educated are necessary qualities that young people should get themselves ready for the future.

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