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Name_____________________________ Period____ Date____________

Directions: Read pgs 44 58 (the end of Autumn) and answer the following questions in paragraph format (6-8 complete sentences) on this sheetuse the backside if you need additional space. To answer some of these questions you may need to review previous sections of Autumn. Due at the end of the period!
Much of the novel serves as an archaeology of the factors that contribute to a girl's powerlessness. To what extent does the novel present glimmers of alternate forms of community, friendship, or perceptions of popular culture that might help the characters resist the problems they face? How are these bonds nourished, cut short, or made problematic in the novel? What do you make of this?

How does the novel illustrate the effects of popular culture on the characters in the novel? How does it affect their perceptions of themselves and each other?

Are there any ways in which you see characters resisting or eschewing the sense of beauty put out by pop culture? Does resistance to popular culture sometimes generate new problems for these characters? Why or why not?

How does the imagery that the narrator uses to describe the Breedloves home give us insight to their lives? Do you notice this kind of descriptive technique elsewhere?

What do we make of Morrison's depiction of Poland, China, and Maginot Line? Do they seem to have a different attitude about themselves than other people? Are they wholly unlikable as characters? Why or why not?

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