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is very important to know someone to listen and talk when you need.

to make yourself be heard must first learn to listen. if youlisten, you know what they speak better than not talking at all to talk nonsense.

some standards that goods must meet to be exported customs duties existence of a contract with a foreign partenener

introduce electronic border control

compare imports to exports

in two months human resources activity took place as agreedat the beginning of the year meeting of the company. there were no major problems regarding the work performed by staff. the only problem about it are the relationships between employees. They are unhappy that some employeesreceive more days of leave per year than others and therefore fights occur between them. also some of them areunhappy with how the teams are divided. to solve theseproblems that could harm the company's activity over the future, I propose that all employees receive equal days ofvacation and giving it a new division of tasks compartments.

Proper attire, decent, convenient

ce are eticheta pe ruta implica? o tinuta adecvata, decenta, comoda clasa business sfat

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