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Icebreakers and Energizers

1.EXPLAIN WHY ENERGIZERS AND ICE BREAKERS ARE IMPORTANT FOR SS Why are they important? We must be sentitive to our students needs, that also means that we have top ay attention to the mood and the energy of the class. If you notice theyre very auiet and not very energetic you can use energizers to refresh the mood and motivate students, For our students, to have new and different activities everyday, helps them to feel intrested in going to their clases to learn and also have fun. Icebreaker: an icebreaker helps to clear the way for learning to occur by making the learners more comfortable and encouraging conversation. Specifically, an icebreaker is an activity designed to help people to get to know each other and usually involves sharing names and other background information. These activities may be used at the beginning of each course to bring the group together and begin work on a positive note. Energizer: are fun activities that get students up, out of their desks and moving around for 1-2 minutes before getting back to work. You can use them in transition times, to break up a long lesson or after a test.

2.ASK THEM TO SHARE AN EXPERIENCE 3.PRESENT A COUPLE OF ENERGIZERS I use this as an ice breaker for basic and intemediate levels. Describe me Give each ss a sheet of paper, ask them to write each letter of their names in line, as a list, paste the sheet of paper with masking tape on their backs, all the students have to write an adjective with the letters of their names, after, students have to read their lists, ask them NOT to be mean. This activity es very useful because they remember vocabulary and the have fun writing in their backs a they can remember their names. Two Truths & A Lie To allow participants to get to know and appreciate one another better, through discovering both common and unique interests and experiences. To help level the playing

field within a group through making human connections that arent related to either organizational or power structures. To help people begin to be more comfortable talking and listening with one another. Group Size: This activity can be done with a group of any sizeTime Required: Each person will take about 3-5 minutesMaterials: NonePhysical Setting/Location: This activity can be done either inside or outside standing up or sitting down. Instructions: 1. Tell participants that they must introduce themselves to the group, coming up with two true statements/facts about themselves and one lie. 2. Ask for a volunteer to start with their two truths and a lie have them share all three with the group. 3. Whoever guesses the correct lie, will go next. 4. Some participants may want to expand on their truth statements, depending upon how elaborate they are!

These are energizers you can use with any level you have. Human knot. In a circle, people put their arms in and hold someone else's hand, then try to unravel the knot without letting go of hands. Involves getting physically close to others, stretching, laughing and problem solving. Gotcha! Fast-moving 5 min. group activity to get people together and focused. In a circle, right finger on next person's left palm. Try to grab a finger before yours gets grabbed. Pin-pan-cakes In a circle students put their right and over the left and of the ss by their side, and their left hand under the right hand of th other student by their side. The teacher starts, clap th ess hand and say pin the next ss claps the other ss hand and say pan, the next one does the same but says cakes and the next student has to say a category -according to their level- (colors, food, countries, movie, etc), and the have to say word related to the category, if one of the ss takes more tan 3 secocnds to answer they lose, yo can ask a question about the lesson or let other ss ask him or her the question they want.


Icebreakers and Energizers



Two Truths & A Lie

Two Truths & A Lie

Two Truths & A Lie

Two Truths & A Lie

Two Truths & A Lie Two Truths & A Lie

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