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Deveepria [Opposing ] Do NOT agree that Punishment by death is the answer to stop all crimes

Tutorial 2

1. It seems unfair that the poorer ones tend to be the ones who are sentenced to death compared to the richer ones. The death penalty isn't reserved for the worst crimes, but for defendants with the worst lawyers. It doesn't apply to people with money. Practically everyone sentenced to death had to rely on an overworked public defender. How many people with money have been executed??

2. It might be unfair to the victims family, but how about the family of the murderer? What would happen to them if at all the person sentenced is the sole breadwinner of his/her family? So as much as it is unfair to the victims family, it is equally unfair to the convicts family as well.

Yap Yuarn Leong [Opposing ] Do NOT agree that Punishment by death is the answer to stop all crimes 1. The death penalty doesn't keep us safer. Homicide rates for states that use the death penalty are consistently higher than for those that dont. The most recent FBI data confirms this. For people without a conscience, fear of being caught is the best deterrent.

Deveepria & Yap Yuarn Leong [Opposing Team]

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