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Dr.K.Usharani, Asst.Professor of Commerce, Vellalar College for Women, Erode,Tamilnadu.

A.Rajeswari, Lecturer in Commerce, National Management College, Perudurai,Tamilnadu.

Consumers Behaviour and Preference towards Electrical Appliances Abstract

In past few decades, lot of changes has taken place in the electrical appliances industry and number of electrical appliances and their varieties are increasing day by day. Now-a-days no one does have to worry about their day-to-day activities in home because of technology development. Consumer durable goods include electronic equipment, home furnishings and fixtures, photographic equipment, leisure equipment and kitchen appliances. This sector has been witnessing significant growth in recent years helped by several drivers such as the emerging retail boom, real estate and housing demand, greater disposable income and an overall increase population. Apart from steady income gains, consumer financing and hire-purchase schemes have become a major driver in the consumer durables industry. Home appliances are integral to modern lifestyles and they not only save precious time but have also made life much easier and comfortable. These appliances are no longer considered luxuries but have become necessities for smooth running of the house. The Electrical Appliances Industry in India is set for sustained growth over the long term. Several Indian and MNC players are looking to strengthen their presence in India to leverage this opportunity. Success in the long-term will require firms to develop a wide and robust distribution network, differentiate their products in areas of relevance to the consumer and innovate in the areas of promotion, product financing, etc. The product and approach to market need to be customized to suit the unique needs of the Indian market.

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