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The Red Scare of 1920

-A time of public unease after World War I caused by a fear of anarchists, immigrants and communists

Strikes and Bombs:

-Seattle docks were idled by a strike in January and U.S. Marines were sent in response to a plea from the mayor. - Boston was briefly paralyzed by a police strike in September; looting and theft were rampant. -Steelworkers seeking an eight-hour day struck in the fall, slowing the return of the nations economy to normal functioning and by the end of the strike almost 400,000 coal workers had walked off their jobs. -At the same time, homemade bombs were becoming more frequent in attempting to kill various Americans of the U.S government.

Palmer Raids:
A. Mitchell Palmer was the American Attorney General in 1920 He was known as the fighting Quaker Infamously known for his various raids across the country in attempt to rid America of Communism. Overall, 4,000 people were arrested in 33 cities with no solid evidence regarding their arrest.

Sacco and Vanzetti:

Prominent victims of the Red Scare Two italian immigrants who were accused of killing two men and stealing $16,000 from a shoe factory Were sentenced to death on Aug. 22, 1920. Many Americans believed that the two men were accused because of their ethinic background and the fact that they were anarchists. As a protest to their execution over 200,000 workers walked off their jobs.

Increasing Racial Tension:

African Americans faced much discrimination during the Red Scare alongside of the communists. Race riots began to occur across the U.S One of the Worst race riots occurred in Chicago, Illinois and resulted in the death of 23 blacks, 15 whites, and 500 injred people. Pathway for the creation of the Ku- Klux Klan.

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