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The foreign exchange position shall be considered open if assets in a certain foreign currency are not equal to liabilities

in the respective foreign currency. The value of the open foreign exchange position represents the difference between the amount of assets in a certain foreign currency and the amount of liabilities in the respective currency. The open foreign exchange position is long if the sum of assets exceeds the sum of liabilities in the respective foreign currency. The open foreign exchange position is short if the sum of liabilities exceeds the sum of assets in the respective foreign currency. 1) foreign exchange assets, include: a) on balance sheet asset; and b) off balance sheet or contingent assets including outstanding FX purchases, and other off-balance-sheet assets.


foreign exchange liabilities, include: a) on balance-sheet foreign exchange liabilities; and b) off balance sheet or contingent liabilities: outstanding FX sales in foreign currency, and other foreign currency off-balance-sheet liabilities.

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