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The meals


Le repas Le petit djeuner Le djeuner Le goter Le dner Le souper L'entre Le plat principale Le salade Le dsert Le plat


The meal The Breakfast The Lunch The Snack The Dinner The Soup (light evening soup) The appertiser The main course The salade The desert The dish

Table items


L'assiette L'argenterie La bouteille Le bol La carte La carte des vins Le couvert Le couteau La cuillre La fourchette Le menu La nappe La table Le verre


The plate Silverware The bottle The bowl The menu The wine menu The cutlery The knife The spoon The fork The menu The table cloth The table The glass

Le petit djeuner


Le biscuit Le caf Le caf au lait Les crales (la) Le chocolat chaud La confiture Le croissant Le jus de fruits Le lait Le miel Le pain / la baguette Le pain aux rasins La tartine


The biscuit The coffee The milk coffee The cereals The hot chocolate The jam The croissant The fruit juice The milk The honey The bread / French loaf The bread (with raisins) Slice of bread with butter

Le th Le yaourt

The tea The yogurt

A typical French breakfast is a light meal, generally coffee and bread or the traditional Croissant which is a creant shaped pastry.

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