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Freeze-Drying o Orally D of Disintegra ating Tablets

Present by Ulrike Pohl ted
PhD student at the D e Friedrich-Alexan F nder-University of Erlangen y Join Ulrike an SP Scientific for this month's LyoLearn webinar as nd w we discuss themanufacturing of orally disin ntegrating table (ODTs) ets by lyophilizati and the inc ion corporation of a non water-so oluble drug delivery system. Sessions will be held May 30, 2012 at 9 am a 12 pm EST (NY) and T

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Joi us for o Handsin our -On Freeze e Drying Trainin ng

The only course of its k y kind has now b been expanded to 4 d days! Learn about all aspect of the develo ts oping freeze dr rying cyc and then pu your knowled to work in cle ut dge th laboratory. he


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