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Twenty Minutes to Discover Your Life Goals

Its a snowy day, three days after Christmas, and one is reflecting on the year that has been. One recalls a list of life goals one had made a year ago from today. One come across the page titled My List of Life Goals, and think how many one has accomplished out of the hundred or so one has written down. Much to ones surprise, 7 of those goals have actually been met. Its astonishing how writing these things down can have such a significant impact. How this list can actually coach one through life in endeavours such as wealth building. How things that seem improbable can actually be achieved in time periods as short as months, even without intentionally pursuing them. What more had these goals been given attention and detail - for instance if one had developed the habit of checking the list every 30 days or so. One would be surprised to discover the following things: When one has can see clearly ones goals in life, one becomes a magnet attracting those things desired in ones life Writing the list is itself an act of clarity. One cannot write down a vague concept. Acquiring a journal for this list is the most effective way to measure results and to mentor the mind.

Ones unconscious mind is mentored by such lists that when such thoughts are established, the lists act as coaches that help find ways to accomplish the tasks. The mind is like a bulb whose switch needs to be flipped for it to turn on. Ones life goals are to be the things to turn on this light by being mentors and coaches to your mind. How does one decide then to build this list? All one needs is 30 minutes. 1. Think in terms of what one wants, as opposed to thinking what one doesnt want. Follow these steps: a. Get a piece of paper and fold vertical with the crease running through the center b. Write I dont want in the left column and I want on the right c. Fill in both columns d. Cut the paper along the crease, then throw away the I dont want column. Allow the I want column to coach one through ones endeavours in life be they wealth building, relationship building, skill building etc. From this point one shall only be guided by the things one wants in life. The I dont want column could look something like this: 1. I don't want a girlfriend that uses me. 2. I don't want to work hard for someone.

3. 4. 5. 6.

I don't want to be broke. I don't want to be average. I don't want to be fat. I don't want to live in the city anymore.

The I want column would on the other read something like this:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

I want a girlfriend who is fun, loving, loyal, and lives in the same city as me. I want to own my own business. I want to be financially free and secure. I want to make an impact in this world. I want to weigh 195 lbs and have a flat stomach. I want to live in the city of Boston.

The list can be as long as desired. The list is meant to mentor ones attitude in terms of think what one wants instead of what one doesnt want. The second step to take is to make a more specific list of ones goals. 2. What does one want to do, have and be? These are things one might ask on a regular basis. One would always being doing something, would want to have something, or be someone. Here are the answers to those queries in order of importance: Pick up the text editor and journal of choice and write on the top I want to Be... Type number 1 on the next line, the number 2 on the next line, until the number 15. Think of 15 specific things that one would want to be. For example, one who undertakes wealth building, teaching, travelling the possibilities are endless. Under the 15th item, write I want to Do, and like the one above right down the top 15 things one would want to do before one passes. Under the 15th item of this section, come up with the I want to Have and list down 15 items as well.

Once one is done writing or printing the list, one is to categorize the items into groups of 5 and label the groups as A, B and C with being the most important and C as the least important. Each category will have 3 groups of 5. Write A next to 5 most important items, B next to 5 next important items, then C next to the least important items. 3. It is now finally time to create the list of life goals. The number of life goals one wants to have is entirely up to ones own discretion. The number should not be overwhelmingly large so they the goals are realizable. On a separate sheet, list down all those marked A according to importance under numbers 1-15 with 1 being the most important. All items marked B should be ranked as well in order of importance from 16-30 and continue on to all items marked C under numbers 31-45.

Addition or removal of goals is allowed as long as it is within in the number of life goals one is expected to accomplish. Presented here then is a systematized method of determining life goals. So that whatever purpose one might have in life be it to endeavour in wealth building, teaching, travelling, etc., one is guide and rooted with concrete and direct goals for a future of wealth and success.

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