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9 May 1882 Punta de Gales 17 May 1882 Marseilles12 June 1882 Colombo 18 May 1882 Aden 27 May 1882
In Aden, Jose Rizal went ashore, it was hotter than Manila but what attracted him most were the camels, for it was his first time to see them. Then they went to the city of Suez, the red sea terminal of the Suez Canal. It took them five days to traverse the Suez Canal. It was again his first time traversing through the canal, which was constructed by Ferdinand de Lesseps (French diplomat-engineer) and inaugurated on November 17, 1869. They also had a stop over at Port Said, the Mediterranean terminal of the Suez Canal. He was fascinated to hear the multi-racial speaking inhabitants.

City of Naples 11 June 1882

This was the first European ground he set foot on On June 11, Jose Rizal reached Naples, an Italian City, where the castle Mount Vosuving of St. Telmo is located. On the night of June 12, the streamer docked at French harbor of Marcilles. He stayed at the place for two and a half days. He visited the chateau dIf where Dantes, character of his favorite novel The Count of Monte Cristo was imprisoned.

Barcelona, spain 16 June 1882

Jose Rizal was not impressed to Barcelona, the greatest City of Barcelona, second largest city of Spain. At first, he considered the place dirty, ugly an inhospitable residents. He happened to stay at a dingy inn situated in the towns most unfavorable side. Later, he changes his bad impression and came to like the city. It was a city with an atmosphere of liberalism and freedom, and its people were openhearted, hospitable, and courageous. He loved visiting Las Ramblas, the famous street in Barcelona. He was welcome by friends with a party at their favorite caf in Plaza de Cataluna.

Madrid, Spain 2 September 1882 Alhambra 16 January 1883

Paris 17 June 1883

During his first summer vacation in Madrid Rizal went to Paris sojourning in this gay capital of France from June 17, to August 20, 1883. Unlike ordinary tourist whose main interest in visiting countries is to see a beautiful sight to enjoy themselves in clubs and theater and o shop in souvenir items, Rizal improved his mind by observing closely the French way of life and spending many hours at the museums notably the world famous louvre; the botanical garden especially the Luxembourg the libraries and art galleries and the hospitals including the Laenec Hospital where he observed Dr. Nicaise treating his patients and the Lariboisiere Hospital, where he observed the examination of different diseases of women

Back in Madrid 20 August 1883

Because of the treaty of commerce being negotiated between Spain and United States and the plan of England to enter into the said treaty, Rizal predicted the fate of the Philippine sugar. He said it would turn from bad to worse. June 25, 1884. The banquet on the evening of June 25, 1884 was sponsored by the Filipino community to celebrate the double victory of the Filipino artist in the National Exposition of Fine arts in Madrid. Speaking in sonorous Castilian, Rizal held his audience spell bound. He saluted Luna and Hidalgo as the two glories of Spain and the Philippines whose artistic achievements transcended geographical frontiers and racial origin for genius. He also assailed with refine sarcasm the bigotry andblindness of a certain unworthy Spaniards. The magnificent speech of Rizal was greeted with wild ovations for seldom did the Spaniards hear such an oration from the lips of the brown Filipino which was in almost peerless in nobility of thought in Spain rhetoric in sincerity of feeling and in sonorous eloquence On November 20, 21, and 22, 1884, the serene city of Madrid exploded in bloody riots by the students of Central University. Rizal and other Filipino student participated together with Cuban, Mexican, Peruvian, and Spanish student in thetumult. This student demonstration was caused by the address of Dr. MiguelMorayta, profess or of history at the opening ceremony of the academic year on November 20, in which he proclaimed the freedom of science and the teacher. Such a liberal view was condemned by the catholic bishops of Spain who promptlyexcommunicated Dr. Morayta and those who applauded his speech. Theappointment of the new Rector intensified the fury of the student demonstrator. More student demonstration convulsed the city. Recounting the tumultuous rioting to his family in a letter dated November 26, 1884 19 June 1885 Rizal finished the degree in Licentiate in Philosophy and Letters with grade sobresaliente from the Central Universidad of Madrid.

Paris 19 November 1885 Strasburg, Germany 2 February 1886

Heidelberg, Germany 3 February 1886

22 April 1886 While in Heidelberg experiencing the feeling of nostalgia for his parents and his country, Rizal wrote the poem "A Las Flores de Heidelberg."

Wilhelmsfeld, Germany 26 April 1886

Dr. Jose Rizal studied the German country life and practiced speaking good German.

Heidelberg, Germany 26 June 1886

Dr. Jose Rizal became a member of the Chess Club Germany. From Heidelberg, he sent a book on arithmetic written in Spanish and in Tagalog to Prof. Ferdinant Blumentritt. He also witnessed the fifth centenary celebration of the University of Heidelberg.

Bonn Coblents 12 August 1886 Ehrenfels, Germany. 13 August 1886 Leipzig, Germany 15 August 1886
Dr. Jose Rizal taught Prof. Blumentritt Tagalog. He witnessed the feast of the Sedan, visited a beer manufacturing company, and got acquainted with Dr. Hans Meyer, author of an encyclopedic dictionary in German.

Dresden, Germany 29 October 1886 Berlin, Germany 1 November 1886

Dr, Jose Rizal was admitted to the Real Biblioteca de Berlin to do some research work. He did some outline of the Teruray dialect spoken in Mindanao, taught Maximo Viola the German language, translated the book of Waitz, and became a member of the Ethnographic Society of Berlin.

Leitmeritz, Bohemia 13 May 1887 Brunn 19 May 1887


20-24 May 1887

Munich, Germany 26-30 May 1887 Stuttgart, Germany 31 May, 1887 Basel, Switzerland Geneva, Switzerland. 6 June 1887
Here Rizal expressed his feeling against the exhibition of the Igorots in Madrid side by side with the animals and plants. In a letter to Blumentritt, he wished the Igorots would die immediately to avoid further sufferings.

Rome, Italy 27 June 1887 Marseilles, France 2 July 1887 Port Said, Egypt. 8 July 1887 Colombo, Ceylon 21 July 1887 Singapore. 27 July 1887 Saigon 30 July 1887 Manila 5 August 1887
30 August 1887 He left Calamba for Manila to see Governor-General on the issue of the Noli Me Tangere which caused torment among the friars in the Philippines. Governor-General Terrero asked him for a copy and Rizal, after a few days looking for copy, handed him a worn out one. On the same date, the Calustro Universitario formed by the Rector of Santo Thomas upon the order of the Archbishop of Manila, issued an order prohibiting the possession and reading of the Noli Me Tangere.

29 December 1887 The Permanent Board Of Censure headed by Fr. Salvador Font issued a judgment absolutely prohibiting the circulation of the Noli Me Tangere in the Philppines. Upon the recommendation of the Governor-General, Father Font said: "Aside of attacking so directly, as you have seen your Excellency, the Religion of the state, institutions and respectable persons for their official character, the book is replete of foreign teachings and doctrines; and the general synthesis of the same is to inspire among the loyal and submissive sons of Spain in these distant islands, profound,and furious hate to the mother country"

Hong Kong 8 February 1888 Japan 28 February 1888 America

Rizals Impression Of America Rizal had good and bad impression of the United State. The first good impression were the material progress of the country as shown in the great cities, huge farms, flourish industries, and busy factories; second is the drive energy of the American people; third is the natural beauty of the land; forth is the high standard of living; and last is the opportunities for better life offered to poor immigrants. One bad impression Rizal had of America was the lack of racial equality. There existed racial prejudice which was inconsistent with the principle of democracy and freedom of which the Americans talk so much but do not practice. Thus he wrote to Ponce: They do not have true civil liberty. In some states the Negro cannot marry a White women, nor a White man a Negress. Hatred against the Chinese leads to difficulty for other Asiatics who, like the Japanese, are mistaken for Chinese by the ignorant, and therefore being dislike, too.

San Francisco, California. 28 April 1888 / Chicago 11 May 1888

After this experience, Rizal warned that America was not hospitable to Filipinos: Ill not advise anyone to make this trip to America, for here they are crazy about quarantine, they have severe customs inspection, imposing [duties] on anything. After seven days in quarantine, Rizal was finally allowed to set foot in San Francisco, where he made a point of taking a room at the very prestigious and expensive Palace Hotel. A few days later, Rizal went by ferry to the inland Port of Stockton where he would board a train for Sacramento, and then went on to Reno, Salt Lake City, Chicago, and New York City. On his train ride across America, Rizal realized the enormous wealth, power and imperialistic ambitions of America. In his essay The Philippine Century, he predicted that American expansionism would extend across the Pacific to as far away as the Philippines. Ten years later, on May 1, 1898, Rizals nightmare became a reality when Commodore George Dewey and the U.S. Navys Third Asiatic Squadron steamed into Manila Bay and obliterated an antiquated Spanish naval fleet.

Liverpool, England 16-24 May 1888

To improve the his knowledge of the English Language2) To study and annotate Morgas Sucesosde Las Islas Filipinas London was a safe place for him to carryon his fight against Spanish Tyranny

London 2 June 1888 Paris 4 September 1888 Back in London 19 September 1888 Back in Spain 13 December 1888 Back in London 24 December 1888
28 December 1888 In a letter, he requested Fernando Canon to be the interpreter of his (Rizals) sentiments on the December 31st gathering among the Filipino in Madrid. - In a letter, Rizal requested Ponce to publish the manuscript of the "La Vision de Fr. Rodriguez", about 3,000 to 4,000 copies, and for its expenses, to utilize the money earned for selling copies of the Noli.

Back in Paris 19 March 1889

23 May 1889 Rizals brother-in-law, Mariano Herbosa, died of cholera, together with Isidoro Alcala, both from Calamba. Herbosa was not buried in the holy ground but on the hill (Lecheria) outside Calamba, causing Rizal to publish in the La Solidaridad the biting article entitled "Una Profanacion" on July 31, 1889.

Back in London 6 January 1890 Back in Paris 8 January 1890

Brussels, Belgium 2 February 1890

18 July 1890 Rizal received from Mariano Ponce, who was in Barcelona, 125 francs. The money arrived at a time when Rizal had just one franc left in his pocket for his existence in Brussels. He planned to go to Madrid. In a letter he promised to Marcelo H. del Pilar that the was leaving Brussels before the end of the month. He wanted to present before the Supreme Court in Madrid the lawsuit against the friars of Calamba.

Back in Madrid 15 August 1890 Biarritz, France 11 February 1891

29 March 1891 He finished writing his book El Filibusterismo. He planned, however, of revising some chapters.

Back in Paris, France 4 April 1891 Brussels, Belgium 8 April 1891 Ghent, Belgium
18 September 1891 The Fili came off the press and Rizal sent to Hong Kong two copies: one for Jose Ma. Basa and the other for Sixto Lopez. 22 September 1891 He sent one copy of his El Filibusterismo to Marcelo H. del Pilar. He informed the latter at the same time that he was completely retiring from politics since he said he was going home. Likewise, he sent a copy to Antonio M. Regidor, one of his countrymen living in London. He planned of writing the third novel during his travel back home. He wanted to write about the customs and usages of the Filipinos in a humorous and satirical style.

3 October 1891 From Paris, Rizal sent a letter with 600 copies of the El Filibusterismo, to Jose Ma. Basa in Hongkong saying that he was definitely taking the next trip of the Melbourne for Hongkong from Marseilles.

Hong Kong 19 November 1891

1 December 1891 He asked permission from his parents to join them in Manila in their sacrifices and at the same time, encouraged them to have a little endurance. He said: " I have learned of the exile of four townmates to Jolo and of the return of my brother to Manila. I have also learned that mother, Pangoy and Trining, have been summoned again by the civil government. I am burning with desire to embrace you. Patience, a little patience! Courage!" 6 December 1891 Francisco Mercado, Paciano and his brother-in-law, Silvestre Ubaldo, escaped from the Philippines to avoid persecution, and arrived at Hong Kong to join him.

Borneo Back in Hong Kong 11 March 1892

21 June 1892 He wrote to Governor-General Despujol advising the latter of his arrival to the Philippines to take the few things of the family. Rizal was in Hongkong at this time, about to depart for the Philippines. He informed the Governor-General of his arrival in the Philippines ready to face whatever charges presented against him.

Philippines 26 June 1892

he arrived at Manila from his trip to Central Luzon. 28 June 1892 A Don Ricardo Carnicero, on August 26, 1892, on the occasion of the Captain's birthday. Rizal Challenges a Frenchman to a Duel. While Rizal was still debating with Father Pastells by means of exchange of letters, he became involved in a quarrel with a French acquaintance in Dapitan, Mr. Juan Lardet, a businessman. This man purchased many logs from the lands of Rizal. It so happened that some of the logs were of poor quality.
Lardet, in a letter written to Antonio Miranda, a Dapitan merchant and friend of Rizal, expressed his disgust with the business deal and stated that "if he (Rizal - Z) were a truthful man, he would have told me that the lumber not included in the account were bad. Miranda indiscreetly forwarded Lardet's letter to Rizal. One of the hero's weaknesses, it should be noted was his sensitivity. When he read Lardet's letter, he flared up in anger, regarding the Frenchman's unsavory comment as an affront to his integrity. Immediately, he confronted Lardet and challenged him to a duel. When the commandant heard of the incident, Carnicero told the Frenchman to apologize rather than accept the challenge. "My friend, you have not a Chinaman's chance in a fight with Rizal on a field of honor. Rizal is an expert in martial arts, particularly in fencing and pistol shooting."

Heeding the commandant's advice, Lardet wrote to Rizal in French, dated Dapitan, March 30, 1893, apologizing for the insulting comment. Rizal, as a gentleman and well-versed in pundonor (Hispanic chivalric code) accepted the apology, and good relations between him and the Frenchman were restored.

Rizal and Father Sanchez. Father Pastells, aside from his personal efforts to persuade Rizal to discard his "errors of religion," instructed two Jesuits in Mindanao - Father Obach, cura of Dapitan, and Father Jose Villaclara, cura of Dipolog - to try their best to bring back Rizal within the Catholic fold. Furthermore, he assigned Father Francisco de Paula Sanchez, Rizal's favorite teacher at the Ateneo de Manila, to Dapitan. Father Sanchez, since Rizal's days at the Ateneo, had spent three years in Europe and returned to Manila in 1881 to resume teaching at the Ateneo and to head its museum. He was the only Spanish priest to defend Rizal's Noli Me Tangere in public.

Immediately, upon his arrival in Dapitan, Father Sanchez lost no time in meeting his former favorite student. Of all the Jesuits, he was the most beloved and esteemed by Rizal. Almost daily they carried theological arguments in a friendly manner. But all efforts of Sanchez were in vain. For once, his former beloved teacher could not convince Rizal. Rizal's Encounter with the Friar's Spy. The truth came out during this investigation. The real name of "Pablo Mercado" was Florencio Namanan. He was a native of Cagayan de Misamis, single and about 30 years old. He was hired by the Recollect friars to a secret mission in Dapitan - to introduce himself to Rizal as a friend and relative, to spy on Rizal's activities, and to filch certain letters and writings of Rizal, which might incriminate him in the revolutionary movement. Strangely, Commandant Sitges suddenly quashed the investigation and released the spy. He promptly forwarded the transcripts of the investigation together with his official report to Governor General Blanco who, in turn, kept these documents as highly confidential. Rizal, who was surprised at the turn of events, requested for a copy of the proceedings of the investigation, but Sitges denied his request. As now declassified and preserved at the Biblioteca Nacional in Madrid, these documents contain certain mysterious deletions.
In August 1893 his mother and sister (Maria) arrived in Dapitan and lived with him for one year and a half. He operated on his mother's right eye. The operation was successful, but Doa Teodora, ignoring her son's instructions, removed the bandages from her eyes, thereby causing the wound to be infected. Thus Rizal told Hidalgo, his brother-in-law: "Now I understand very well why a physician should not treat the members of his family." Fortunately, the infection was arrested so that Doa Teodora's sight, thanks to her son's ophthalmic prowess, was fully restored. Rizal's fame as a physician, particularly as an eye specialist, spread far and wide. He had many patients who came from different parts of the Philippines - from Luzon, Bohol, Cebu, Panay, Negros, and Mindanao - and even from Hong Kong. A rich Filipino patient, Don Ignacio Tumarong, was able to see again because of Rizal's ophthalmic skill; and highly gratified by the restoration of his sight, he paid PHP3,000. Another rich patient, an Englishman, paid P500. Don Florencio Azacarraga, a rich hacendero of Aklan, was also cured of eye ailment, and paid Rizal a cargo of sugar.

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