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Caribbean Landscape Conservation Cooperative

Providing conservation science for an uncertain future

Date: Thursday, June 14th 2012 Hour: 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm Location: Conference room of the International Institute of Tropical
Forestry of the US-Forest Service, Jardn Botnico Sur, Rio Piedras, P.R.

2:30Welcome-introductions: Landscape Conservation Cooperative National Network, the Climate Science Centers and the Caribbean LCCWilliam Gould 3: 15Open discussion: Comments, questions 3: 45Workshop: Identifying Open house/Cooperative participants Who do you represent? How do you identify yourself as a potential CLCC partner?

Advisory capacityScience, management, planning, information delivery Science providerAcademic, government, private, agency, organization, individual Science userManager, educator, decision maker, researcher Working group leader or member: Themes wildlife, cultural resources, working
lands and agriculture, landscapes, seascapes, ecosystem services, climate change, making


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