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4th grade Supply List 2012-2013

3 one-subject notebooks 1 composition notebooks for Science (no spiral notebook) 1 3-ring binder 2 packs of college-ruled paper 1 clipboard 1 pair of scissors 2 glue sticks 1 box of colored pencils, crayons, and/or markers 1 highlighter (any color) Pack of #2 pencils (can be mechanical) 2 packs of plain, yellow Post-it notes 1 pack of erasable pens 2 boxes of tissue *Chairback Buddy- This is a pouch that goes over the back of a students chair so that they can keep their supplies in it. This has been helpful for many students since we use tables instead of desks in fourth grade. The Teach Me store sells them for $12.95. They come in blue and yellow or blue and red. (This is NOT required) You can call them to see if they have them in stock at 919-872-2747. Wish List -Antibacterial wipes (Clorox, Lysol, etc.) -Items for Class Treasure Box/Auction: pencils, pens, markers, highlighters, notepads, small toys, crossword puzzle books, games, etc. The $1 area at Target usually has some great stuff for the treasure box. -Expo Markers -White copy paper -Gift cards to Target or Wal-mart for treasure box stuff

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