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MARSIKA SEPYANDA-1103743 Advisor: 1. Prof. Dr. H. Mukhaiyar 2. Dr. Kusni, M.Pd.

Title: The Effect of Open-Ended and Closed-Ended Questions on Students Writing Ability in Developing Ideas at SMA N 1 Sungai Lasi

Background Senior High school students usually have difficulties in writing, especially in developing ideas. Teachers only explained to the students how to make a good writing by theory without giving an example how to produce a good written text Questioning skills are used to identify the issues that are important to the person being appraised. Open-ended and closed-ended questions are two types of questions that can be used in implementing questioning skills.

Review of Related Literature Concept of writing Concept of teaching writing Concept of questioning skills Types of questions

Research Method Experimental research: control group and 2 experimental groups Population: the second year students of SMA Negeri 1 Sungai Lasi Sample: cluster sampling Instruments: writing test, interview

MARSIKA SEPYANDA-1103743 Advisor: 1. Prof. Dr. H. Mukhaiyar 2. Dr. Kusni, M.Pd.

Title: The Implementation of Questioning Skills as Self-Assessment in Writing Process at SMA N 1 Sungai Lasi Background Senior High school students usually find difficulties in writing, especially in the process. Teachers usually expect the good product without consider the process of writing itself. Questioning skills are usually used by the teacher to explore the students knowledge. Questioning skills can be apllied in writing process as self-assessment for the students.

Review of Related Literature Concept of writing Concept of writing process Concept of self-assessment Concept of questioning skills Types of questions

Research Method Experimental research: control group and experimental group Population: the second year students of SMA Negeri 1 Sungai Lasi Sample: cluster sampling Instruments: writing test, interview

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