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Impact Of Television
Television is the primary source of information for the community at large. Through television one can acquire knowledge, good knowledge of a scientific nature or just sheer entertainment. In this section either negative or positive effects obtained by a person when watching television.

A. The negative impact of television Than useful, television also has a negative impact for the audience, including: a) The negative impact for children Television affects children negatively. Based on scientific studies, babies who watched DVDs had lower language skills than infants who did not watch. In addition, the ability to recognize letters and numbers of children were measured at school age, children who watch television before age 3 years had lower scores than children who do not watch television before age 3 tahun.Demikian Similarly, the more children watch television before age 3 years, the higher the likelihood of attention problems at age 7 years. b) a negative impact for young Watching television is also a negative impact on adolescents, such as aggressive behavior, substance abuse, risky sexual activity, eating disorders, and decreased school performance. c) The negative impact of health The more a person watches television during childhood, the higher the likelihood to be obese as adults. Television viewing and other sedentary behaviors are also associated with an increased risk of colorectal cancer, endometrial, ovarian, and prostate and cardiovascular disease risk. 2. The positive impact of television Television also had a positive impact to human life is, can add insight or knowledge or information and can learn about the behavior of non-violence, empathy, tolerance for people of other races or ethnic groups, and respect for older people and educate Information can also be inserted in program that has a quality value.

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