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Teacher: School: Subject area: Ages of students:

Rachel Chester Prichard Reading/Language Arts 7-9

ID: Date of Observation: District: Type of classroom


For each period if any changes e.g. collaborative, accelerated, etc. For each period For each period For each period For each period

Grade level: Total number of students: Title of Lesson Plan: Title of Unit:

2nd grade

# of IEP # of 504 # of GSSP # of ELL

Web Quest Where the Wild Things Are

Connections A. Kentucky Lesson Standards: Kentucky Learner Goals & Academic Expectations (Social Studies/Science/Music): Social Studies 2.19 Students recognize and understand the relationship between people and geography and apply their knowledge in real-life situations. Science 2.3 Students identify and analyze systems and the ways their components work together or affect each other. Program of Studies: Social Studies SS-P-G-S-1 Students will develop an understanding of patterns on the Earths surface using a variety of geographic tools (e.g., maps, globes, charts, graphs): a) locate and describe familiar places at school and the community

create maps that identify the relative location of familiar places and objects (e.g., school, neighborhood)
b) c)

SC-P-UD-U-1 a) Students will understand that most living things need water, food and air, while nonliving things can continue to exist without any requirements. Core Content for Assessment: SS-EP-4.1.1 Students will use geographic tools (e.g., maps, globes, mental maps, charts, graphs) to locate and describe familiar places at home, school and the community. SC-EP-3.4.2 Students will understand that things in the environment are classified as living, nonliving and once living. Living things differ from nonliving things. Organisms are classified into groups by using various characteristics (e.g., body coverings, body structures).

Kentucky Core Academic Standards (Math/Language Arts): RI.2.4: Determine the meaning of words and phrases in a text relevant to a grade 2 topic or subject area. SL.2.1b: Build on others talk in conversations by linking their comments to the remarks of others. RI.2.1: Ask and answer such questions as who, what, when, where, why, and how to demonstrate understanding of key details in a text. RI.2.7: Explain how specific images (e.g., a diagram showing how a machine works) contribute to and clarify a text. W.2.8: Recall information from experiences or gather information provided sources to answer a question. B. Other Disciplinary Standards: T-P-RIPSI-S-R1 Students will use teacher-directed Internet sources as a resource for information. C. Statement Connecting the Standards to Your Objectives:

The above standards relate to my objectives because the students will be determining the meaning of words by filling out a word map and building on the other students remarks in their group. The students will predict what will happen in the story to contribute to understanding the text. The students will be answering the questions who, what, when, where, why, and how. The students will be classifying things from the book as living, nonliving, and once living. Also the students will be creating map of familiar places, recalling information from an experience. They will be using technology throughout the web quest. Goals, Objectives, & Essential Questions A. Broad Goal: Students will read or listen to the book Where the Wild Things Are, explore web resources, and complete activities for each day. B. Objectives: 1. Given a word map, students will be able to fill out the categories for each word in a group getting a 3 on the rubric. 2. Given pictures, students will be able to make logical predictions on what is happening in the pictures getting a 3 on the rubric. 3. Given a book and video, students will be able to recall information over the text throughout the web quest getting a 3 on the rubric. 4. Given a book and video, the students will answer the questions who, what, when, where, why, and how on the worksheet getting a 3 on the rubric. 5. Given a worksheet, students will be able to categorize things as living, nonliving, and once living and also give explanations getting a 3 on the rubric. 6. Given drawing paper, students will be able to create their own adventure, list major landmarks on their map, and include a body of water and land getting a 3 on the rubric.

C. 1. 2. 3. 4.

I Can statements I can fill out the categories for each word in a group. I can make logical predictions of pictures from the text. I can recall information throughout the text. I can answer questions who, what, when, where, why, and how on the worksheet. 5. I can categories things as living, nonliving, and once living and give explanations. 6. I can create my own adventure and include listing, a body of water and land.

Student Assessment: Procedure Number 3 4 Summative 5 6 7 3 Summative 4 Summative 5 Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How Classification Chart Map Objective Number 1 2 Type of Assessment Summative Summative Description of Assessment Word Map Predicting Adaptations and/or Accommodations Working in groups Listening to the story; able to refer back to the book Listening to the story; able to refer back to the book Practicing available Given examples

Context Lesson: 1-5 out of 5 Differentiation: A. Individual Learning Styles: Variations for: Description of Variation based on students Visual Learners Students will be able to look through the web quest, read the book, and look at examples. Auditory Learners Kinesthetic Learners Students will be able to listen to the story being read to them. Students will be able to create their own adventure

B. Multiple Learning Levels: Procedure Step

3 4 5

Blooms Taxonomy

Depth of Knowledge
1, 2 2, 3 1

6 7


2 3

D. Differentiation for students not identified. (Gifted and/or Remediation) For the gifted students they will be able to fill out the more difficult category on the word map. They also can go into depth on explaining and predicting throughout the web quest. For the lower level students, example and practice resources are available. Real-Life Connections: Throughout this web quest students will be learning about the adventure of Max. On the last day they will be creating their own adventure and applying this adventure to familiar places to them. Resources Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendack Internet resources are stated in the web quest. Technology The entire web quest is filled with the use of technology. Procedures (200 minutes total) 1. (5 min.) Introduction of the book: Where the Wild Things Are was written and illustrated by Maurice Sendak. This book was published in 1963. He first offered to illustrated books for other authors, then later began to write books himself. He has been given 6 awards and even has an elementary school named after him in California. 2. (5 min.) Introduction of the web quest: We are about to take a journey through the book. Max is going to be our guide during this book. He will help you experience the wild things by using your imagination. This journey will begin at night and you will still have your hot dinner

waiting for you when you get back. But DO NOT FORGET you must keep a journal through your adventure. 3. (45 min.) Day 1: Students will work together in a group of six. They will each be given a worksheet with a different word but the same 4 categories. Each person will fill out only one part of the worksheet that you know first and then trade with the person next to you to fill out the next part of the worksheet. You will continue to trade with those in their group till the worksheet is completed. They will fill out a different category on at least four of the six worksheets. 4. (30 min.) Day 2: Students will be using the links on the web quest to look at pictures from the text. Students give a clear description of their prediction for each picture in their composition book. They provide 3 or more sentences for each picture. 5. (40 min.) Day 3: Students will either read the book or click on the link that reads the book to them. After doing either of those, they will fill out the worksheet answering the questions who, what, where, when, why, and how. 6. (30 min.) Day 4: Students will be given a worksheet to classify things in the text as living, nonliving, and once living. They list three or more under each categories and give a sentence of a detailed explanation for each. 7. (40 min.) Day 5: The students will draw a map of an adventure. They will include bodies of water and land. They will label everything on their map.

8. (5 min.) Conclusion: CONGRATULATIONS YOU FINISHED!!! I hope you enjoyed your time on this adventure and creating your own. Even though this adventure has ended does not mean you cannot have more. Begin a new adventure today! IMPACT Prepared after the lesson is taught. Reflection/Analysis of Teaching and Learning REFINEMENT - Prepared after the lesson is taught. Lesson Extension/Follow-up

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